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New tory govt


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Now we have a tory government for the next 5 years or so is the future any brighter or should we plan to pack up? 

We are constantly sniped at by Packham and his cronies to the detriment of our sport but none of our organisations will stand up to him in a robust manner to silence the *****  

Why oh why do you ****** words that may define someone's view? It annoys me intensley

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i don’t trust any of them, and i voted on, in my opinion, far greater and diverse issues than shooting.

Yes you could argue shooting is safer under Conservative rule, and it probably is, but Conservative rule cannot last forever. 

Enjoy shooting while it is here, but you vote for health care, taxation, welfare and economics. Not hobbies.

Just my stance.

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There are rumblings that the Tory’s will legislate to make the disruptive tactics of extremists illegal? Which will have the collateral effect of stopping the antis trespassing on private land to disrupt hunting? A good idea if it doesn’t impinge on ordinary people’s freedoms!

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4 hours ago, London Best said:

Shooting may be a hobby to some, but to proper shooting men it is a way of life.


100%   I am more than happy we have the Conservatives back in real power but have reservations as to two things. Will Boris do a proper deal with the EU and not sell our fishermen down the riveretc., and will he listent to the anti lying on the next door pillow as said above. He has already voiced his views on trophies.  Nigel seems to think the 'Treaty' which is on offer sells us down the river, we must wait and see.  

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34 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

100%   I am more than happy we have the Conservatives back in real power but have reservations as to two things. Will Boris do a proper deal with the EU and not sell our fishermen down the riveretc., and will he listent to the anti lying on the next door pillow as said above. He has already voiced his views on trophies.  Nigel seems to think the 'Treaty' which is on offer sells us down the river, we must wait and see.  

Only time will tell!:good:

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It might be the 2019 Edition but it's staffed mainly by the 2017 version and any incomers will soon have their tea leaves read by the old hands. Then, they've got their hand full trying to work out how to weasel out of all the promises made just a few days ago. The one exception is that I can't see Boris permitting the fracas that disrupted London a few weeks back being allowed to happen again and we might just benefit from any legislation that might be produced as a result as P1 has already hinted at.

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