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Doing away with S2


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Have just watched a YouTube vid’ in which a woman with a Premier Guns gilet on was talking to BASC’s Bill Harriman regarding the Police licensing unit being unfit for purpose. 
I’ve tried to find it on phone to post the link but couldn’t do so. 
Anyhow, I entirely agree with her. 
If ( probably when more like, given our inability to prevent it ) S2 is made obsolete and all shotguns in effect become S1, this will mean ( if S1 criteria is applied ) we can no longer just drop into a dealer and purchase a shotgun as we currently do. We will instead need a variation on our tickets and the necessary slot for that specific calibre and type.
We will also need a 1 for 1 variation to part ex’ and also ‘good reason’. 
This is going to implode an already abysmally inept processing procedure in my opinion. 
Interesting times ahead methinks. 
As an aside, if I heard correctly, it was interesting to learn that the responsible chief officer for Devon and Cornwall was conveniently allowed to retire before the inquiry/investigation, and the judge presiding over such, either resigned or retired within days of its conclusion! Read into that what you will. 

Edited by Scully
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26 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

The big problem will be if the same rules are applied to shotgun ammunition as section 1 ammunition.

Yep. We can double the abysmallity ( yes, I know there’s no such word!🙂) when an already inept licensing authority tries to sort out how much shotgun ammunition each shotgun holder already possesses; a mate of mine doesn’t even know how many slabs he has in his house! What they going to do, send someone round to count it all? 😀

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8 hours ago, Scully said:

What they going to do, send someone round to count it all? 😀

Well, it's much easier than catching burglars.  Only slightly harder than sitting in a large luxury car on a motorway bridge with a speed gun adding to the Christmas party fund.

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Hi Scully would you know when the film was made. I don’t know if it’s an advertisement for cartridges or a discussion about firearms . Cartridges should be put away when not in use, out of sight out of mind. Not long ago they would be smoking a menthol flavour cigarette, with the packets on the table and a gun propped up in the corner of the room. More people are looking at what we do with fire arms for recreation. 

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3 hours ago, Gas seal said:

Hi Scully would you know when the film was made. I don’t know if it’s an advertisement for cartridges or a discussion about firearms . Cartridges should be put away when not in use, out of sight out of mind. Not long ago they would be smoking a menthol flavour cigarette, with the packets on the table and a gun propped up in the corner of the room. More people are looking at what we do with fire arms for recreation. 

I have no idea when it was made, but it was uploaded to YouTube only a matter of days ago. 
I don’t know what the rest of your post is referring to, sorry. 

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4 hours ago, Gas seal said:

Hi Scully would you know when the film was made. I don’t know if it’s an advertisement for cartridges or a discussion about firearms . Cartridges should be put away when not in use, out of sight out of mind. Not long ago they would be smoking a menthol flavour cigarette, with the packets on the table and a gun propped up in the corner of the room. More people are looking at what we do with fire arms for recreation. 

As an experienced shooter didn't spot it, we may get away with it. :whistling::innocent:

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18 hours ago, Scully said:

Yep. We can double the abysmallity ( yes, I know there’s no such word!🙂) when an already inept licensing authority tries to sort out how much shotgun ammunition each shotgun holder already possesses; a mate of mine doesn’t even know how many slabs he has in his house! What they going to do, send someone round to count it all? 😀

Not to mention the extra secure storage needed, if shotgun cartridges become section 1 ammunition.

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If Labour win the next election, which they are strong favourites to do so, I think we are destined for this to happen. I’m also very concerned by how many people are now wanting guns to be kept at a shooting ground except for those who can ‘prove’ that they need to store at home.


Only reason that there wasn’t more public outcry against shooters after Keyham was because it was pushed out of the news by the Afghanistan withdrawal a day after the incident. People are easily swayed by the news.

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I think that Firearms licencing should be managed by a national department totally separate from the Police. 

One thing I do find old hat (and I say this as someone who is old school) is the actual paper licences we have to carry around/go to to a gun shop with.  Surely in this digital age a photocard type licence would be more appropriate. 

I also recall BASC once talking of trying to get single shot or bolt action sporting rifles downgraded to section 2 firearms and therefore could be bought on a shotgun/S2 licence.  It was wishful thinking and never came to anything. 

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15 minutes ago, Shadowchaser said:

I think that Firearms licencing should be managed by a national department totally separate from the Police. 

One thing I do find old hat (and I say this as someone who is old school) is the actual paper licences we have to carry around/go to to a gun shop with.  Surely in this digital age a photocard type licence would be more appropriate. 

