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How much are we being told lies about!!


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22 minutes ago, Taileron said:

I’m no conspiracy theory man but I was also thinking the same, as were my neighbours. It’s not just the case for political people, it seems that many actors/public figures seem to get mild symptoms, joe average=death sentence.


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22 minutes ago, Taileron said:

I’m no conspiracy theory man but I was also thinking the same, as were my neighbours. It’s not just the case for political people, it seems that many actors/public figures seem to get mild symptoms, joe average=death sentence.

The vast majority of average Joe public also get mild symptoms. You just don’t hear about them. 

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Lad a work has it, he's back next week no drama. His partner has it, she back at work next week no drama. Her nan has it, she's elderly with every underlying condition possible pretty much, she's fine and shrugged it off. None are famous/rich/powerful.  Perhaps some people can deal with it and other can't. A bit like every other illness. No conspiracy theory there..

Edited to add, just been told someone I know from work has just lost both parents to it and is seriously Ill themselves. Nothing reviously up with any of them. A genetic lottery perhaps?

Shares in bacofoil no doubt soaring. 

Edited by GingerCat
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2 hours ago, Taileron said:

I’m no conspiracy theory man but I was also thinking the same, as were my neighbours. It’s not just the case for political people, it seems that many actors/public figures seem to get mild symptoms, joe average=death sentence.

Try explaining that theory to Eddie Larges family

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3 hours ago, GingerCat said:

Lad a work has it, he's back next week no drama. His partner has it, she back at work next week no drama. Her nan has it, she's elderly with every underlying condition possible pretty much, she's fine and shrugged it off. None are famous/rich/powerful.  Perhaps some people can deal with it and other can't. A bit like every other illness. No conspiracy theory there..

Edited to add, just been told someone I know from work has just lost both parents to it and is seriously Ill themselves. Nothing reviously up with any of them. A genetic lottery perhaps?

Shares in bacofoil no doubt soaring. 

When you say "has it" do you mean tested and positive or a guess? 

Genuune question.

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3 hours ago, Mice! said:

Is she single and tidy? She's obviously not short of a Bob or two.

Single but def not tidy.:lol: and a bit old for me. She loaded and ignorant, but can tell she and others are scared. She got a boat up here somewhere to. Only ever known her to stay in her properties up here about 3 times a year. She has 3. Her and her family up for the duration. Asked me if i would pay off cleaners, gardener and window cleaner, at the same time asking for any keys back. She can't understand why her beach hut isn't/can't go back on site and worried we will charge her storage. Can't complain to much her and others who have said/acted the same have helped give me a good living over the years and use of there  huts/properties. Love working on the coast!  . .A lot of folk not happy they are here!

It is strange though! Like these folk seemed to know something we didn't and were ahead of it? Some were wanting jobs finished, house's, empty, cleaned and asking for keys back nearly a month ago. There were noticeably a lot more of them coming up here then. Don't normally get busy till Easter! . . . .  Only been 125 cases in Suffolk and 420 in Essex. Most of these folk come from London and they say it has had a third of all UK  case's.   Odd figures!? . . . . What have figures have your counties had folks?    NB

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The politicians are indulging in 'economies of the truth' over the time scales attached to this and also the number of people who will likely die as a result too.  As an example, a week or two ago it was just the older chunk of the population with underlying health conditions...yeah?   Well no, it seems it can claim the youth and babies too.

There is no magic drug to fix this and if you catch it then the best solution is for your body to fight the virus off, getting admitted to hospital means that the health service professionals can alleviate the symptoms and assist your weakened body to fight the virus - if you are lucky.

On the C4 news tonight there was an interview with a lady called  Garo Harlem Brundtland who is a straight talking Norwegian politician, who served three terms as Prime Minister of Norway and as Director-General of the World Health Organisation from 1998 to 2003. When asked how long the current crisis will last  and she said the unfortunate truth is 12-18 months driven by the availability of a vaccine.

