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50 cal Ban


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6 minutes ago, MartynGT4 said:

Get a grip for goodness sake.

223/5.56mm, 308/7.62mm and even .303 British all have military uses (although not ours) but not exclusively! Are you really suggesting that anything used by the military should not have a civilian use as well? By your logic we should stop shooting foxes with .223 and deer with .308! The fact you don't partake in extreme long distance target shooting doesn't give you the right to throw those that do under the bus!

Well sad mate

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I was beginning to think it was just me. 

I understand that we may all have a difference of opinion, but for someone on a shooting forum that agrees with a ban of a caliber that they neither own or have little idea of its use, or for that matter little idea of anything shooting related just baffles the hell out of me. 

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4 minutes ago, Dougy said:

I was beginning to think it was just me. 

I understand that we may all have a difference of opinion, but for someone on a shooting forum that agrees with a ban of a caliber that they neither own or have little idea of its use, or for that matter little idea of anything shooting related just baffles the hell out of me. 

There's going to come that point where whether you use a cheap Chinese springer for plinking in the garden or a high end 50bmg for long range stuff or any of the many disciplines In between this is going to affect us all. 

Let's face it at the minute the pressure isn't horrendous, and it's only going to get worse. 

Now it looks as though we are dividing from within, I dread to think what the future holds for us as a community. 

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The problem with the people who really drive support the restriction of anything is that it is made to sound reasonable. But it always the thin end of the wedge stuff that is ultimately  driven by a totallian end game objective.  Most  reasonable people are baffled by the USA gun laws. However I can understand the stance of the NRA in the USA. Reasonable restriction ultimately becomes a blanket ban on everything. 

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7 hours ago, Seadog1408 said:

Enjoying the sport of target shooting.

Why do you want to see them banned?

It’s a outlier calibre because it has no practical purpose outside of the military. All of the other calibres have an application in the field and so can be defended from the antis.

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18 minutes ago, DC177 said:

It’s a outlier calibre because it has no practical purpose outside of the military. All of the other calibres have an application in the field and so can be defended from the antis.

I just don't understand those who are of the mindset that their particular chosen shooting sport is impervious to meddling from antis. Short memories? 

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19 minutes ago, DC177 said:

It’s a outlier calibre because it has no practical purpose outside of the military. All of the other calibres have an application in the field and so can be defended from the antis.

So as Scully asked, you don't see target shooting as a sport?  in witch case no need for black powder pistols or should it be that target shooting shouldn't be a good reason to get your fac at all or a sgc if you are only going to shoot at clay pigeons!

Do you really think that if a ban on one will not lead to bans on other/ after all it is already happening!

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8 minutes ago, Scully said:

I just don't understand those who are of the mindset that their particular chosen shooting sport is impervious to meddling from antis. Short memories? 

Must be that they think " if I'm good and don't make waves and support every thing they want then the anits will not want to ban me, so sod anyone that doesn't do what I do"

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11 hours ago, DC177 said:

Come back with a genuine justification for civilian use of 50 cal. So far not seen it.

Shooting them is fun?

In the grand scheme of things there are a handful of these licenced in the UK, can someone tell me how many have ever been stolen or how many people have been injured or killed by them?

If the answer is zero then there is practically zero risk to negate in banning them.


Edited by Muddy Funker
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12 hours ago, DC177 said:

Come back with a genuine justification for civilian use of 50 cal. So far not seen it.

you my friend and others like you are a typical example of why we will continue to be shafted over gun ownership in this country.

the" i'm allright jack " attitude that makes it so easy for them.

trust me having been shafted twice allready with the semi auto & pistol ban  this proposed 50 cal ban is just another stripe off the shirt .

don't think for one minute that if they push this ban thru  everything else will be left alone.





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49 minutes ago, Muddy Funker said:

Shooting them is fun?

In the grand scheme of things there are a handful of these licenced in the UK, can someone tell me how many have ever been stolen or how many people have been injured or killed by them?

If the answer is zero then there is practically zero risk to negate in banning them.


yep real rifle of choice to go on the rampage with ,really portable with nice light ammo.


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18 hours ago, Muddy Funker said:

Shooting them is fun?

