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Putting things into perspective


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I have just been looking at death figures in the UK, only because im fed up with hearing that all deaths now are caused by CORVED 19, 


according to ROSPA 6000 people die each year due to accidents at home 

on  average 2,000 killed on the roads in 2019

167,000 heart attacks each year. 


There is nothing to say how many of the unfortunate folk that have contracted COVID 19 actually make a full recovery. 

Oh no just keep on telling everyone how many more unfortunate souls have passed away. 


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I genuinely think that the vast majority of people who will die of Covid-19... would have died this year or maybe next year anyway. Old people, with poor health, coming to the end of their lives in the enxt year or few anyway... but the virus is speeding them all along, and they will all come at once. 

That still won't make it any better if you lose someone though. It'll still overwhelm the health system, and a lot of people who would have been able to be saved and go on to live for a few more years in normal times, will also be lost. As well as us losing the out lyers, such as the 20+ year olds who always seemed fit and healthy. Some of them will have health conditions they never knew about, like when a young athlete drops dead and we find out they had a dodgy heart etc ... but again, it don't make it any better for the family when their loved one dies to hear "we'll it wasn't REALLY the virus... they had a heart problem we never knew about see!" 



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33 minutes ago, Mice! said:

I've just read something saying that all but 4 of the deaths from Covid 19 in England had underlying health problems??

Absolutely. I only said today I am wondering if all those reported are actually due to the 'flu'.  Even the young lady who died, which was very sad indeed, the death certificate did not actually list Corvid as the cause although she was said not to have underlying problems.

Whatever, the situation is BAD however you look at it and In my view everyone should make every effort to stay put or keep away from others at least.  Simply self preservation.

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25 minutes ago, oowee said:

In perspective this thing will kill 4-5% of the popuation that get it. Do you like the odds for your family? 

Based on? 

It’s worth noting that according to ONS nearly 2,500 LESS people died in Feb this year than Feb last...

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33 minutes ago, oowee said:

In perspective this thing will kill 4-5% of the popuation that get it. Do you like the odds for your family? 

No oowee none of us do, but how many are on the edge of suicide wake up every morning getting closer and closer to falling, how many are getting depression due to the doom and gloom news EVERY hour of the day, add to that they are being told to stop indoors. 


2 minutes ago, Cawdor118 said:

Ahhhh, but what will March, April and May compare like! Only time shall tell. 

Whatever the figure is, higher or lower its going to be COVID 19 that caused them all. 

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If this thing wasn't serious then countries wouldn't be shutting down, or using ice skating rinks as mourges.
Would this country build "nightingale" hospitals to hold 4000 people just for the fun of it, or spend the vast amounts of money they have, would the government tell everyone to stay indoors for something thats not that serious.

The figures coming from Italy and spain are horific in the short time they have had it, the USA is going to eclipse everyone, and there are rumours that China lied and the true figures are closer to 40,000 dead.

If you are dismissing this as just a virus that hasn't done much then you need to ask yourself why have governments around the world taken the action they have, let's hope that we have slowed it enough in this country to not be as horrific as other countries.

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16 minutes ago, PPP said:

Based on? 

It’s worth noting that according to ONS nearly 2,500 LESS people died in Feb this year than Feb last...

How accurate is it? It's unknown.

Its not easy to get a figure because we don't know how many have had it but as of today the recorded infected is 776k and the dead is 37k. 

This from the FT
The figure at the root of so much global angst about coronavirus is currently 4.7 per cent. That is the proportion of people, as of Sunday afternoon, who have died after being diagnosed with the virus — 32,137 out of the 685,623 who have tested positive for Covid-19 around the world. It compares with a death rate of around 0.1 per cent for seasonal flu and 0.2 per cent for pneumonia in high-income countries. However, 4.7 per cent is not only changeable but frustratingly unreliable, both for governments seeking to calibrate their policy response and for citizens trying to gauge how much they should worry.

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2 minutes ago, Medic1281 said:

 4.7 percent is the number across all age ranges, but with the 0-18 at virtually 0%. The scary bit is when you look at the over 70’s the death rate is closer to 25%. Now that’s a scary figure! 

