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Poor Old BBC News


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Watching the truly awful BBC news to catch up on events and they are expending lots of effort to make us aware that Europe and the EU are struggling to get their chosen Vaccines in to peoples arms.

Apparently they a 5 times slower that we are!

This is the same BBC News that was so obviously against Brexit, they really are opportunists and must believe people have short memories.

Personally I don't much care for any where else until we have all been vaccinated, then spare stock can be offered to other countries.

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I'd put more faith in the BBC if they prefaced every news item with, "....the following broadcast is approved by the EU & has been partly funded by the Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Bureau...."

As above - very short selective memories

I have zero confidence/interest in any BBC output, but as a straight white male I am no longer their target demographic

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3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Watching the truly awful BBC news to catch up on events and they are expending lots of effort to make us aware that Europe and the EU are struggling to get their chosen Vaccines in to peoples arms.

Apparently they a 5 times slower that we are!

This is the same BBC News that was so obviously against Brexit, they really are opportunists and must believe people have short memories.

Personally I don't much care for any where else until we have all been vaccinated, then spare stock can be offered to other countries.

Can't disagree with any of that dave .

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36 minutes ago, team tractor said:

Charity starts at home 👍
I want my jab ASAP and personally feel they started at the wrong age . My parents said themselves that 80/ 90+are not working like the younger generation 

First time my asthma has been useful, I got my first jab last week

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2 hours ago, team tractor said:

Charity starts at home 👍
I want my jab ASAP and personally feel they started at the wrong age . My parents said themselves that 80/ 90+are not working like the younger generation 

It was all about stopping the hospitals being overwhelmed and preventing deaths, vaccinating the younger generation first would help that. 

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19 hours ago, Deker said:

First time my asthma has been useful, I got my first jab last week

I’m trying to get mine at almost 40 years old . I can but try. 
my asthma isn’t great 

17 hours ago, ordnance said:

It was all about stopping the hospitals being overwhelmed and preventing deaths, vaccinating the younger generation first would help that. 

Exactly. 30-50 year olds should be priority as we can’t shield 

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23 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

He seems to be saying the nazis were vile scum for the slaughter of Jews. Unless I've missed something, what's wrong with that? 

Zyclon-B was very popular at the time..........very good uptake

Seemed to be a bit on the lighthearted sarcastic side to me. What you write can be taken in different ways compared to spoken comments. ATB.

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