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Striking Doctors and the Hippocratic Oath


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34 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

Lloyd90 - what is an accurate figure?

Of what? Doctors working from home? 

Considering it’s a junior doctors strike, and GP’s aren’t junior doctors, then: 

1. most likely none. 
2. it’s not relevant anyways. 

I don’t know any doctors based on wards working from home at all. 

GP’s aren’t going on strike so why are they getting grief?

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11 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

The same people who abuse the system and are down at the Hospital even when they don’t need to be are often (but not always) those same people who abuse lots of services, and aren’t in work, likely on benefits, and will say “I can’t pay I’m on benefits” and likely be given an exemption. 

They already pay no tax so don’t pay towards the system, so the tax paying working man and woman pays tax to find the system, then has to pay again to use it, whilst dossers continue to get it for free. 

Hardly a solution. 

Time to remove some of the red tape protecting the lay abouts, economic migrants and NHS tourism. First one to go should be human rights act, which needs replacing with something fit for purpose.

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2 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Time to remove some of the red tape protecting the lay abouts, economic migrants and NHS tourism. First one to go should be human rights act, which needs replacing with something fit for purpose.

Not a flipping hope of that? No common  sense for years?

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How many European countries have a health system like theNHS? France works on part employer part insurance when working insurance when retired. You pay 23 Euros to see doctor EVERYONE including tourists which you claim back from insurance Pharmacists issueing prescriptions ( they have been for years) 10 euros for a prescription no exceptions stops people having free scipts for items that can be bought off the shelf without a script. for a few euros could this work here? i doubt it as we have a system where all are entitled to You cannot go there as a health tourist you pay but they do have a basic system very basic but it works  

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1 hour ago, armsid said:

How many European countries have a health system like theNHS? 

None, Holland has no state health care at all, it's all privately run but you have to belong to an insurance scheme by law. 

Ireland it's about 25 euros to see a GP and about 75 euros to attend A&E

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Senior doctors on strike next. 86% in favour of strike action. 20th July strike day, following on from the junior doctors strike. All of this after ten years plus of Tory cuts. Paid for by the good will of public servants. 

You can't have quality public services on the cheap. Relying on charity and good nature as the basis for service delivery will not work. 

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Hello, did I read this right, striking for a pay rise when on over £100, 000 🤔

Just now, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, did I read this right, striking for a pay rise when on over £100, 000 🤔

Hello, end of July I had a PSA test, hospital phone call on June 8th, sorry we have lost results, another PSA test 2 weeks ago and still waiting for results 🤔

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4 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, did I read this right, striking for a pay rise when on over £100, 000

It's really about politics, not pay.  The Unions (and in that I include the BMA and medical 'membership groups' who are in effect unions) want to bring down the Government.  Many (most?) consultants also do significant private work which brings in additional money.  Not many employers would allow that.

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Just now, JohnfromUK said:

It's really about politics, not pay.  The Unions (and in that I include the BMA and medical 'membership groups' who are in effect unions) want to bring down the Government.  Many (most?) consultants also do significant private work which brings in additional money.  Not many employers would allow that.

Is the right answer.

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3 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

Many (most?) consultants also do significant private work which brings in additional money.  Not many employers would allow that.

And so what? You want to ban private work? Private work is very lucrative. The less you pay doctors the more private work they will do. The less availability for the NHS. 

We have to prioritise what we want. If we can't afford to properly fund doctors then we need to change the service.

Stop blaming the victims. 

There are plenty of ways to pay for this stuff it's all about priorities. If your  wealthy with private health care and private education the last thing of concern is decent public services. 

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20 minutes ago, oowee said:

Stop blaming the victims. 

Who is blaming the victims?  I most certainly am not.  The patients are the victims every time.

21 minutes ago, oowee said:

You want to ban private work? Private work is very lucrative.

Where did I suggest I wanted to stop it?  I'm just saying they have very good terms from their employers - and an extremely good remuneration package if the private work is also considered.

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11 hours ago, armsid said:

If we are not careful it will be insurance for paying for health care and £20.00 to see a doctor as is in Europe How did the system work before NHS was introduced.

Is that a problem? Seems to work well enough out there, with better services and outcomes. The NHS is not fit for purpose anymore and will only get worse.

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2 hours ago, Penelope said:

Is that a problem? Seems to work well enough out there, with better services and outcomes. The NHS is not fit for purpose anymore and will only get worse.

Not a problem so long as everyone is on the same, level, playing field. 
But would be a massive problem with varied levels of qualification, say, for instance, if the benefit scroungers were to receive special conditions.

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There is a problem with people booking Dr's appointments and not turning up for them, apparently around 7%.  A modest charge would perhaps help? 

There is also a problem with unnecessary A&E visits.  This is apparently (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jan/03/third-gps-back-charges-aande-crisis)

and comes at around 30-40% - which is a lot.  Again, charging would greatly help reduce time wasters.

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