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Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine.


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Just now, Rim Fire said:

Mabe to just try and contribute to other parts of the forum all they do is argue on this one thread i think other people are getting fed up with it 

They both post in other sections as far as I’m aware. 
I’m not having a dig, but just don’t read it; there are several topics on PW I don’t bother with. 

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1 minute ago, Rewulf said:

I have noticed this , and understand you are juggling a lot of balls , my apologies and appreciation, however...

You have insulted various members by accusing them of working for Russia, others were called brainwashed or worse.
I could be wrong , but I always thought mods should remain impartial ?

I have tried to disconnect from this , as Ive stated , this doesnt show us in a good light, at all.
However , there are those who cant seem to let it go , and the insults continue, Ive even tried to turn it into a light hearted game, so it doesnt really sound like we are calling each other drug taking Russian spies, who are 'nuts'
To no avail.


I post on many other aspects of this forum , try a search.

you only ever respond to others posts i think there is a lot that dont shoot but just come on to argue 

1 minute ago, Scully said:

I’m not having a dig

Yeah ok 

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3 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

you only ever respond to others posts i think there is a lot that dont shoot but just come on to argue 

Untrue , I do start threads , but if you have that much time to check on what Im posting  (or not) how much shooting do you do ?:lol:

Trust me when I tell you , I do a lot of shooting, of all types, so please dont try to paint me with some idea you have of me.

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5 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Untrue , I do start threads , but if you have that much time to check on what Im posting  (or not) how much shooting do you do ?

Trust me when I tell you , I do a lot of shooting, of all types, so please dont try to paint me with some idea you have of me.

Then lets see some of it you cant do that much as you are on this thread all day long and night  🤣

Edited by Rim Fire
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5 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

Trust me when I tell you , I do a lot of shooting, of all types, so please dont try to paint me with some idea you have of me.

You don't need me to paint a picture of you you've done that yourself 

You said it not me 😂

4 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Is it a case of you show me yours and Ill show you mine ?:lol: 


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23 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

I have noticed this , and understand you are juggling a lot of balls , my apologies and appreciation, however...

You have insulted various members by accusing them of working for Russia, others were called brainwashed or worse.


I don't think i have, accused anyone of working for russia, i have asked if they get paid in roubles, i have not called anyone brainwashed, and definatly not worse to my recolection, but as i say show me and i will apologise.


As a mod i am entitled to my opinion as much as everyone else, i am allowed to argue a point and state my case, i do not use any of the tools against people except when they break forum rules.

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On 25/09/2022 at 23:41, welsh1 said:

Stop being Putin's lacky apologist.

On 25/09/2022 at 17:17, welsh1 said:

Oh come on , if you trhink this is unbiased news then you are off your rocker, if you follow and agree with this person then you are nothing but a russian supporter.


On 26/09/2022 at 10:10, welsh1 said:

At least this thread has shown us who the Russian bots are.


On 27/09/2022 at 09:54, welsh1 said:

This is my last comment on this because it's quite obvious what you are,, let's hope you are not being paid in rubles.

It wasnt, but hey ho .
I cant find a quote from you saying 'brainwashed' I could be wrong , but theres a lot of ground to cover, and Im losing the will to live with all this .
Welsh, you do a great job of modding , and of course youre entitled to your opinion, but I think some of the comments on this thread have gone too far, just my opinion of course.

As I said , if anyone really thinks there are any Russians, bots, shills or spies, get on the phone and call MI5 , Im sure theyll be interested in some info ?

Alternatively , we can be grown ups , and discuss the situation in a civil manner, like gentlemen, rather than knuckle dragging drunks down the pub throwing insults ?

11 minutes ago, Jaymo said:


This thread is now locked.


Spoilsport ! 

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9 minutes ago, Rewulf said:



It wasnt, but hey ho .
I cant find a quote from you saying 'brainwashed' I could be wrong , but theres a lot of ground to cover, and Im losing the will to live with all this .
Welsh, you do a great job of modding , and of course youre entitled to your opinion, but I think some of the comments on this thread have gone too far, just my opinion of course.

As I said , if anyone really thinks there are any Russians, bots, shills or spies, get on the phone and call MI5 , Im sure theyll be interested in some info ?

Alternatively , we can be grown ups , and discuss the situation in a civil manner, like gentlemen, rather than knuckle dragging drunks down the pub throwing insults ?

Spoilsport ! 

Do you think any of my comments were abusive? i don't think they were, but to anyone who has taken offence i apologise.

