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Vaccines not vaccines claims


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12 minutes ago, Scully said:

Oh please! You really do need to give your internet browsing a break, and maybe stop thinking so much! 

Someone sent me the link and i wanted to sound out some of you guys before ignoring it. I think I'd best stop asking if what I get sent sometimes is fact.

So basically don't go online anymore or follow up any links then - in fact don't believe anything that anyone says - including on here. Sorry but really who the flip do we believe?.

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6 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Sounds like good advice but seriously when we hear doctors saying this stuff... ?*!%*^

Some so called Doctors spout that bio research should not be done whilst they are using the medicines and medical procedures that bio research produce.

There are a lot of nutcases out there. 🤪

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17 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Someone sent me the link and i wanted to sound out some of you guys before ignoring it. I think I'd best stop asking if what I get sent sometimes is fact.

So basically don't go online anymore or follow up any links then - in fact don't believe anything that anyone says - including on here. Sorry but really who the flip do we believe?.

Go online by all means, but stop believing everything is a conspiracy, or that everyone is out to get you. 
Try adding a bit of logic, such as......if it were true don’t you think the mainstream media would be all over it like a rash? 

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2 minutes ago, Scully said:

Go online by all means, but stop believing everything is a conspiracy, or that everyone is out to get you. 
Try adding a bit of logic, such as......if it were true don’t you think the mainstream media would be all over it like a rash? 

I'm getting to the point that maybe i now shouldn't listen to any doctors, nurses, politicians, solicitors, teachers and zillions of others and if i mention any of it on here wear three layers of tinfoil with carbon fibre plys in them. Can't rely on MSM reporting - they only print an opinion that suits them. Little wonder there's so many riots around the world - most of it spawned by the information highway Blair was so keen to get going. I'm slowly thinking coming round to binning the PC now.

6 minutes ago, ordnance said:

What doctors, thousands of doctors have had the vaccine. 

The doctors in that video at the bottom of the page I linked to.

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The Norwegians made a mistake of announcing that a dozen or so very old very ill people had died AFTER they had the jab but no proper report from any autopsy and then of course the MEDIA picked it up and consequently we where all going to die if we had the jab.   I had two calls this morning telling me if I didn't press button one then my internet would be cut off but I am still typing this.     NOW, I have been a little sceptical about the first vacine because it was produced and approved so quickly and there were arguments about second jabs and how long or mixing them up etc etc etc.  So I held up until I spoke with my own Doctore of some 30yrs and conseuently went and got mine today.  Hope to be back on the air tomorrow guys.

Basically it is litle more than having a tetanus jab...now how many of you countrymen and women have one of those?  Lock Jaw is not funny.

I do not take anything if it is not fully backed by my Doctor who is a countryman and tells it as it is.  He has advised me for 30yrs and at the end of the day you have to trust someone and who better?

Edited by Walker570
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1 minute ago, Dave-G said:

I'm getting to the point that maybe i now shouldn't listen to any doctors, nurses, politicians, solicitors, teachers and zillions of others and if i mention any of it on here wear three layers of tinfoil with carbon fibre plys in them. Can't rely on MSM reporting - they only print an opinion that suits them. Little wonder there's so many riots around the world - most of it spawned by the information highway Blair was so keen to get going. I'm slowly thinking coming round to binning the PC now.

Then bin it; if you’re seriously at a point where you can’t determine fact from fiction by applying a little logic, then bin it. Seriously. It’s doing you no favours whatsoever. 

As for the mainstream media; yes, they are biased towards their own agenda, which is usually regarding the accumulation of wealth or their political leanings, which ultimately comes down to money again, and if what you’ve read regarding the link you posted, bore a modicum of truth, then our media would be falling over each other to expose it, no matter their bias. 

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11 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Sounds like good advice but seriously when we hear doctors saying this stuff... ?*!%*^

That is where you use the internet, check out what is said and by whom. I just spent 15 minutes checking out a new fuel system that is going to save us!!!! Whoopee! Except further searching says that it is not even close to being the saviour of the world. However if you follow other links on the page they try to get you to think that these things are being kept from you because there is too much money in conventional fuels and "they" want you to keep using their fuel...OMG why would they do that? Check out this page...it tells you who "they" are and why they want to inject you.... WHAAAT! You didn't know that! For goodness sake, where have you been living mate, in a cave?

