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45 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

As far as I can tell the most vociferous remoaners are only worried about one thing and that is their seat on the gravy train.

It would appear so; it makes one wonder why we were ever given the option to vote to leave doesn't it? 🙂

If airbus want out then let them go; businesses shouldn't be allowed to hold the process to ransom. Bye. 

4 minutes ago, mick miller said:

I'll place my bet now. But this time next week no deal will be of the table, this will spell the end of the Brexit many hoped for. 

I genuinely can't see us leaving, and will be very surprised if we do; it will only enforce my convictions about politicians if we don't. 

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49 minutes ago, mick miller said:

I'll place my bet now. But this time next week no deal will be of the table, this will spell the end of the Brexit many hoped for. 

Possibly the end of the Brexit we hoped for, and the beginning of a long campaign to punish those who stole our democratic vote!  Anyone on the Remoan side who thinks this is going to blow over, and that we will accept another 45 years under the EU thumb, is going to be very sadly mistaken! This will end the career of quite a few pro-Remoan MPS......................Soubry will be the first one to go!

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3 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

If airbus want to leave in a wto exit that's up to them, would I change my vote in another referendum? Absolutely not! And neither would anyone else I know. 

It's about so much more than WTO. Trade arrangements? Tax? Vat? Research? IP? All of these things and so much more if you want to see what no deal means take a read through the pages of guidance notes. Companies will have to prepare and the notes are not complete. If it happens they will implement in a vacuum and then reverse it all when a deal is made. If it does not happen they have still had to prep. It's thousands of companies trying to do that in response to thousands of pages of notes that are not complete. 


All of it avoidable if the administration had got is act together. The Tory Government is responsible for this mess. 

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3 minutes ago, oowee said:

It's about so much more than WTO. Trade arrangements? Tax? Vat? Research? IP? All of these things and so much more if you want to see what no deal means take a read through the pages of guidance notes. Companies will have to prepare and the notes are not complete. If it happens they will implement in a vacuum and then reverse it all when a deal is made. If it does not happen they have still had to prep. It's thousands of companies trying to do that in response to thousands of pages of notes that are not complete. 


All of it avoidable if the administration had got is act together. The Tory Government is responsible for this mess. 


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26 minutes ago, oowee said:


All of it avoidable if the administration had got is act together. The Tory Government is responsible for this mess. 

I couldn't agree with you more, if the government had set its stall out immediately with the EU and told them we wanted a free trade deal or we'd leave completely under wto terms and actually prepared for it, we wouldn't be in this mess, or a laughing stock for the rest of the world. The remoaners in power have a lot to answer for. I genuinely feel the best that can happen now is we just leave on the 29th of March, but I don't expect that to happen for a minute, there's simply too many remaniacs in power. 

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1 hour ago, oowee said:

It's about so much more than WTO. Trade arrangements? Tax? Vat? Research? IP? All of these things and so much more if you want to see what no deal means take a read through the pages of guidance notes. Companies will have to prepare and the notes are not complete. If it happens they will implement in a vacuum and then reverse it all when a deal is made. If it does not happen they have still had to prep. It's thousands of companies trying to do that in response to thousands of pages of notes that are not complete. 


All of it avoidable if the administration had got is act together. The Tory Government is responsible for this mess. 

No, not just the Tories !!! Labour are also to blame, plus the traitors Grieve, Soubry etc. And the George Soros puppets like Gina Miller...........all to blame! I think you are just blaming the Tories because they gave a democratic referendum in the first place!

1 hour ago, Retsdon said:


What a plonker!

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The Tories are in power and their fantasists in the corner have not allowed the process to develop in a business like manner. Forget remoaners and fantasists we should have first agreed what it is we wanted and our agreed negotiating position what ever it was. With a small or non existent majority they needed to bring others on board. Then discussed with the EU from a position of unity prior to article 50. If they could not agree what we wanted then they should not have taken on the job. 

