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Surely more a reflection of poverty, education and being disenfranchised. It could equally happen somewhere else tomorrow with another group of people facing the same disenfranchised issues.

I come back to the same point. Where exactly do poverty, education and disenfranchisement come into a situation where a child has to be taken from the parent for the child's welfare, resulting in a riot.

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7 minutes ago, oowee said:

As Rewulf says if it was a riot by a load of white blokes with short hair we would be talking about a riot and the low life scrotes associated with it. Why is there a need to mention race when we are talking about scrotes? Surely more a reflection of poverty, education and being disenfranchised. It could equally happen somewhere else tomorrow with another group of people facing the same disenfranchised issues.

Why has it got anything to do with race? 

Hoping Scrotes is not some racial group 🤣

The issue in some areas is there has been such a change in the population in a short space of time, with people arriving who do not share UK values, setting up their own communitys with there own rules that run counter to UK law and order that we are seeing issues we wouldn't usually see. The Rotherham grooming scandel is one such case. To deny any of that is unhelpful as all it does is fuel the far right, as they can point to it and claim we're all being lied to. 

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7 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Rotherham grooming scandel is one such case. To deny any of that is unhelpful as all it does is fuel the far right, as they can point to it and claim we're all being lied to. 

1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

To be fair I don't think it's anything to do with race

I did say demographic, we could use the term culture also, but the videos of the riot , mostly taken by the people themselves are rather damning on what 'race' the participants were.
A race issue however didnt start the riot.

1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

we do have issues in this country with large groups of young men, who have arrived on mass to the UK who not only don't share UK values, but are actively against them.

And there are plenty of people who think we should have more of them.


20 minutes ago, oowee said:

As Rewulf says if it was a riot by a load of white blokes with short hair we would be talking about a riot and the low life scrotes associated with it.

No you wouldnt :lol: You would be talking about a load of far right racists starting a riot !
Even if it was nothing to do with race at all, maybe the beer ran out or something 😆


20 minutes ago, oowee said:

Surely more a reflection of poverty, education and being disenfranchised.

So they used some kids being taken in to care to 'improve' the area ?


20 minutes ago, oowee said:

Hoping Scrotes is not some racial group


8 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Rotherham grooming scandel is one such case. To deny any of that is unhelpful as all it does is fuel the far right, as they can point to it and claim we're all being lied to

Which we were.
Even now , the leftists struggle to admit that the grooming gangs were 99% Pakistani descent.

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3 hours ago, oowee said:

Typical Farage comment to try and stir up hatred. Have we not learnt anything? 

The inbred hatred for our values - including our religion is coming from people who are far less tolerant and divisive than we were brought up to be.

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Just now, Rewulf said:

A race issue however didnt start the riot.

But will probably start the next one, as the police will have to arrest some people over it.
And they wont be happy about it ...At all.

Which brings it all back to what I said originally, the police are more concerned with  upsetting racial minorities, than the crimes themselves. FACT

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15 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

The issue in some areas is there has been such a change in the population in a short space of time, with people arriving who do not share UK values, setting up their own communitys with there own rules that run counter to UK law and order that we are seeing issues we wouldn't usually see. The Rotherham grooming scandel is one such case. To deny any of that is unhelpful as all it does is fuel the far right, as they can point to it and claim we're all being lied to. 

Are you suggesting that those rioters have just arrived in the UK? Are you suggesting that as people of Asian origin (no idea) they are more likely to riot or that they are rioting because they are of Asian decent? 

6 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

The inbred hatred for our values - including our religion is coming from people who are far less tolerant and divisive than we were brought up to be.

What? Are yo suggesting that those of Asian origin will have an inbuilt hatred of our values? What religion are we, the last i heard we are largely agnostic or Jedi. ? Less tolerant? What nonsense. 

@Rewulf I don't doubt the grooming gangs were whatever percentage from Pakistani origin. They were a grooming gang. We would say that Saville and Glitter were pedo's. We would not say they were English, christian pedos and expect the same from other English Christians. 

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10 minutes ago, daveboy said:

The Bradford rioters got 10 years each.....plenty of video evidence on the internet.

Bradford 2001 , a 'soldiers' story.
Basically the far right started it 😆


4 minutes ago, oowee said:

@Rewulf I don't doubt the grooming gangs were whatever percentage from Pakistani origin. They were a grooming gang. We would say that Saville and Glitter were pedo's. We would not say they were English, christian pedos and expect the same from other English Christians. 

