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DISAPPOINTMENT,new 12g hushpower moderator problems


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Hi all, just invested 210 pounds in a new Hushpower 12g sound moderator for my Beretta Urika 2, after much research on Utube and elsewhere I thought this would be the answer for me, some good shooting permission but very close to houses and chicken sheds, so noise was the problem.

The Saddle and Gun Room (Hushpower ) supplied the extended choke and fitted the moderator ready to just screw in and get shooting, advise was to use sub-sonic cartridges to get quietest noise levels, so I also purchased a slab of Eley sub's in fibre wad 28 gm 7-1/2,

Today I set up on the field and got ready for some good sport, but it was not to be, first shot the cartridge case jammed in the breech, after digging it out I checked the gun for free movement and cleanliness, no problems there, so reloaded and tried again, next shot same result, bolt was pulling the case back about 3/4 of its length and stopping, A sharp pull on the bolt and out it came sliding in the next cartridge, 3rd shot was just the same result, 

My conclusion is that the load power is way too low to activate the mechanism correctly, a simple test with a normal clear pigeon confirmed the cycling was working normally, so now I have a very costly sound moderator designed for use with sub sonic's but a gun that is unable to cycle these cartridges, future tests will be made with some other cartridges to try to find one that will cycle but give me some noise reduction, any suggestions will be welcomed, meanwhile the pigeons go on clearing the rape undisturbed, ****** ****** ** *******!!!!!!

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They use the term subsonic to sell these carts .but really they should just be advertised as low powder ,low speed ,dont kill very well carts. 

In a normal 1300 fps cart , the pellets are gonna be going sub sonic after 20 yds anyway. 

And you hardley get any sonic crack off such a tiny projectile as a no 6 pellet .

Edited by Ultrastu
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Everyone I spoke to were sure there would not be a problem with sub's but it was the exact opposite , not one single test shot has cycled yet, I have cleaned the gas port and oiled the whole mechanism but its no better.without the moderator  I use clear pigeon normally, they are either 1400 or 1450 fps but perhaps it would be better with a slower load, I will have to try a few out, thanks for your comments,:yahoo:

Edited by lakeside1000
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16 hours ago, lakeside1000 said:

Hi all, just invested 210 pounds in a new Hushpower 12g sound moderator for my Beretta Urika 2, after much research on Utube and elsewhere I thought this would be the answer for me, some good shooting permission but very close to houses and chicken sheds, so noise was the problem.

The Saddle and Gun Room (Hushpower ) supplied the extended choke and fitted the moderator ready to just screw in and get shooting, advise was to use sub-sonic cartridges to get quietest noise levels, so I also purchased a slab of Eley sub's in fibre wad 28 gm 7-1/2,

Today I set up on the field and got ready for some good sport, but it was not to be, first shot the cartridge case jammed in the breech, after digging it out I checked the gun for free movement and cleanliness, no problems there, so reloaded and tried again, next shot same result, bolt was pulling the case back about 3/4 of its length and stopping, A sharp pull on the bolt and out it came sliding in the next cartridge, 3rd shot was just the same result, 

My conclusion is that the load power is way too low to activate the mechanism correctly, a simple test with a normal clear pigeon confirmed the cycling was working normally, so now I have a very costly sound moderator designed for use with sub sonic's but a gun that is unable to cycle these cartridges, future tests will be made with some other cartridges to try to find one that will cycle but give me some noise reduction, any suggestions will be welcomed, meanwhile the pigeons go on clearing the rape undisturbed, ****** ****** ** *******!!!!!!

Clearly the problem here isnt the moderator or even the gun .

Its the weak loaded carts .

The carts wont cycle your semi auto with or without the moderator  screwed on the end. 

Take the carts back and swap em for a normal load and enjoy your shooting( without ear defenders ) 

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11 minutes ago, figgy said:

Is the Beretta urika2 a 3 1/2"gun if so it's asking too much to cycle subs.

If you get a lightweight Semi auto they will cycle lower lowered carts. You can sometimes buy lower rated springs to shoot lighter carts.

No, the Urika 2 is 3" chambered, I think Ultrstu hit the nail ,these cartridges feel very light, and the bolt seems to struggle to pull back which I'm sure is down to lack of power, with the clear pigeon the bolt moves back like lightening and has never missed a reload.Anyway I rang the shop and they are happy to swap the subs for something else, 

Hushpower recommend fibre wad as bits of plastic can get hung up in the moderator if you use plastics, So it looks l;ike that will be my best option.

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14 hours ago, snow white said:

When i was looking for a silenced auto i was told thay don't make them because of the recycling.

So i brought a pump up had no trouble with it and its had a few 100 cartridges through it.

I have been checking Utube and it looks like all the videos of silenced 12g are indeed pump's, they have a square moderator which screws in to the choke mount on the Mossberg pump very similar to the Hushpower one I bought, provided the pump is a multichoke.

I did own a mossberg pump in the 70's but had a lot of problems with the eject clips letting go of the cartridge case leaving it still jammed in the chamber, the gun shop couldn't fix it so I traded it , I know they are a lot better now and I may consider getting one as a second gun so I can use the moderator with subs, but for the moment I will have to carry on with what I have.  

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You need to have a mate shoot your gun for you with a few different carts .subs .med and high velocity stuff .

Stand 50 yds away and see if you can tell the difference .

Then try 100 yds and i will bet my bottom you cant. 

Ps i shoot paswads through my .410 hush with no issues .

But fibre is better if you can get em .

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As above the difference at 50 yards is hardly noticeable.... stood my mate 50 yards from me and fired 10 shots with two subs and asked him to tell me which ones were the subs .....he couldnt tell the difference

,y mate has a Remington semi hush power in 20    It’s inertia and won’t cycle subs or slower cartridges but he uses the faster ones and it cycles fine



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I feel safe in saying it is CERTAINLY the cartridges. I used to do the clayshooting stand at a Corporate Event site, near Lancaster. As a local had complained about the noise (sometimes over 1000 cartridges a day) the site Owner had decided to get subsonics, on the advice of his cartridge supplier.  I had one of the hardest days ever. My 391 would not cycle the subsonics, but it was twice as difficult to get a beginner hitting the simple 'hang in the air' incomer. I was getting the shooter to pull the trigger, go and have a coffee, THEN come back and watch the clay break,....................................well almost  !  I had to operate the bolt after EVERY shot too.  Towards the end of the session, I would hold a mini 'Comp' with the shooter firing 2 shots 'on report', of course that was impossible. I got the organizer to return the last 250 cartridges and we went back to the usual 24 gram stuff. So, I can safely say that the 391 does NOT like Eley subsonics.

I have seen 2 Beretta 391's fitted with a full length silencer, used by a 'You Tube' pigeon shooter  !  I know he is not using 'subs' though.

Edited by Westley
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I have one of these on  a Browning Maxus 3.5 inch. It works really well with 28gm subs (homeloads) and standard 28gm fibre wads (Fiocchi) so as recommended above I would try some different cartridges.  I find this moderator really good when shooting pigeons near to built-up areas and much better to handle than my previous silenced Mossberg which was too "barrel heavy"

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