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Where do you get pups these days??


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I'm down to 1 dog now and she's knocking on a bit, so want to get a pup underway, but where do you get dogs these days? There's a billion and one websites that i don't trust not to be puppy farms and tons of designer crosses that are expensive and not fit for purpose and there doesn't seem to be anybody around me on my permissions having litters.

Any recommendations? I've always had clumbers and i have a clumber/lab cross now that really is the perfect dog for me, so want to stay roughly in the same arena (ish), but working clumber pups are rarer than rocking horse poop.

I'm based in South Essex if that helps!


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48 minutes ago, JDog said:

First check your bank balance. If you can afford getting on for £1000 go for a pedigree Clumber. If not then rescue centres would be a good bet.

£1000? 🤣

People are paying £2,000+ for springers at the moment, and Looking at the ones advertised most litters appear to be just whatever two dogs they can throw together. Not well thought out and planned litters. 

Rescue centres are a nightmare, they find any reason not to give people a dog so they end up buying a puppy usually. 

Work a normal job? You can’t have a rescue dog. 

Don’t have a 6ft + fence, can’t have a rescue dog. 

One mate with some land got told he can’t have one cos he’s got too much space ... work that one out. 


Then even if you can get one you don’t know what faults or issues the previous owner might have caused from playing with their fur baby during its formative months. 

Personally I would speak to some gundog clubs or people who own similar dogs / breeding to what you want and ask them if they know any litters coming up. 


Asking good stud dog owners who has used their stud recently over their bitch may put you in touch with some bitch owners that have litters coming up. 

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Have you had a look on Facetube (hate it but it has it's uses, sometimes...) at "Working Clumber Spaniels UK"? You sometimes get wind of litters planned or available on there. I was lucky with my pup; got to know of a litter, that had just been born but not yet advertised, through somebody I knew had bred them in the past. Had to travel from Essex to North Shropshire but he was worth it, pick of the litter as well. Coming up to 8 months old and doing very well, couldn't be more pleased with him. I hear so many opinions of Clumbers that they're headstrong, difficult, clumsy, etc, etc but I'm on my third one now and none of them have been anything like that. As far as I'm concerned they can hold their own against any other Spaniel breed and I suspect such comments are made people who haven't had the pleasure of owning or working them.

As regards the cost of a puppy - £1000 or thereabouts is about right for a good working line example. I think the Clumber people, in the main, have both feet on firmly on the ground when it comes to what to charge.

Hope you're successful in your quest!!!

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2 hours ago, Fatcatsplat said:

I'm down to 1 dog now and she's knocking on a bit, so want to get a pup underway, but where do you get dogs these days? There's a billion and one websites that i don't trust not to be puppy farms and tons of designer crosses that are expensive and not fit for purpose and there doesn't seem to be anybody around me on my permissions having litters.

Any recommendations? I've always had clumbers and i have a clumber/lab cross now that really is the perfect dog for me, so want to stay roughly in the same arena (ish), but working clumber pups are rarer than rocking horse poop.

I'm based in South Essex if that helps!



Might be worth checking with some of these if anyone has got a litter or a litter planned.

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18 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

Asking good stud dog owners who has used their stud recently over their bitch may put you in touch with some bitch owners that have litters coming up. 

We get a lot of folk who are looking for a pup asking about litters that might be available from our Lab stud dog

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19 hours ago, Stephen-H said:

Following! After a lab pup can't get them anywhere contacted five breeders now three wanted silly money! Other two had sold the pups they had dont know what's going on! 

Someone I know was selling his Lab pups for his usual price about £1000 good working stock and kc reg. He had phone calls asking whats wrong with them as they are so cheap! even messages saying they were stolen.

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1 hour ago, rimfire4969 said:

Someone I know was selling his Lab pups for his usual price about £1000 good working stock and kc reg. He had phone calls asking whats wrong with them as they are so cheap! even messages saying they were stolen.

That's the sort of money I would give for a dog tbh I think that is very fair! So far we have been quoted £2000 - 3000 & even £5000 for a bloody dog 

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Get in touch with known reputable breeders of working dogs of whatever breed you fancy and put your name down for their next litter. I can only speak for labs but all the litters I know of in the last twelve months have been spoken for this way. That way you get to know the breeder and vice versa and get a feel for price. You then go for whichever one suits you and your wallet.

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As Dave says, get your name down with a known breeder, might not be an artsy farsy top line FT but just a good solid breeder . My neighbour has a nice litter of spaniels at the moment and evry one had been spoken for before they popped out.  I believe all going to working homes.  These are less than the four figures mentioned.

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21 minutes ago, toontastic said:

OMG just been searching for cocker pups in my local area, prices range from £1800 - £2600.

Well look further afield. You won’t pay anything like four figures here in Scotland and plenty of well bred working litters. As I have said though you need to get your name down. Friend of mine has a nice litter of WCA’s now two weeks old and all sold before born.

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3 minutes ago, Dave at kelton said:

Well look further afield. You won’t pay anything like four figures here in Scotland and plenty of well bred working litters. As I have said though you need to get your name down. Friend of mine has a nice litter of WCA’s now two weeks old and all sold before born.

I don't actually need a pup, got a house full of quality cockers. I just thought I'd do a search out of interest, and I was totally shocked at the prices. I can only put it down to pure greed. Totally agree with all your comments about finding the right breeder and getting your name down. 

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