Of course all the others are doing there thing which is why agreeing the basis of departure prior to kicking off was incumbent on the Tories.  If we have no deal or loose Brexit altogether it will be the fault of the Tories together with the costs, that go with it, as they have singularly failed to bring parliament together. No Government should play with the UK economy in such a high handed and frivolous way that the Tories have. 

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8 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

No, not just the Tories !!! Labour are also to blame, plus the traitors Grieve, Soubry etc. And the George Soros puppets like Gina Miller...........all to blame! I think you are just blaming the Tories because they gave a democratic referendum in the first place!

Quite right - Tory and Labour are split, the LibDems, SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru are all remainers.

If you want to leave the customs union and have some form of Brexit, the Tories are currently THE ONLY party who will have any chance of that.  Cameron promised the referendum to win the election from Milliband.  He expected the remainers to win the referendum - and got that badly wrong - so he (rightly) resigned.  NO OTHER PARTY (UKIP, - would have just left - no referendum) would even have had the referendum.

Since then - May has struggled to get a possible 'leave' solution that would pass Parliament (which was wished on her by Gina Miller's stirring - without which she might not have needed to go to Parliament).  Granted she has made a dreadful job - hence the mess she is in now - but NO OTHER PARTY would have got any further - and most nowhere at all.

The Remain 'saboteurs' are in all parties and the situation would be no better - and markedly worse in other areas if Labour were in power propped up by the 100% remain SNP and LibDems etc.  Labours 'six tests' virtually ensure we would be in Brexit In Name Only territory.

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17 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Quite right - Tory and Labour are split, the LibDems, SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru are all remainers.

If you want to leave the customs union and have some form of Brexit, the Tories are currently THE ONLY party who will have any chance of that.  Cameron promised the referendum to win the election from Milliband.  He expected the remainers to win the referendum - and got that badly wrong - so he (rightly) resigned.  NO OTHER PARTY (UKIP, - would have just left - no referendum) would even have had the referendum.

Since then - May has struggled to get a possible 'leave' solution that would pass Parliament (which was wished on her by Gina Miller's stirring - without which she might not have needed to go to Parliament).  Granted she has made a dreadful job - hence the mess she is in now - but NO OTHER PARTY would have got any further - and most nowhere at all.

The Remain 'saboteurs' are in all parties and the situation would be no better - and markedly worse in other areas if Labour were in power propped up by the 100% remain SNP and LibDems etc.  Labours 'six tests' virtually ensure we would be in Brexit In Name Only territory.

So they should have paused to get agreement. If they could not do that then they needed to find another way forward maybe giving options to the electorate explaining how these might work. They chose to carry on regardless, playing fast and loose with the countries fortunes. 

The Tories have ..... this up and their is no excuse, there only interest is their party. Shameless.


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1 minute ago, oowee said:

So they should have paused to get agreement. If they could not do that then they needed to find another way forward maybe giving options to the electorate explaining how these might work. They chose to carry on regardless, playing fast and loose with the countries fortunes. 

The Tories have ..... this up and their is no excuse, there only interest is their party. Shameless.


I think we are to fast to blame our politicians at times, yes i agree they couldn't arrange a **** up in a brewery. Buy the EU stamce has been absolutely awful and the way the just shut anything down should be enough for any Remainers to see how diabolical the EU is. They would rather fall into recession than negotiate with us properly. 

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The Tories gave us the referendum not believing the majority would vote to leave ( in my opinion ) but then went and gave the job to a remainer. I still can't understand why we feel the need to have a deal. Just  grow some dangles and  leave, for crying out loud; what's the worst that could happen? And then we can get on with the rest of our lives. 

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6 minutes ago, oowee said:

there only interest is their party. Shameless.

I grant you it is a complete mess, but that is true of EVERY party's policy - except those who are firmly remain - and therefore completely against the referendum outcome.  No other party would have made a better job of delivering Brexit - and that is fact.

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6 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

I think we are to fast to blame our politicians at times, yes i agree they couldn't arrange a **** up in a brewery. Buy the EU stamce has been absolutely awful and the way the just shut anything down should be enough for any Remainers to see how diabolical the EU is. They would rather fall into recession than negotiate with us properly. 


