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On 08/05/2024 at 16:14, TRINITY said:

New Gun Trader format is terrible and I can't get it working correctly at all. They need to return to old format ASAP 


New format is dire. 

Advert heavy and the search facility is crass as it keeps flipping back to unwanted pages.

Shan't bother until it's changed.

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Suspect this discussion is primarily about Guntrader not Gunwatch.

Guntrader have done it again! Tried to change something that was working perfectly well with an "improved" version that is clunky to use and falls down as soon as certain search criteria is selected.

I recall Guntrader trying an "improvement" a while back which was also a failure and they reverted to the original format. I find it incredible that they don't seem to field test these new versions before imposing them on us.

Whatever happened to Quality Control!

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Finally got on there today , limited it down to the gun i wanted to see, clicked on the first add and it went to something completely different, what are these people playing at, and I still can not access any gun adds from my local gun shop that use gun trader, it keeps saying you do not have permission to access this.  Look on trustpilot reviews and see the bashing they are getting on there as well. 

Edited by countryman
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On 09/05/2024 at 18:28, TK421 said:

Guntrader….remember when they released everyone’s credentials when they got hacked as they didn’t have them secured ***. 


I'll never register on there again after that.

It is a shame they have such a stranglehold on the market, so many gunshops using them for inventory management it seems. Too big to fail.

I'm very upset my private data was released to the dark web and especially that they were warned of the weaknesses in their security long before the data was hacked, and did nothing to safeguard it. Roll the company into liquidation and phoenix another one with the same intellectual property and website asset etc, to avoid financial if not moral liability for this breach. 

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people need to inform their dealers that they cannot get to see guns on the guntrader site.if a few of the trade advertisers complain to them that would likely see a return to a sensible and easy to navigate site.i shall no longer waste time trying to find anything on there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just managed to finally log into Guntrader…. Well that was painful. 
Of the few things that were great about Guntrader, the sales history was one of them, that’s now gone. 
the original platform although a little clunky actually worked, or more so, we all knew how to navigate it to eventually find what we were looking for. Looks like to me that somebody somewhere convinced them “oh you really need to pay us loads of money, sorry, I mean you really need to update and upgrade your website to a whole new more secure platform that looks absolutely garbage. That will we be £20k with a monthly maintenance fee on top. Oh and we can take a really funny banner photo of people shooting guns in various directions for an extra £5k 😉” 

this is what happens when you reply to that email from India saying we’ve seen you website and we can make it better *** 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean just look at the layout of manufacturers? What the actual ….. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/05/2024 at 17:09, holloway said:

I have an ad on Guntrader and the end of the description is missing 🙁

Same happened to me and if anyone had been looking at the model I had for sale they would never have found it on the search. I logged on and tried to alter the add but it would not let me put it right. I contacted them by e.mail and their contact page, but no response. I phoned them at least a dozen times and they picked up the phone twice but then cut me off after two or three seconds.


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I wish the gun trade would get together and come up with something better. This joke of a company must be having an effect on their trade. I wish I knew who actually ran it as they seem extremely reluctant to speak or be contacted. They charge £15+ for a private advert, don't know what they charge the trade. However they must be laughing at us mugs as the money flows in for their terrible site.

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On 03/07/2024 at 18:36, TRINITY said:

I wish the gun trade would get together and come up with something better. This joke of a company must be having an effect on their trade. I wish I knew who actually ran it as they seem extremely reluctant to speak or be contacted. They charge £15+ for a private advert, don't know what they charge the trade. However they must be laughing at us mugs as the money flows in for their terrible site.

Apart from Here (Which is Always my first go to) GunTrader and Gunstar, are there any more sites to browse used guns?


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