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How are you voting this Thursday?

Doc Holliday

How are you voting this Thursday?  

217 members have voted

  1. 1. Which party will get your vote?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • UKIP
    • Lib Dem
    • Plaid Cymru
    • SNP
    • Independent (Please state)
    • Not voting (Please give reason for not voting)
    • Other (Please state)
    • Green

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@clakk -no tax in Saudi. But why am I still on Saudi? I'll tell you. It's because Teresa May made my family statelesss when she slipped through legislation (without a Commons vote) that makes it necessary for me to put up a £63,000 bond before I can bring my family back to the UK. My kids can trace an unbroken Scottish lineage going back to the 1700s; they're native speakers; they play rugby and are proud to wear the jersey, but because their mother isn't an EU citizen they're being forced to grow up in Saudi because their father can't both tie up £63,000 in a government and buy a house in the UK simultaneously which I have to do to bring the complete family back to the UK.


For years I paid taxes in the UK. In my whole life, I never took one penny in benefits of any kind. The state didn't even my for my education. But I go abroad to work for 5 years, get married, and then all of a sudden Theresa May tells me I'm exiled umless I want to split my family.


The Conservative MP I wrote to (he used to be my flatmate at university) wrote back and told me that I was 'collateral damage' of legislation brought in to stop people from the Indian subcontinent using British citizenship in dowry negotiation. Like that has anything to do with me.


It's a hell of a thing not not to have a home, and as far as I'm concerned, I've been betrayed by my owm government. I'm not naturally Labour - why would I be - but it was the Conservatives, and specifically Theresa May, who has trapped me and my family in Saudi.


I would vote Labour (if I had a vote) because a Labour government is the only way I'll ever get my family out of the Middle East and home. There a lots of things I might not agree with Corbyn about, but he strikes me as a fundamentally decent human being. Can't say the same about May, Johnson, et al.


Where is your wife from? If you all want to be together why don't you move to where she is from?

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For those still sitting on the fence - Diane has shown true leadership qualities at last:-



I was just about to mention this. She is an absolute joke. Scary to think she could be in charge of uk security by friday!!

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Sorry to hear about your situation Retsdon but i would still vote against Liebour as Motty said the Tories are turning around the economy and trying to control immigration whatever you think of them .I am an ethnic minority at work 60 brits over 400 eastern european,s so sorry but i want my country back for my children and grand children .

I work in a place that prefers immigrants over uk residents and thats wrong ,what chance has any of my grandkids got of finding a job if the unqualified visa scheme comes back under Liebour and the spend spend spend lunacy that brought austerity in after Liebour got kicked out


I hear you. I'd have voted out. I have mates who are tradesmen who have to compete for jobs in their own country. And as for the young boys coming on, forget it. Who bothers to take on apprentices when they can hire skilled men ready trained from Eastern Europe? Again, it's one of these political betrayals of ordinary people that seems to be the norm these days.


But the Tories are not your friends unless you're rich. And Starmer is a far, far more competent person to head up the Brexit negotiations than Davis -who's patently out of his depth and likely to see the UK with tbe worst of all possible deals.


But whatever...

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The greens for me is a protest vote, your voting but supporting no one.


No, it says that you are supporting the Greens. They will feed on that and claim support for the nutcase policies. The only way to register a protest is to spoil your paper.

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Where is your wife from? If you all want to be together why don't you move to where she is from?


She's from Myanmar. I can't work in Myanmar. That's why we're in Saudi. And anyway, why can't my own children, who can visit their great-great-great grandfather's grave in Caithness and all the generations in between, grow up in my own country?


I don't just want to 'be together'. I want my boys to fish, shoot, go crabbing, and play rugby. I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone ***.

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She's from Myanmar. I can't work in Myanmar. That's why we're in Saudi. And anyway, why can't my own children, who can visit their great-great-great grandfather's grave in Caithness and all the generations in between, grow up in my own country?


I don't just want to 'be together'. I want my boys to fish, shoot, go crabbing, and play rugby. I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone ***.

They're allowed to, you just have to do it by the same rules as anyone else.

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She's from Myanmar. I can't work in Myanmar. That's why we're in Saudi. And anyway, why can't my own children, who can visit their great-great-great grandfather's grave in Caithness and all the generations in between, grow up in my own country?


I don't just want to 'be together'. I want my boys to fish, shoot, go crabbing, and play rugby. I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone ***.


The £63k is a bond - so you get it back?


Getting married, not moving to your wife's place of birth, having children in Saudi, spending £12k a year on educating your children in English (and not otherwise accruing for the £63k bond which you will get back) errr all your choice.


I don't blame the government for being fat; I had the choice not to have those extra cream cakes :lol:

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She's from Myanmar. I can't work in Myanmar. That's why we're in Saudi. And anyway, why can't my own children, who can visit their great-great-great grandfather's grave in Caithness and all the generations in between, grow up in my own country?


I don't just want to 'be together'. I want my boys to fish, shoot, go crabbing, and play rugby. I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone ***.