In the grand scheme of things there are a handful of these licenced in the UK, can someone tell me how many have ever been stolen or how many people have been injured or killed by them?

If the answer is zero then there is practically zero risk to negate in banning them.


According to the amendment tabled there have never been any crimes committed with a .50 in this country so this is not related to public safety in any way and purely a political point

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Always thought a gun is a gun no matter what cal, size is not really important. when bans take place all the bad stuff rolls downhill, next will be you dont need 308 for 1,000 yrd shooting just scale it down & use a .22 airgun , we should be like the yanks fight all restrictions because they tend to become bans.


worreying :no:


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On 24/10/2018 at 18:02, Guest said:

It’s a outlier calibre because it has no practical purpose outside of the military. All of the other calibres have an application in the field and so can be defended from the antis.

The first .50BMG rifle was built in1982 as a civilian target rifle. The first military user was Sweden in 1989.

Here is the first ever .50BMG rifle being held by it's designer a Mr Ronnie Barrett.


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Unfortunately these Idiots are given a platform to preach from, but as already mentioned we have our own stupid people within our ranks, videoing kills and taking pictures and seeing some of the dangerous shots taken all recorded for the powers to see, it's only a matter of time before rifles are banned, we should stop glorifying kills, how many times do you see a picture of a Fox being shot with the shooter holding Rifle with his thumb up. it makes me cringe and i go out shooting Foxes with the best of them but each kill is just a memory to me not a picture to show everyone how clever i am, if i feel this way about it, how do you think the anti's feel, it's just all ammunition for our down fall.

I don't want to see a ban on the .50 cal and i have lobbied my Mp and i suggest everyone does the same because this is the thin end of a very large wedge, so we should all take a bit more responsibility of how we portray ourselves. i have anti's in my family and i have told them to stop reading rubbish on Facebook and all the other media based sites put a pair of Wellies on and come out and find out for yourselves what really goes on, but it's difficult when they show you the pictures they have seen of Foxes being shot and its clearly wounded and not dead and needs a 2nd shot to sort it, we've all done it but taking pictures and glorifying it is hard to defend.

We know the majority of shooters are good law abiding people that would go out of there way to help and advise people, but if we want to be seen in a good light we need to get our own house in order first and take responsibility  as a group.

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On ‎31‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 11:29, Kev1gun said:

Unfortunately these Idiots are given a platform to preach from, but as already mentioned we have our own stupid people within our ranks, videoing kills and taking pictures and seeing some of the dangerous shots taken all recorded for the powers to see, it's only a matter of time before rifles are banned, we should stop glorifying kills, how many times do you see a picture of a Fox being shot with the shooter holding Rifle with his thumb up. it makes me cringe and i go out shooting Foxes with the best of them but each kill is just a memory to me not a picture to show everyone how clever i am, if i feel this way about it, how do you think the anti's feel, it's just all ammunition for our down fall.

I don't want to see a ban on the .50 cal and i have lobbied my Mp and i suggest everyone does the same because this is the thin end of a very large wedge, so we should all take a bit more responsibility of how we portray ourselves. i have anti's in my family and i have told them to stop reading rubbish on Facebook and all the other media based sites put a pair of Wellies on and come out and find out for yourselves what really goes on, but it's difficult when they show you the pictures they have seen of Foxes being shot and its clearly wounded and not dead and needs a 2nd shot to sort it, we've all done it but taking pictures and glorifying it is hard to defend.

We know the majority of shooters are good law abiding people that would go out of there way to help and advise people, but if we want to be seen in a good light we need to get our own house in order first and take responsibility  as a group.

What is wrong with a few photos? We don't need to hide or be ashamed of what we do.

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Nothing Motty, but you and I are Shooters, not everybody is, it's just my opinion that we don't do ourselves any favours sometimes. I watched a video on Facebook not to long ago where this guy had taken a shot at a Fox with a thermal scope at an esimated 400+ yards according to his rangefinder, the shot wasn't on in my opinion he took it anyway hit the Fox didn't kill it and couldn't get a follow up shot in either, then to put it up in public for all to see doesn't show us in a good light But that's my opinion, i think we need to be careful what's put up that's all. 

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