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Ian Botham to feed the poor with game birds

Me matt

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Great Idea!! But have they got their facts right???


"500,000 free meals each year by donating 10,000 game birds" This equals 50 meals per bird (unless Jesus is the chef?)

10,000, I think he was just his contribution? It says "joining wealthy landowners and shooting enthusiasts in an effort to provide 50,000 meals each year"

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Possibly, but i read it as the total amount?? If it does imply, as you state, then it is not worded very well.


"The charitable scheme will see the former England cricket captain team up with wealthy landowners and shooting enthusiasts to provide 500,000 free meals each year by donating 10,000 game birds."

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Game dealers and the supermarkets will be the key elements in this equation.


Many shooting men and country dwelling families do not eat game so it will be doubly difficult to encourage others who do not have access to pheasants and partridges at the moment to change their eating habits even if it is free.

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I suppose giving them to needy people is an alternative to virtually giving them to the game dealers? It may well force the future price of pheasant up? Let's face it, if the game dealers won't pay a reasonable amount, the shoots may as well give their surplus away in order to feed people and at the same time get some positive publicity for shooting!


It could well be a win win scenario for shooting, I can't really see a negative angle for the antis to latch on to?

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I suppose giving them to needy people is an alternative to virtually giving them to the game dealers? It may well force the future price of pheasant up? Let's face it, if the game dealers won't pay a reasonable amount, the shoots may as well give their surplus away in order to feed people and at the same time get some positive publicity for shooting!


It could well be a win win scenario for shooting, I can't really see a negative angle for the antis to latch on to?

Spot on- my thoughts exactly.

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If they can dress it up as stuff that people will eat they will eat it. There's no point trying to feed the great unwashed classic game dishes they just won't eat it. We eat a lot of game at home and I get the step daughter to eat a lot of it. She is FUSSY! Generally a big fan of bland plain beige food and strangely chilli. She will eat rabbit, hare, pheasant, venison etc but I have to dress it up in a way that her tiny little brain associates with 'normal' food. Her favourite would be rabbit pie which she likes because it's pretty much a chicken and mushroom pie but with rabbit and a touch of chilli. Sell it cheap and make it the sort of stuff they want to eat such as lasagnes, chillis and pies and they will buy it.

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Not being funny, but why should/would people not eat it? If someone who is genuine struggling to feed themselves, turns it down, then they deserve to be hungry. Beggars can't be choosers!

By the way, I would happily donate pigeons/ducks/geese to the needy, if it were made easy for me to do so.

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Not being funny, but why should/would people not eat it? If someone who is genuine struggling to feed themselves, turns it down, then they deserve to be hungry. Beggars can't be choosers!


By the way, I would happily donate pigeons/ducks/geese to the needy, if it were made easy for me to do so.

Sadly there are elemnts of the uniformed public who wont eat rabbit "coz its cruel" but happily tuck into farm foods chicken nuggets.

There are genuine starving across the world who wouldnt be so choosy.

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I think that's the issue,I've gave rabbits away at work but they had to be dresses,same with pigeon and pheasant.Took mackerel in last week but they wouldn't of took it if it hadn't been fillets.Its so easy these days to pierce a ready made meal several times and ping it in a microwave.Fresh mackerel fir me today took 4 minutes to cook & cought last night.


Edited by Davyo
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Remember the horse meat saga? The people that were buying the Tesco Value lasagnes are the people that this sort of thing will/should be marketed at. The trouble with these people is they only eat what they know. Chicken nuggets, lasagne/bolognaise ready meals, turkey twizzlers mainly cheap nasty food you wouldn't feed to your dog filled with salt and sugar. They incinerated all of the 'contaminated' horsey ready meals, if they had knocked 50p off the price of them and put a sign up saying May contain traces of Shergar the people would still have bought them. They don't care what the eat as long as what they're eating is what they know if that makes sense. Sell them a pheasant Pukka pie or Pheasant nuggets and they'll fly off the shelves but try selling them a classical game dish and they'll turn their nose up at it.

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Remember the horse meat saga? The people that were buying the Tesco Value lasagnes are the people that this sort of thing will/should be marketed at. The trouble with these people is they only eat what they know. Chicken nuggets, lasagne/bolognaise ready meals, turkey twizzlers mainly cheap nasty food you wouldn't feed to your dog filled with salt and sugar. They incinerated all of the 'contaminated' horsey ready meals, if they had knocked 50p off the price of them and put a sign up saying May contain traces of Shergar the people would still have bought them. They don't care what the eat as long as what they're eating is what they know if that makes sense. Sell them a pheasant Pukka pie or Pheasant nuggets and they'll fly off the shelves but try selling them a classical game dish and they'll turn their nose up at it.

Exactly this! I nipped to the local convenience store this evening and the two very large "masculine" ladies in front of me had an armful of reduced pizzas at £1 each, 6 boxes of chocolate fingers, 2 bottles of prosecco and they then gleefully announced they could now afford 6 scratchcards because they had saved on their food bill!

By masculine I mean the smaller one had short hair, tattoos, a gruff voice and looked like a white Mike Tyson. The big one wasn't as feminine.

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Remember the horse meat saga? The people that were buying the Tesco Value lasagnes are the people that this sort of thing will/should be marketed at. The trouble with these people is they only eat what they know. Chicken nuggets, lasagne/bolognaise ready meals, turkey twizzlers mainly cheap nasty food you wouldn't feed to your dog filled with salt and sugar. They incinerated all of the 'contaminated' horsey ready meals, if they had knocked 50p off the price of them and put a sign up saying May contain traces of Shergar the people would still have bought them. They don't care what the eat as long as what they're eating is what they know if that makes sense. Sell them a pheasant Pukka pie or Pheasant nuggets and they'll fly off the shelves but try selling them a classical game dish and they'll turn their nose up at it.


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