And you've been living in Saudi tax free for 10 years according to one of your other posts. Yes still haven't saved up £63K. Jesus you must have expensive tastes.

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The £63k is a bond - so you get it back?


Getting married, not moving to your wife's place of birth, having children in Saudi, spending £12k a year on educating your children in English (and not otherwise accruing for the £63k bond which you will get back) errr all your choice.


I don't blame the government for being fat; I had the choice not to have those extra cream cakes :lol:



It's cause and effect. Bit like some posts - people should think before they act, rather than moan later.

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Tory. as the libour party don't live in the real world spend, spend, spend tax, tax, tax & these thicko's cant under stand if we tax big companies to the hilt they will just up & leave. So less job's less tax being paid in more benefits paid out less trade so even less money so more cut's or more borrowing.

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Diane Abbott is an out and out racist. People like her who use the racism card at every opportunity are an insult to anyone who is overtly opposed to racism in all it's forms. I've only voted labour once and that was when it was Blair vs Major but never again. Corbyn doesn't have a prayer. Chaka Amunna was a very close call. He is one of the very few politicians who seems to have a bit of integrity. I think if he had stayed the course for the labour leadership, they would be in a very different position to where they are now.


As much as I would like to vote Tory I can't help but feel they will sell us down the river so it's UKIP for me. They are only party to follow through on what they say they will do. May has changed her mind a number of times already and that tells me she doesn't have it in her to do what needs to be done.


Lib dems are a complete non-starter for me, as are the rest.

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Diane Abbott is an out and out racist. People like her who use the racism card at every opportunity are an insult to anyone who is overtly opposed to racism in all it's forms. I've only voted labour once and that was when it was Blair vs Major but never again. Corbyn doesn't have a prayer. Chaka Amunna was a very close call. He is one of the very few politicians who seems to have a bit of integrity. I think if he had stayed the course for the labour leadership, they would be in a very different position to where they are now.


As much as I would like to vote Tory I can't help but feel they will sell us down the river so it's UKIP for me. They are only party to follow through on what they say they will do. May has changed her mind a number of times already and that tells me she doesn't have it in her to do what needs to be done.


Lib dems are a complete non-starter for me, as are the rest.


When Diane Abbott starts her job as The Home Sec'...she will have to deal with the "Burka issue".....MP's will present to move a motion that Diane Abbott must wear one at all times...........

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The vote for Diane Abbott,s Burka you forget to mention she has to wear it back to front as well so she doesnt scare small children whilst mumbling rubbish in answer to reporter,s questions



it has been reported (maybe fake news...but seems logical) that Rent-o-kill are using pictures of her to frighten rats away....

Edited by ditchman
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Diane Abbott is an out and out racist. People like her who use the racism card at every opportunity are an insult to anyone who is overtly opposed to racism in all it's forms. I've only voted labour once and that was when it was Blair vs Major but never again. Corbyn doesn't have a prayer. Chaka Amunna was a very close call. He is one of the very few politicians who seems to have a bit of integrity. I think if he had stayed the course for the labour leadership, they would be in a very different position to where they are now.


As much as I would like to vote Tory I can't help but feel they will sell us down the river so it's UKIP for me. They are only party to follow through on what they say they will do. May has changed her mind a number of times already and that tells me she doesn't have it in her to do what needs to be done.


Lib dems are a complete non-starter for me, as are the rest.


Your free to vote how you want and I voted UKIP last time round but if you vote UKIP you are just leaving the door open for Corbyn and that would truly be a disaster on every front. I agree UKIP have the best policies for me also but I will be holding my nose and voting for May despite not trusting her to deliver a meaningful Brexit but she really is the only hope we have.

Edited by JRDS
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When Diane Abbott starts her job as The Home Sec'...she will have to deal with the "Burka issue".....MP's will present to move a motion that Diane Abbott must wear one at all times...........





The vote for Diane Abbott,s Burka you forget to mention she has to wear it back to front as well so she doesnt scare small children whilst mumbling rubbish in answer to reporter,s questions


it has been reported (maybe fake news...but seems logical) that Rent-o-kill are using pictures of her to frighten rats away....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Your freedom to vote how you want and I voted UKIP last time round but if you vote UKIP you are just leaving the door open for Corbyn and that would truly be a disaster on every front. I agree UKIP have the best policies for me also but I will be holding my nose and voting for May despite not trusting her to deliver a meaningful Brexit but she really is the only hope we have.

I agree anything but 'Conservative', just strengthens Labour

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Our Conservative MP is pretty much useless as a constituency MP owing to his parliamentary role so I thought I'd vote for a local independent. Picked one and on arriving at the Polling Station there was one of her minions (spotted as she was wearing a rosette with the candidates name and colours - which actually, I believe is illegal) doing an exit poll - so asked what was her candidate's view on blood (worded on purpose) sports. Against. Now I have a problem so went in and picked another independent at random, having no idea who he was.

I am now in rather a select group of people who have actually voted for the original monster raving loony:



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