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Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus


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18 minutes ago, johnphilip said:

If it helps rid us of this dammed virus  I belive yes we should all work together  to a better understanding and hopefully  a cure .

More likely they’d tell us to send all our ventilators and medical supplies over to France and Germany to “pool resources” ... whilst they look out for themselves. 

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51 minutes ago, treetree said:

UK citizens on lockdown, police checkpoints stopping cars to demand to know why they are out. Now a call for global governance.

This is all starting to sound a little sinister.

Its been sounding sinister for a while, Russian Navy prowling about.


A world government?? No thanks, New York Mayor asking for help on the news, from his own government?? 

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7 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Its been sounding sinister for a while, Russian Navy prowling about.


A world government?? No thanks, New York Mayor asking for help on the news, from his own government?? 

hello, i see that on the news, Russian ships in the English channel heading to the North sea, Navy on patrol.

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1 hour ago, loriusgarrulus said:

All those UK Euro MP'S  have lost their gravy train.

Just think what they could charge on a Global Government expense sheet.

I'm not sure they've lost all the gravy just yet. There was talk yesterday that the MEPs would be able to claim their £300 a day attendance allowance despite not going into parliament.

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7 hours ago, Mighty Ruler said:

I don’t pay any attention to what Gordon Brown says after he allegedly told the police to turn a blind eye to the grooming gangs.

Aye he wasn't that great a pm so why listen to him now . I remember him talking to a crowd at Rosyth Dockyard we will save your jobs this Naval base will never close and what happened 

He was at my work a while ago and his protection officers closed down the place and folk where asking who was the VIP and when you said Gordon Brown , Hes a VIP ? he has protection officers ?.

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