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for Brexit news., here,s another one from Guido..........a much more reliable source than yours for Brexit news.s.EU-INVESTORS-MOVING-UKI-copy.png?resize=540%2C304&ssl=1


The narrative of a mass exodus of City jobs has already been consigned to the Project Fear dustbin of history, with just 2,000 jobs now expected to move in the event of no-deal, compared to wild predictions of over 230,000 before the referendum. Now the FT of all places is reporting that EU asset managers are actually considering moving to the UK because of Brexit. That wasn’t in the script…

EU fund managers are up in arms over EU rules which would force them to trade dual-listed shares on uncompetitive EU exchanges after Brexit if the Commission refuse to give them access to London after Brexit. The German Investment Funds Association said that “without equivalence granted to UK trading venues, we see the real possibility of EU27 fund managers locating operations in the future in the UK”. London’s pull as the financial capital of the world is just too strong, whether the EU likes it or not…


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The Irish are finally waking up!

The Irish political class is getting increasingly nervous about the EU throwing them under the bus, with the Irish Independent coming out with a searing editorial today aimed at the EU after a “senior EU diplomat” reportedly said that the EU would force Ireland to “choose between setting up a physical Border with Northern Ireland and de facto leaving the single market” in the event of no deal. Ireland’s leaders slowly waking up to the realisation that the EU will happily toss them to one side once they stop being useful as a stick to beat the British with…

Simon Coveney’s office was forced to respond, pointing to the EU’s numerous publicstatements that there will be no harder border in the event of no deal. He’s right, it is simply not going to happen over a few gallons of milk and bags of aggregate. So why is the backstop necessary at all?

Leo Varadkar has since upped the rhetoric today, saying that anyone who expects the “solidarity” of the EU with Ireland to change was in for a “nasty surprise”. If Ireland had continued working with the UK to develop technological solutions instead of treating the UK as an adversary and knowingly going down the path of brinkmanship over the backstop, the whole impasse could have been amicably resolved months ago. Instead Varadkar is nervously watching his (chlorinated?) chickens starting to come home to roost…


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26 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Good old Donald!

Your right. 

Hes been a better friend to the UK than any of our supposed EU allies, look at the language that has come from the likes of Macron, Merkel, the president of Ireland ect, while half of our leaders have done nothing but been rude to trump, despite welcoming other dictators such as the likes of China ect. 

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1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

Your right. 

Hes been a better friend to the UK than any of our supposed EU allies, look at the language that has come from the likes of Macron, Merkel, the president of Ireland ect, while half of our leaders have done nothing but been rude to trump, despite welcoming other dictators such as the likes of China ect. 


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36 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

One thing is certain...........there are going to be quite a few Remoaner MPs  out of work after the next General Election! You cannot dismiss the peoples right to a democratic result, without retribution!

And from a long list the BURK from Grantham!

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2 hours ago, DoolinDalton said:

If the British (Brexiteers)  really made an effort, then we could boycott many, many items from Spain, France, Germany, etc, which WILL have a costly, negative effect on them!  If they think they can blackmail or frighten us, they're in for a huge shock!  

My eldest daughter had several Mercedes over the years, having a succesful business. My youngest had a BMW....my son-in-laws had an Audi, and Volkswagen van. I had a couple of Renaults....but that all changed after the Referendum, when it became clear we were being stuffed by Parliament. My girls now each own a Lexus, and the husbands have a Jaguar, and a Transit van. I drive a Ford Kuga....

So far, we have cost the German car industry around £140,000.....not a lot in the general scheme of things, but from small acorns, mighty oaks grow! We buy wine from the New World now, not French plonk.  If every Brexiteer did a little bit, the big business in Europe would force Brussels to back down..................

It,s in your hands to do this...............

5 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

And from a long list the BURK from Grantham!

He,s in the top 5 on the list !

Nice article in the Daily Mail, about Kippers infiltrating Consrvative associations! It,s coming....................

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John McDonnel the well known Labour Party Pillock has just stated "all negotiations are give and take" on the Andrew Marr Show, so why are Labour so keen to get rid of "No Deal" and take the negotiations to a state where the opposition know you have no guts? 

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I have never purchased anyhting French since they set fire to our cattle wagons at ports delivering lambs. Many moons ago and memories are short for most people and some too young to know it happened.  I buy Australian /New Zealand wine but must admit I do have a taste for Prosecco with a shot of plum vodka in the bottom of the glass.

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1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

so why are Labour so keen to get rid of "No Deal" and take the negotiations to a state where the opposition know you have no guts? 

Because they want to stay in a customs union ...... which effectively means staying in the single market ......... and have "exactly the same benefits we have now" ....... or in other words Brexit In Name Only.

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1 minute ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Which is NOT what we voted for in the referendum!

That is true ........ but in fact, what they are scheming is to propose whatever makes May look least able to achieve ......... so they can get her out and try and get elected to get their socialist state (so that we end up like Venezuela).  They are simply only using Brexit as a tool to try and bring down the government.  They have absolutely zero interest in the referendum result.

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I don’t vote and never have done, some say I’m wrong but it’s my choice never slag whoever is in parliament of, they have an hard enough time and are a law to themselves  and whatever I’d say wouldn’t change a thing, but I’m curious how many voted to leave and now have changed their minds

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