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3 minutes ago, Scully said:

The Tories gave us the referendum not believing the majority would vote to leave ( in my opinion )

Agree 100%

4 minutes ago, Scully said:

I still can't understand why we feel the need to have a deal.

Also agree

4 minutes ago, Scully said:

Just  grow some dangles and  leave, for crying out loud; what's the worst that could happen?

Because it has to get past our elected representatives (not 'government' but Parliament) and that won't happen - they won't allow it.

2 minutes ago, hambone said:

Buy the EU stamce has been absolutely awful and the way the just shut anything down should be enough for any Remainers to see how diabolical the EU is. They would rather fall into recession than negotiate with us properly. 

Also 100% agree

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11 minutes ago, Scully said:

The Tories gave us the referendum not believing the majority would vote to leave ( in my opinion ) but then went and gave the job to a remainer. I still can't understand why we feel the need to have a deal. Just  grow some dangles and  leave, for crying out loud; what's the worst that could happen? And then we can get on with the rest of our lives. 


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3 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I grant you it is a complete mess, but that is true of EVERY party's policy - except those who are firmly remain - and therefore completely against the referendum outcome.  No other party would have made a better job of delivering Brexit - and that is fact.

I don't doubt that no other party could deliver Brexit but no other party tried. To suggest others would have been worse is to deflect from the fact that it was Tory proposal. 

The Tories brought us Brexit and in turn are delivering chaos. No other party is in power but the Tories. The mess lies squarely at their door and that is a fact. They are a shower of ....


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Just now, oowee said:

To suggest others would have been worse is to deflect from the fact that it was Tory proposal.

Nonesense!  I said in post above it was a Tory proposal and they were the only ones offering a referendum.  Not 'deflecting' from that at all.  They promised a referendum if elected - and they were elected and delivered the referendum.


1 minute ago, oowee said:

The Tories brought us Brexit and in turn are delivering chaos.

As has been said - they expected the referendum to be won by remain.


2 minutes ago, oowee said:

No other party is in power but the Tories.

EVERY party has votes in the commons - and it is them that are hampering Brexit.  NOT just Tory MPs.


3 minutes ago, oowee said:

The mess lies squarely at their door and that is a fact.

The mess lies at their door, but there would have been a mess at the door whoever tried to carry it through.

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3 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I grant you it is a complete mess, but that is true of EVERY party's policy - except those who are firmly remain - and therefore completely against the referendum outcome.  No other party would have made a better job of delivering Brexit - and that is fact.

If we don't leave, it's Parliament that is to blame, remainer MP's from every party, aided and abetted by the media, big business and vested interests, have sabotaged Brexit since the referendum result was in! They have worked both overtly and covertly against the democratic will of the people.....because THEY don't want to leave! It is difficult to deliver anything when the majority are against it!..........Assuming those that were responsible for delivering it, actually wanted to deliver it in the first place!

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10 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:
16 minutes ago, Scully said:

Just  grow some dangles and  leave, for crying out loud; what's the worst that could happen?

Because it has to get past our elected representatives (not 'government' but Parliament) and that won't happen - they won't allow it.

As I understand it - and no doubt oowee will tell me I am wrong - any deal has to have a meaningful vote.  No deal is not a deal

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6 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

As I understand it - and no doubt oowee will tell me I am wrong - any deal has to have a meaningful vote.

I believe that is correct

7 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

No deal is not a deal

That may also be correct, but it seems they may be able to block it ....... not sure exactly how.

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15 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Yeah but the remainers will only pick up that he is moving his HQ.

You mean the knowledge and tax end of the business rather than the low cost manf. 

We are loosing high end jobs every day.  Look at a list of the companies I posted weeks ago and there are many more since. If you had an international business why would you keep it here in this mess. 

Have you read the no deal briefing papers. Just take a look at the subject headings and what companies are trying to grapple with. I thought the Tories were the party of business. 

My point is that all of this is unnecessary  handled properly. 

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