If one stops to think about it for a moment - let's roll forward 6 months from now to October.   There will be 10s of thousands of people who have had the virus and survived, some will know that for a fact and others won't.  There will most likely be millions of people (just under 68 million people in the UK) who haven't had the virus for definite or do have it and don't know and are about to infect others...the challenge will be 'how can you tell?'.

So until a vaccine is available no-one is going anywhere....   so anyone want to hazard a guess as to when the truth will escape???


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8 minutes ago, Cosmicblue said:

If one stops to think about it for a moment - let's roll forward 6 months from now to October.   T

The question is how long can the world maintain this lockdown?  Until October? Most of the businesses around the globe will have gone to the wall by that time. The worry is that there's no exit plan  - and the world is only as strong as its weakest link. So even if Europe were to get the spread under control, what happens when international flights start up again and you have people flying in from places where they have virtually no cases because they test virtually nobody (most of Africa and half of Asia). You're back to square one again. On a personal note I'm beginning to think that I won't see the kids at all this year because I won't be able to travel. And even if i could see them - would it be a good idea?  Daddy arrives home, the kids love him to bits, and without knowing it give him the virus - and he dies. Hardly the outcome everyone was looking forward to, but quite a possible one. It's funny, from the moment this thing started I was waving warning flags around in this forum about the potential seriousness of it all  - and was regularly poo poohed for my troubles (not a concern at all btw).  But even in my wildest dreams I never thought that I would be personally affected to the point that  I'd be thinking twice about seeing my own kids. 

But unless they come up with a vaccine that thought will always be there. Strange times...



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1 hour ago, Retsdon said:

The question is how long can the world maintain this lockdown?  Until October? Most of the businesses around the globe will have gone to the wall by that time..

It would seem the plan is to control every citizen's movement as much as possible so the re-infection rate slows, eventually the hospital admission/death rate will fall and a decision will be made to relax the movement controls.    Concurrently with this  hopefully, there will be mass testing so that infected carriers can be found and isolated....it seems inevitable that there will be further lock-downs as the infection rate rises, maybe each successive lockdown will have a shorter duration...     Many businesses will fail along with the economies of many countries too I fear - this is unimaginably serious for the human race as whilst we are sat here in a country with a bunch of infrastructure to keep us fed and watered there are many countries around the world that have none of that.  Mass poverty and no healthcare (or even in the case of the USA - healthcare if you can afford it), literally millions of people are going to die and there isn't anything any of us can do to stop it.

Working for a company that provides software solutions used across the air travel industry I'm aware of a consensus view in the carriers that the flying assets are likely to stay on the ground for several more months.  It's likely that destination countries that haven't got their virus outbreak under control won't be receiving inbound flights due to government restrictions

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15 hours ago, fern01 said:

I believe that every number of deaths China have every released you can easily add at least one zero on the end.

All countries don't tell the real numbers, of course. And I think this is not only because they are afraid to scare their citizens but also because real numbers do not exist. They rely only on the number of people who applied for help.

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8 hours ago, Cosmicblue said:

So until a vaccine is available no-one is going anywhere....   so anyone want to hazard a guess as to when the truth will escape???

A antibody test will probably be ready a while before a vaccine and then we will at least be able to tell if we have had it and are safe or still need to worry about it. Might lead to further segregation of society though, lock down will possibly still be in place for the ones that can't produce a positive antibody test, so not only a positive in my book.


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The problem imo is that in today’s society we have become too afraid to face reality and we are running scared of shadows and flawed statistics. Yes this virus will kill some people (but overall a relatively low percentage) but **** happens and people die all the time. Sad but true. A friend’s 10 year old son died a couple of days ago. Not of the virus but knocked of his bike. So don’t ride a bike ever again. The mass hysteria that this is generating, globally not just the U.K., will kill far more people than the virus itself. When we are all queuing up at our state run soup kitchen watched over by the army to ensure we stay in line we can all take comfort that we followed the rules. 

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3 minutes ago, norfolk dumpling said:

I don't subscribe to any of the above - none of us can know the full/true picture so we have to trust Government. However the big lie we have had to suffer for some years, particularly in the countryside, is communications: how come our broadband and mobile signals have suddenly improved despite the massive usage???? 

