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Mc Canns - Anyones thoughts a changing

Lancs Lad

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I've not changed my views either. I always thought they were weird :yes: ever since I first heard the phrase "Team McCann".


All this bull$hit promotional circus - it was like some corporate **** sales campaign. Nauseating.


World tour, visit the Pope, press conferences, photo shoot, another million donated by airheads. ******** :)


I expect they'll get off though. Our judicial system is too weak to get justice done, so that'll be it once they get back and nobody will ever know what happened to that poor little kid. :lol:

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If they found madelines blood in the car and they deny it still why dont they explain why it was their. If they did do it they are going to make the rest of the British a idiots.


Or it could be the portugese trying to plant stuff because they get alot of money coming throw tourism and if they dont get a suspect they will probably start losing tourists.

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Its just the usual press propaganda.....once people start getting bored of a sad story they turn it in on itself to sell more papers. The mccanns are a bit of an odd couple in as far as i could never take to them even after all of this.....the point that I hope won't get trodden over from now on is that little maddie is still missing. It would apear from the offset that the portugese authorities did not have a clue how to conduct an early investigation. At least in this country they would have had this sown up by now by proper procedures in the initial stages.


I just hope they didn't have anything to do with it all

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Nah, I am sticking with my Peter Falconio and Joanne Lees theory. Useless police and a vicious press pack deliberately left us thinking Joanne Lees was in on it.


The foreign Johnny police are clueless and having the McCanns on their soil is a drain on their resources and spoiling their vital tourist industry. The McCanns having "their collars felt" is the Portugese telling them they have run out of suspects and that's the end of the line for the investigation unless they fancy being the target of a trial i.e. it's time for them to f-off.


And what about the bloke up the road who became a formal suspect (and still is I believe) ? And if the McCann's hire car contained vital evidence, why are the McCann's still driving it? Smells like Portugese horse poop to me.


Innocent until proven guilty and in the meantime anyone who believes what the Portugese police say or the press say without challenging it, is a mug.

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Nah, I am sticking with my Peter Falconio and Joanne Lees theory. Useless police and a vicious press pack deliberately left us thinking Joanne Lees was in on it.


The foreign Johnny police are clueless and having the McCanns on their soil is a drain on their resources and spoiling their vital tourist industry. The McCanns having "their collars felt" is the Portugese telling them they have run out of suspects and that's the end of the line for the investigation unless they fancy being the target of a trial i.e. it's time for them to f-off.


And what about the bloke up the road who became a formal suspect (and still is I believe) ? And if the McCann's hire car contained vital evidence, why are the McCann's still driving it? Smells like Portugese horse poop to me.


Innocent until proven guilty and in the meantime anyone who believes what the Portugese police say or the press say without challenging it, is a mug.


Mung, this is an outrageously cynical thing to say. I am, however, outrageously cynical myself and so am perfectly able to believe your proposition.


The Portugese Plod still have an alful lot of questions to answer and now, some 125 days after the abduction, I don't think the McCanns are that answer. Now, I don't like the McCann's and way they have carried on, but I have never been in their position. Although, if I had kids I wouldn't bulk at the thought of coughing up £20 for babysitter either.


The little girl is the victim here, the parents are not. Kate and Gerry have my empathy but, neither have or deserve my sympathy. It is their actions or inactions or the night in question, that have either caused or allowed the abduction of the little girl - who dispite the thoughts and prayers of half the world, is probably now dead - and for the record, I don't think they are directly involved but, they do have some (criminal) responsibility for which they actions should be called to book.

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I don't think they are directly involved but, they do have some (crimal) responsibility for which they actions should be called to book.



If they are innocent of any direct involvement in their daughter's disappearance (and I still believe that they may well not be, it's just that at this stage I haven't seen anything substantive to suggest that they are guilty of anything than a lapse in judgment) then what would sending them to prison achieve? Who will look after their other children or should they be put into care whilst their parents are sent to prison?


There are some interesting works on sentencing and punishment generally, these include attributing values to the deterrent factor of any particular sentence, society's views toward the crime concerned and revenge & retribution for those who suffer (yep it's factored in there) as well as policy considerations e.g. how full are our jails and do we bang people up for crime X.


The only factor that could possibly fall into this would be "society's views" - nothing else really scores in this instant. Society's views have been influenced by the fact that no one likes the McCanns (Mrs. looking just too good for everyone's liking under the pressure of it all and Mr. Squeaky voice) but at the same time what do we know about them and how good or bad a parents have they been in the past? We know nothing of them and shouldn't judge them on what is put out by the Portuguese police and the press. The McCanns have their punishment for going to dinner and leaving their kids unattended and will carry it around until the end of their days. If they are guilty of anything more then that's a different ball game entirely.

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I don't think they are directly involved but, they do have some (criminal) responsibility for which they actions should be called to book.



If they are innocent of any direct involvement in their daughter's disappearance (and I still believe that they may well not be, it's just that at this stage I haven't seen anything substantive to suggest that they are guilty of anything than a lapse in judgment) then what would sending them to prison achieve? Who will look after their other children or should they be put into care whilst their parents are sent to prison?


There are some interesting works on sentencing and punishment generally, these include attributing values to the deterrent factor of any particular sentence, society's views toward the crime concerned and revenge & retribution for those who suffer (yep it's factored in there) as well as policy considerations e.g. how full are our jails and do we bang people up for crime X.


The only factor that could possibly fall into this would be "society's views" - nothing else really scores in this instant. Society's views have been influenced by the fact that no one likes the McCanns (Mrs. looking just too good for everyone's liking under the pressure of it all and Mr. Squeaky voice) but at the same time what do we know about them and how good or bad a parents have they been in the past? We know nothing of them and shouldn't judge them on what is put out by the Portuguese police and the press. The McCanns have their punishment for going to dinner and leaving their kids unattended and will carry it around until the end of their days. If they are guilty of anything more then that's a different ball game entirely.


If we accept the parents are not directly responsible for the abduction/kidnap/murder of Madelaine; would any(alleged) negligence of the behalf of her parents be sufficiently mitigated by the burden of guilt, that they must now endure for the rest of their natural, to proclude the bringing of charges in respect of that (alleged) neglect?

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The concerning bit here is the fact she is a GP and has in theory been sedating the kids so they can go out on the lash with friends without the kids waking. Ok most parents use calpol etc but this sounds one step further on. It would explain why they didn't lock the back door etc ok all this has come from leaked police sources but if its true then its entirely possible she was overdosed accidentally, with her mother being a GP she would loose her job and go down for rather a long time so you could see the incentive on hiding the body. If its prooved then social services ought to remove the other children ASAP personally I have no idea what to believe but a lot of the evidence has been processed in the UK so should have a little more credability than if the portugese produced it. Whatever they have skipped out of portugal pretty fast after being named suspects which is a little odd, from the amount of questioning they have had though I wouldn't be surprised to find them charged shortly as there must be some evidence we don't know about for the police to have made quite such a change of tack.

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That is all wild speculation, leaked from police sources. The same sources that brought us Robert Murat and blood in the hire car - the latest is that the DNA found in the hire car was not blood but skin / hair (categorically no blood).


The overdose and sedation theory is a new one on me though and would have rather long odds at the bookies.

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The overdose and sedation theory is a new one on me though and would have rather long odds at the bookies.


That theory has been doing the rounds for quite some time. I'd be happy to put money on it being the most likely truth.

She killed her by accident and Gerry orchestrated the cover up, that's been top of my list of theories since week 1.

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