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Road Tax Reminders ????

marsh man

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I had a look the other day to see when my road tax is due as I bought my motor in July and I wasn't sure weather I taxed it from July or kept it on my driveway till August , as it turned out Iwas running my car for two days without it being taxed , I then taxed it straight away on line and as luck would have it no harm was done , the reason why I started this thread is , do the D V L A still send out reminders as I never got one ?? :hmm:

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4 minutes ago, marsh man said:

I had a look the other day to see when my road tax is due as I bought my motor in July and I wasn't sure weather I taxed it from July or kept it on my driveway till August , as it turned out Iwas running my car for two days without it being taxed , I then taxed it straight away on line and as luck would have it no harm was done , the reason why I started this thread is , do the D V L A still send out reminders as I never got one ?? :hmm:

I have had one this week. Together with a demand for £695.

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20 minutes ago, London Best said:

I have had one this week. Together with a demand for £695.

Good god L B , I taxed mine for six months as we will soon be parting company and it was I believe £159 , I have bought cars cheaper than your car tax . :lol:

8 minutes ago, scobydog said:

Weird coincidence this thread came up,

got home from work and my wife informed me  her tax had run out on the at the beginning of August but no reminder, checked like marsh man  out of curiosity, now back dated and paid but defo no reminder.



There you go , glad I wasn't the only one who never got a reminder , I will now check my driving licence to see when that is due for renewal as I am coming up for 76 , I got a year or so grace due to the pandemic so I am not really sure how long mine will last for , as Dunks just said , the onus is on you .                MM

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11 minutes ago, mossy835 said:

i all ways get a reminder,

Yea didn't we all , but me and one member who replied didn't get one this year and how many people who are driving there motors just persume ( like I did ) that a reminder will come through the letter box and just carry on driving because a reminder haven't turned up .:hmm:

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2 minutes ago, amateur said:

I am relieved to read that so many didn't get reminders.

My wife thought that she was the only one.

You are not alone , This thread could be a reminder to remind the members to check there road tax details if they are waiting for a D V L A reminder, Fridays night happy hour :lol:

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Joking apart, if this thread save one person from getting a fine after checking when there tax run out and then found like I did and one or two others it had all ready expired  then it was well worth putting on in the first place , I have always had plenty of help from the members in the past and it's nice to return the favour , Have a good weekend everyone :good:

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16 minutes ago, marsh man said:

They recon as you get older the time goes quicker , I can certainly vouch for that :lol:

Definitely age related. 
It always was November, but I had forgotten that, during coved I scorned the vehicle as not going anywhere. Re-taxed from September.

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7 hours ago, marsh man said:

Joking apart, if this thread save one person from getting a fine after checking when there tax run out and then found like I did and one or two others it had all ready expired  then it was well worth putting on in the first place , I have always had plenty of help from the members in the past and it's nice to return the favour , Have a good weekend everyone :good:

Well, John, having already posted that you can get DVLA to send you an email reminder, I thought, out of interest, to go on the DVLA website to confirm that mine is due at the end of August. I`m glad I did as to my horror, I found that it had expired and ran out on 1st.August.

A couple of minutes on their website and I`m up and legal again.

Can I therefore put this forgetfulness down to old age:whistling:

So I am glad that I looked on pigeon watch today and am grateful to MM and those pointing out that not everyone gets reminders, as I didn`t.

So many thanks to Marsh man and other PW members.

Incidently, there was a question on there `Did you get a reminder?` with a possible `YES` or `NO` answer, so I`m guessing that the DVLA realise that not everyone is getting a reminder.


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