Mine haven’t improved at all..?

also, maybe it shows that business actually uses more internet? My wife is working from home and the data is going down fast! Equivalent of streaming 3-4 movies a day!

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10 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

What have figures have your counties had folks?    NB

Me and the Mrs were looking at this this week, if you take out London then the figures drop right down.

The lakes have had a lot of cases and this is also likely to be from people bringing it to their second homes or holiday homes. 

1 hour ago, AVB said:

The problem imo is that in today’s society we have become too afraid to face reality and we are running scared of shadows and flawed statistics. Yes this virus will kill some people (but overall a relatively low percentage) but **** happens and people die all the time. Sad but true. A friend’s 10 year old son died a couple of days ago. Not of the virus but knocked of his bike. So don’t ride a bike ever again. The mass hysteria that this is generating, globally not just the U.K., will kill far more people than the virus itself. When we are all queuing up at our state run soup kitchen watched over by the army to ensure we stay in line we can all take comfort that we followed the rules. 

This is why I'm still amazed at the global response,  USA stopped,  Japan looks like its slowing down with parks closed despite the blossoming trees, sounds nothing but its huge in Japan.

Then Sweden aren't locking down??

10 hours ago, Retsdon said:

But even in my wildest dreams I never thought that I would be personally affected to the point that  I'd be thinking twice about seeing my own kids. 

That is bad, thank goodness for modern technology. 

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5 minutes ago, Nuke said:

We are in part, not a total blanket lock down though. The Stockholm area is looking more and more likely especially with the upcoming Easter holidays.


Watching the news this week it seemed they didn't want to lockdown as winter was just coming to an end, people heading out.

I was also surprised when they said about the number of people who live on their own so less spreading if the virus through families. 

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14 hours ago, Retsdon said:

The question is how long can the world maintain this lockdown?  Until October? Most of the businesses around the globe will have gone to the wall by that time. The worry is that there's no exit plan  - and the world is only as strong as its weakest link. So even if Europe were to get the spread under control, what happens when international flights start up again and you have people flying in from places where they have virtually no cases because they test virtually nobody (most of Africa and half of Asia). You're back to square one again. On a personal note I'm beginning to think that I won't see the kids at all this year because I won't be able to travel. And even if i could see them - would it be a good idea?  Daddy arrives home, the kids love him to bits, and without knowing it give him the virus - and he dies. Hardly the outcome everyone was looking forward to, but quite a possible one. It's funny, from the moment this thing started I was waving warning flags around in this forum about the potential seriousness of it all  - and was regularly poo poohed for my troubles (not a concern at all btw).  But even in my wildest dreams I never thought that I would be personally affected to the point that  I'd be thinking twice about seeing my own kids. 

But unless they come up with a vaccine that thought will always be there. Strange times...

Please don’t think worst case like that. Prepare for it by all means but hope for the best. I still think that this is a reaction to a novel variant that will be coped with. Remember that (in the uk) ~1200 people die daily, and excess winter deaths are between 20 - 70k. Hindsight may reveal all this to be within normal noise.

i hope you see your kids soon (as practical)

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23 minutes ago, SpringDon said:

Please don’t think worst case like that. Prepare for it by all means but hope for the best. I still think that this is a reaction to a novel variant that will be coped with. Remember that (in the uk) ~1200 people die daily, and excess winter deaths are between 20 - 70k. Hindsight may reveal all this to be within normal noise.

i hope you see your kids soon (as practical)

You are possibly right that it proves to be ‘no worse’ than a bad winter. However in the meantime the irrational fear of it has trashed the economy for the next 20 years. 

The virus highly likely won’t kill you. The poverty that will follow will. 

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7 minutes ago, AVB said:

You are possibly right that it proves to be ‘no worse’ than a bad winter. However in the meantime the irrational fear of it has trashed the economy for the next 20 years. 

The virus highly likely won’t kill you. The poverty that will follow will. 

Given the infrastructure we have in this country, what follows shouldn't kill anyone. But I'm sure some are going to be in for a shock.

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