That is why I am sitting tight and going nowhere.   The one good thing has been the fantastic response in our small village and from our REAL friends, offers of help and also collection and delivery of food items.  We are both more han physically capable of fetching our own buy trying to stay out of danger and if that means staying on our own property for a couple of months or even more , fine by me. 

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80+ years old 21.9%, 70-79 years old 14.8%, 60-69 years old 8%, 50-59 years old 3.6%, 40-49 years old 1.3%, 30-39 years old 0.4%, 20-29 years old 0.2%, 10-19 years old 0.2%, 0-9 years old no fatalities.
confirmed cases
all cases


No existing comorbidities 0.9%

confirmed cases
all cases
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic respiratory disease
no pre-existing conditions
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I'd love to hear the feedback, and opinions, of accuracy, of all of those figures, if you or a loved one get it and god forbid perish from it.  It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, read between the lines of what we're been told. This is a very real danger to one and all, regardless of age, health, creed or colour.

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It's out there! A lot more people have probably got it or had it than anyone knows! They need to do more Testing! Especially NHS staff. Loads of staff off work having to isolate because they not testing them! 80% of us have had  prob gona get it. And it will revisit us. Stay healthy to fight it! Lets try and look after and do what we can for our family and friends who are NHS front line (cannon fodder)! Many going above and beyond and are really starting to feel The strain!

Really feel for my mate and his family! They got his dads funeral tomorrow (not cv19 related) and weren't sure from this time last week if they were gona be able to attend themselves. Close family only the policy now. He was a much loved Farmer, keeper, true countryman who pioneered an award winning farm conservation shoot! Many learnt a lot from him. I know i certainly did! As we couldn't go to funeral we were all going to line out beside the road in our shooting gear as a guard of honour for his last journey off the farm. But sadly that had to be scrapped/not allowed. My last job of work last week was redecorating his room for his widow. She told me, with whats going on, she was glad he went when he did!   

So just remember! Sad times for many! And worse to come!      NB

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2 hours ago, oowee said:

In perspective this thing will kill 4-5% of the popuation that get it. Do you like the odds for your family? 

Not sure that is true. The stats vary widely but it is ‘only’ of those who die of Covid-19 as a percentage of those who are tested. It is believed that the number of people who actually have Covid-19 in the U.K. is 10 times the number of have been proven to have it via testing. 

This professor says the death rate is likely 0.1%. 


Who really knows

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3 minutes ago, NatureBoy said:

As we couldn't go to funeral we were all going to line out beside the road in our shooting gear as a guard of honour for his last journey off the farm

Well when you have the memorial for him I'm sure it will be a great turn out.

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Sorry Boys but were all all subject to 100 % mortality.

These days we avoid the thought of death, many complain when butchers shops have ( recognisable) half of sheep / pig / cow carcasses hung up, game dealers with pigeon/ pheasant / rabbit / hare hung outside .

I remember when loved ones died,  them being laid out in the parlour for a fortnight whilst family were summoned ( by letter / telegram / phone boxes !!!) to come and pay their respects / funeral. 

Get a grip.

We do not publish the normal daily death rates in the UK ( illness/ accident/ crimes), if we did, the total, I am sure, would be greater than we see from CV.

Now I know this virus is uncharted territory but if you look at the past losses in WW1 and WW2 compared to recent conflicts then you can see the real picture.


All deaths are sad but we will all be touched by it  , that is a fact of life we cannot escape.

It is only the 'improvement' in communications - mobile phone / internet as opposed to newspapers and official Government  news  that causes this panic rather than information.

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1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

That is why I am sitting tight and going nowhere.   The one good thing has been the fantastic response in our small village and from our REAL friends, offers of help and also collection and delivery of food items.  We are both more han physically capable of fetching our own buy trying to stay out of danger and if that means staying on our own property for a couple of months or even more , fine by me. 

Glad to hear Nev, this thing obviously effects older people more, so sit tight and take care.

2 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

I look at it this way this is not flue, dress it up with% all you like. But i reckon if you catch this your in big **** end of story .

Me i am going nowhere doing nothing, and ill do that as long as i can.

Can't argue with that, if you have no reason to go out then don't. 

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