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Simple pleasures....


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Pocket money. 6d. Saturday morning pictures and a 1/4 lb of aniseed balls and you're nigh on brassic. But help was at hand in the form of the army. One of my playgrounds was Woodbury Common and as we lived at the higher side of town even if the wind was in the wrong direction you could still see the thunderflashes go off. First thing next morning it was on your bike laden down with back packs, side packs and any other ex WD packs you'd managed to acquire. Knew the place like the back of my hand so was aware of where the Bren Gunners had been placed so it didn't take too long to fill said packs, strap them on the bike anywhere you could and yourself and free wheel all the way back into town. Talk about overloaded, there was no way with the weight you could stop if anything got in your way. Naturally, every other kid was at it so it paid not to be too greedy, making sure you were the first to get to the scrappy as once he twigged what was coming the price of 303 cases fell considerably.

That sounds great, can't imagine that happening these days, kids running around on an army base, probably think you were terrorists 😄

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days of innocence indeed when I was 11 I was shipped out to my relatives in Camberley in surrey that was when it was all woods and a council estate and army grounds me and my cousins climbed over the fence and used the army grounds as a playground I found a bullet belt full of unused bullets and wore it round my shoulder like a true Mexican bandit I was so upset when I went home with it showed my dad and he was fine with it took it out all proud and thinking I was the local hard gangster only to be pulled up by the local plod taken home given a rucking in front of my dad by plod and then a clip round the ear for being stupid when they went needless to say they took the ammo good times eh ha ha and don't even get me started on the soap box carts we made with pram wheels

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I wonder if there are still 'seasons' in school? I don't remember the order, but I do remember there were defined periods for various activities. Marbles which everyone played in the playground until the bell went, then there was a Conker season obviously. Cigarette cards seemed to involve a period of a few weeks trading then that would fade and blowing small pieces of chewed blotting paper through a school milk straw became the rage.

British Bulldog season was usually stopped before any fatalities, but whacking each other with school scarves tightly twisted into weapons was popular during winter terms. :)

Edited by tetlee
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No one has mentioned bangers :) Holding a match tight to the head so you could light it whilst riding your bike.

Putting them in milk bottles or clay and chucking them in the pond.


Making the jenie that struggled to light until you put a pile of match heads on it and took your eyebrows.

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bangers ha ha that was another October fun start making your guy pestering everyone at the station coming home from work penny for the guy mate as soon as you had your swag buying bangers and jumping jax the jumping jax normaly got thrown at the girls when they were all in a group sending them scattering and in tears and the bangers got lit and put in a hand made gun( piece of copper pipe bent like an elbow ? light put in flame first and aim it at yer mate band and laugh

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I had one of those action man copies and yes it was called Tommy Gunn I think. He was exactly the same size so the equipment and clothes could be interchanged. Remember the Action Man parachute with long ripcord so you could throw it high in the air (or drop it off of a building) and pull the cord. Never really worked. Or the deep sea diving outfit with the rubber tube you could blow down to make bubbles when in the bath!


I had loads of Action Man stuff. Always wanted one of the tanks though but never got one.


There is a toy museum near me. Haven't been for years but will try to go again soon.

Tommy !!!!


I knew I wasn't dreaming it. Yes I had a parachute and your right it never worked, not when I chucked it down the stairs anyway 😁

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use to put an old hardback (dandy or beano Xmas addition) on an old rollerskate.Sit on it and race down the old Colliery back streets.Then moved up to a Bogie,big pram wheels on the back and little wheels on the front.Got blasted off me dad for overtaking him in his old Wolsley & then crashing into old Mrs Palister.

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Tape a six inch length of copper pipe to the end of your air-rifle barrel, put a pellet up the spout, load the tube with a lit banger, aim at a 45 degree elevation in the general direction of one's younger brother, count to three and pull the trigger


Perfection was an air-burst a couple of feet away from him. Even better was bracketing him with quick succession shots.


Dear heavens, the stuff we used to do and surprisingly survived

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Lived in a Colliery,and leading up to bonfire night we used to build a bonnie.They was the Easties,Westies,Southies and the Northies (I was a Northie).We used to go raid each other's bonnies,a raiding party would go out and we'd leave a few behind to guard our Bonnie while we where away.

Word used to go around school that one of the gangs was planning a raid that night.We'd lie in wait with a load of old tyres from the quarry and out catapults.When they approached we'd bool the tyres over the hill and rain stones down on them with our gats.We'd be shouting "ziga zaga ziga zaga hoy hoy hoy" "you'll never take our bonnie"

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