I also recall BASC once talking of trying to get single shot or bolt action sporting rifles downgraded to section 2 firearms and therefore could be bought on a shotgun/S2 licence.  It was wishful thinking and never came to anything. 

Re the licensing, you’d somehow have to legislate that retired plods looking to supplement their pensions would be classed as persona non grata.

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22 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

The big problem will be if the same rules are applied to shotgun ammunition as section 1 ammunition.

And land clearance etc., just think of the numbers of folk who shoot in different places for game, fowl and small informal clay clubs. 

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1 hour ago, mossy835 said:

i dont think plod will ever keep up with it,they cant keep up with now.

Agreed. The firearms departments don’t even have capacity for current responsibilities. The S1 proposals are just that… proposals. There would need to be a quantum systems change and major investment to make it happen. We are a long way off. Hopefully it will remain just a ‘proposal’ in a forgotten document collecting dust on a shelf somewhere. Hopefully…!!!

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Yes it’s all about proposals and speculation. If shotguns and firearms are on one licence they should have different conditions. If shotguns are on the firearms licence a good reason to use one, the same as for firearms, will be no doubt be required. It’s all about the conditions on each person’s license. Conditions can be added to any licences by the police. Hi Scully the film revolves around the box of cartridges on the table, old fashioned advertising. 

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Putting shotgun as the same as a firearm license, will kill shooting sports. I find it frustrating that people who shoot, would even contemplate the idea.  If you cannot see that after all that happened with licensing over the last 100 years, is not about making people safe, it is about controlling people and you are mad or part of the establishment, to what to see the ownership of free people owning a gun. Every part of new gun legislation has only penalises the law abiding gun owner and done nothing to stop illegal gun ownership. People need to get their head out of the sand and look at every country in the world, who governments will use a knee jerk reaction, to ban guns. If you don’t learn off history, your are doomed to make the same mistakes again.

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Age and a physical condition to match suggests that I may, or may not, renew my certificates one more time. Therefore, with no need to be speaking out (except for on here) I won't be rocking any boats. On the wall behind me I have my Waffenbesitzkarte and my Jagdschein. I liked the idea of these when they were issued and from what I can gather they appeal to me even more now.

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51 minutes ago, olddogfox said:

Keeping quite and not saying anything, is why we are losing shooting sports.

OK, if you insist.

For me, the certification in my last post was far simpler than our current legislation and it also had ( probably should be 'has' but I'm not au fait with the current set up) some indications of the holders' knowledge/ability where appropriate. Now, we're good but not perfect and for me anything that can, will or might improve our standing in the eyes of the general population would be to our advantage. Not to mention the benefit we would also gain personally. I do appreciate, though, that there is little or nothing we can do to satisfy the rabid antis.

So, if you want what I would consider to be our shortfall to be aired, I'm happy to oblige on your behalf. Don't suppose you have a phone number for CP or an email address for WJ by any chance?

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I believe it all depends on what "doing away" actually quantifies. 

If it means having a second referee on application rather than only 1, there's no harm.
If it means you get a unified equivalent version of a co-terminus single licence, I don't see a harm. Proviso's would be:

Still have different table for what was S1 and S2
Someone like myself that's currently SGC only has "no slots" for the FAC grade weapons
No restriction on the table for SGC grade weapons

It would mean single licence dates, single checks, still allow for slots and variations, and still allow for "any" SGC weapons. 

It's less printing, less cost, less admin, single system etc. It could free up time to actually process grants, renewals etc to run more efficiently.


Ohhh yes, I am wearing rose tinted glasses today.

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Hi I have a firearms licence and a shotgun licence in law they are firearms, a under 12ft lb air rifle is a firearm if an offence is committed with it. The new word for firearms is weapons, the new licence could be to keep and use offensive weapons. It should always sporting firearms not weapons that we use for various reasons. If the name of the licences change just apply for it.

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On 13/06/2023 at 08:51, HantsRob said:

I believe it all depends on what "doing away" actually quantifies. 

‘Doing away’ means as I explained; making all what are currently S2 firearms, subject to everything that applies to S1 firearms currently. 

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If I have to go s1 then I'm going to get a lot more. The only reason I don't is the trouble of filling out paper work that I can't be bothered with. 

Would star with fac air and maybe a .22 for rabbits on the paddocks I shoot, maybe a 38/357 for gallery that I would very soon take up and who knows what else I can find good reason for. A farm I shoot has deer so thats a .243 and probably fox so something else. I won't be alone  

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