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1 hour ago, Rim Fire said:

Why don't this pair try posting in some of the other parts of the PW forums like the shooting parts not just off topic mabe posting some pics of themselves participating in shooting activities 

They do, and plenty, but this does seem to have kept them busy for a few days. 

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Complaints about a robust differing of opinions on an Internet forum sound like that scene from Dr Strangelove "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

Just let them get on with it. Either can walk away at any time, if you don't like it click on the spoon whittling thread instead. I would also humbly beg forgiveness for not meeting my quota of posts in other topics, which some are mooting as a prerequisite for joining in.

The only issue I have with this thread is the fact that people don't realise that Rewulf is right. Far from closing this thread, you should bookmark and come back to it in the years ahead to see just how right.

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58 minutes ago, treetree said:

Complaints about a robust differing of opinions on an Internet forum sound like that scene from Dr Strangelove "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

Just let them get on with it. Either can walk away at any time, if you don't like it click on the spoon whittling thread instead. I would also humbly beg forgiveness for not meeting my quota of posts in other topics, which some are mooting as a prerequisite for joining in.

The only issue I have with this thread is the fact that people don't realise that Rewulf is right. Far from closing this thread, you should bookmark and come back to it in the years ahead to see just how right.

It’s an interesting one. Our economies and no doubt our pockets would be far better off if we just let the Russians crack on and slaughter any who oppose them, but it doesn’t feel right to me - others no doubt will be at ease with if not supportive of Putin’s war and the loss of civilian life.

Russian state TV this week has stepped up brain washing the populace by advocating throwing live Ukrainian children into rivers and saying how Ukrainian women should be pleased to be lucky enough to be raped by Russian soldiers etc. The dehumanising of the Ukrainian people is very familiar from other wars - if you want human beings to do despicable things to other human beings you have to tell one side that the other aren’t human and this is happening right now.

Anyways, our problems are first world as we sit in our homes that haven’t had the roofs blown off and as we grapple with a larger than wanted leccy bill.

In other news, there’s plenty of long winded threads on here of no interest to me, and I just don’t view them - simple stuff eh? That’s sort of how the internet works. Anyway, I’m nipping over to Mums Net now, there’s a long running thread on natural child birth that doesn’t interest me and I feel compelled to tell them and ask for the thread to be shut down.

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9 minutes ago, Mungler said:

It’s an interesting one. Our economies and no doubt our pockets would be far better off if we just let the Russians crack on and slaughter any who oppose them, but it doesn’t feel right to me - others no doubt will be at ease with if not supportive of Putin’s war and the loss of civilian life.

Like we did in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Georgia ?
Strange how we didnt seem that interested in those Russian invasions.

11 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Russian state TV this week has stepped up brain washing the populace by advocating throwing live Ukrainian children into rivers and saying how Ukrainian women should be pleased to be lucky enough to be raped by Russian soldiers etc. The dehumanising of the Ukrainian people is very familiar from other wars - if you want human beings to do despicable things to other human beings you have to tell one side that the other aren’t human and this is happening right now.

Missed that one , do you have a link ?

Its a good job Ukrainians dont call the Russians anything 'dehumanising' like orcs , rashists ect , as they slaughter the 'occupiers' by the thousand ?
Shouldnt be there , I know, but dont talk about dehumanising and leave that very obvious bit out.

War by definition dehumanises, its difficult to kill another (unless they are trying to kill you ) when you consider them as someone much like yourself.
Hence they simply become 'the enemy' who must be destroyed , lest they destroy you first.
This is most usually a construct , of those who sent you to war in the first place.

20 minutes ago, Mungler said:

In other news, there’s plenty of long winded threads on here of no interest to me, and I just don’t view them - simple stuff eh? That’s sort of how the internet works. Anyway, I’m nipping over to Mums Net now, there’s a long running thread on natural child birth that doesn’t interest me and I feel compelled to tell them and ask for the thread to be shut down.

Good luck with that , theyll make the animosity on this thread look very tame.


6 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Only time will tell but the truth lies somewhere between the two bookends debated here, I suspect the truth lies slightly more towards Rewulf’s account but in reality this thread ran its course about 68 pages ago.

The saddest thing is , we shall probably never know the truth, its the way of things.
I would imagine many things happen in the world, where what we are told to be true, is anything but, a kind of sanitised narrative, lest we lose trust in the society we exist in ?
Those who speculate, are the modern day witches of conspiracy, to be rooted out and ridiculed should they stray from the path.
Be happy with all your truths , but let others be happy with theirs.

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