Basically that is the way it goes, lots of click bait and cross referencing to other sites which also has click bait (possibly paid) to keep you looking at the three ring circus and unable to make a reasonable assessment of the actual facts. Don't be ashamed or worried, just get away from those who are sending these emails (?) or messages. 

But there again I would say that because I am part of the problem aren't I....bwah ha ha ha!

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The Norwegians made a mistake of announcing that a dozen or so very old very ill people had died AFTER they had the jab but no proper report from any autopsy and then of course the MEDIA picked it up and consequently we where all going to die if we had the jab.   

Maybe they relied on people having some common sense big mistake, if people stopped taking medications that could have a adverse effect they would take nothing. 


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5 minutes ago, henry d said:

That is where you use the internet, check out what is said and by whom. I just spent 15 minutes checking out a new fuel system that is going to save us!!!! Whoopee! Except further searching says that it is not even close to being the saviour of the world. However if you follow other links on the page they try to get you to think that these things are being kept from you because there is too much money in conventional fuels and "they" want you to keep using their fuel...OMG why would they do that? Check out this page...it tells you who "they" are and why they want to inject you.... WHAAAT! You didn't know that! For goodness sake, where have you been living mate, in a cave?

Basically that is the way it goes, lots of click bait and cross referencing to other sites which also has click bait (possibly paid) to keep you looking at the three ring circus and unable to make a reasonable assessment of the actual facts. Don't be ashamed or worried, just get away from those who are sending these emails (?) or messages. 

But there again I would say that because I am part of the problem aren't I....bwah ha ha ha!

I've already asked the sender of that link to not send any more ever - including his chemtrails and a few others I dismissed without discussing on here. :oops:

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58 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

I've already asked the sender of that link to not send any more ever - including his chemtrails and a few others I dismissed without discussing on here. :oops:

Well done.

Step in the right direction, it's hard to say no thanks, and they may have had the best of intentions, but sometimes you need a breather from the bombardment of information. 👍

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For Daves benefit maybe we could run  list of things that are conspiracy nutjobs and made up rubbish and he can check it off before posting.


1. The earth is not flat and nasa aren't guarding the edge. 

2. Covid isn't a means to control the population. 

3. The vaccine is also not a means to control the population and especially not by tiny microchips from Bill gates (they would crash anyways if windows is a benchmark)

4. 9/11 is real and not a "flash flag" op to control the population or whatever they claimed. Real terrorists really did it. 

5. The Queen is not a giant lizard

6. The masons don't run the world, mostly its old men escaping from the house that raise money for charity. 

7. Aliens. Must exists but no proof and none that they abduct hundreds of thousands of Americans every night and anally probe them, if those claiming to be abducted actually were real we'd all have seen it by now and where would they get the oceanic amounts of lube from?

8. Airplanes don't spray an unknown liquid out to control the population/mindcontrol/other random reason


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11 minutes ago, GingerCat said:

For Daves benefit maybe we could run  list of things that are conspiracy nutjobs and made up rubbish and he can check it off before posting.


1. The earth is not flat and nasa aren't guarding the edge. 

2. Covid isn't a means to control the population. 

3. The vaccine is also not a means to control the population and especially not by tiny microchips from Bill gates (they would crash anyways if windows is a benchmark)

4. 9/11 is real and not a "flash flag" op to control the population or whatever they claimed. Real terrorists really did it. 

5. The Queen is not a giant lizard

6. The masons don't run the world, mostly its old men escaping from the house that raise money for charity. 

7. Aliens. Must exists but no proof and none that they abduct hundreds of thousands of Americans every night and anally probe them, if those claiming to be abducted actually were real we'd all have seen it by now and where would they get the oceanic amounts of lube from?

8. Airplanes don't spray an unknown liquid out to control the population/mindcontrol/other random reason


Aw thanks, I'll be forever indebted for your considerable thoughtfulness. :yay:

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