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Possible ammunition malfunction

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I was out this morning at the gun club, using my Browning Maxus 12g S/A with Gamebore 28gm Evo cartridges.

It was from a fresh slab and nonoe of the other 49 cartridges fired displayed the same problem.

When i fired the cartridge, what appeared to be muzzle blast exited from the ejection port!

Anyone ever experienced this and what could be the cause?

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On occasion a self loader can fire out of battery meaning it is not fully locked up when the cartridge is fired . Give it a good clean and check that the rod that sits over the magazine tube is working the bolt fully backwards and forwards locking the bolt into the barrel chamber . Check this by removing the fore end and racking the timing rod back wards and forewords to see if the bolt closes tightly in the barrel chamber . If not a trip to your local Smith .




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Had this a couple of times when using my Webley 810 a few weeks back. Can't remember if it was Gamebore or Express that did it. A quick google suggests that it's actually pretty normal. No excess oil, barrel was clear etc. Was fairly low light which perhaps made it more obvious. Having not previously used a semi auto, the first time it did that was a bit of a shock! 

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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

Think yourself lucky- I’m a southpaw 🙂

Using a right handed semi


I shoot a right handed ejector left handed (right handed but left eye dominant) and it can be somewhat disconcerting when you get a big flash !
Its never had me eyebrows yet , but theres time yet 😄


1 hour ago, oowee said:

I see it every time I fire a shot in the dark. Does it not always happen? I thought it was just more difficult to see in the day the same as muzzle flash?

Fire most semi autos at night, shotgun or rimfire and you ll see a little bit of flame out the port.

Like I say , fairly common on colder days, something to do with the way colder powders burn.

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