No one is saying that.
But when a community starts blaming their social position for a riot that further destroys the peace and infrastructure of their community, I dont care what race they are.
Its a cultural thing, as in violence and destruction are the first port of call, how did destroying the bus , and setting fire to stuff help them ?
Did it vent their frustrations at the card life has dealt them ?
Now we have a problem, due to the vast amounts of video evidence, that arrests of certain demographics are going to further inflame tensions.
As I said, Race didnt start it, but race will likely continue it.

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3 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

Great to finally see an impartial channel like Tousi’ telling it how it is in such a balanced way.

Tousi TV is a superb small all most one man band channel,his reporting is excellent. He is Persian and tells it like it is. I hope he doesn't  get closed down but fear he will as our masters don't  like the truth. From Auntie.

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32 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Bradford 2001 , a 'soldiers' story.
Basically the far right started it 😆


No one is saying that.

Politics of the subcontinent. ?

The inbred hatred for our values - including our religion is coming from people who are far less tolerant and divisive than we were brought up to be. ?

The far right is not a racial slur. 'White christians' would be. 

Edited by oowee
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41 minutes ago, oowee said:

Politics of the subcontinent. ?

I dont agree with Farages comment there, its simply not accurate in this case. Yet.


42 minutes ago, oowee said:

The inbred hatred for our values - including our religion is coming from people who are far less tolerant and divisive than we were brought up to be. ?

Cant argue with that though.


43 minutes ago, oowee said:

The far right is not a racial slur. 'White christians' would be. 

Why is a comment a slur if its accurate ?
Its like calling someone fatty, because theyre fat :lol:

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1 hour ago, oowee said:

Are you suggesting that those rioters have just arrived in the UK? Are you suggesting that as people of Asian origin (no idea) they are more likely to riot or that they are rioting because they are of Asian decent? 

What? Are yo suggesting that those of Asian origin will have an inbuilt hatred of our values? What religion are we, the last i heard we are largely agnostic or Jedi. ? Less tolerant? What nonsense. 

@Rewulf I don't doubt the grooming gangs were whatever percentage from Pakistani origin. They were a grooming gang. We would say that Saville and Glitter were pedo's. We would not say they were English, christian pedos and expect the same from other English Christians. 

I'm talking generally. I know very little of this riot, demographics, or what started it outside of the unreliable information I've read on social media. However, we are in a position that we have had huge uncontrolled migration into the UK, many are unvetted and have come from places with serious problems, whether that's homaphobia, lack of respect for women, a view that their religion is in conflict with and comes before the law, to name but a few. 

Is it everyone who has come, absolutely not! In fact far from it! But we are starting to see issues which are becoming more widespread as numbers increase. Whether it's applicable to this incident I have no clue, but we will find out in time. 

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4 hours ago, oowee said:

Comment by all means. 👍it's stiring up hatred with comments of subcontinent we don't need. We have all seen riots in the UK that cut across all racial groups. We know from experience here that this is across community.  Putting a label on some is an excuse to inflame the situation  and stir up hatred. 

Considering your comment, how, if a situation is not described accurately can that situation be resolved?

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1 minute ago, Rewulf said:

I dont agree with Farages comment there, its simply not accurate in this case. Yet.


Cant argue with that though.


Why is a comment a slur if its accurate ?
Its like calling someone fatty, because theyre fat 

🤣 it would be true. 

Negative grouping by race is a slur. 

6 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I'm talking generally. I know very little of this riot, demographics, or what started it outside of the unreliable information I've read on social media. However, we are in a position that we have had huge uncontrolled migration into the UK, many are unvetted and have come from places with serious problems, whether that's homaphobia, lack of respect for women, a view that their religion is in conflict with and comes before the law, to name but a few. 

Is it everyone who has come, absolutely not! In fact far from it! But we are starting to see issues which are becoming more widespread as numbers increase. Whether it's applicable to this incident I have no clue, but we will find out in time. 

It the general assumption and therefore negative association by race or origin that is the issue. Why is one Muslim a scrote and another a model citizen? You would not say Muslims are scrotes or suggest that rioters are typically Muslim or from the sub continent. 

2 minutes ago, old man said:

Considering your comment, how, if a situation is not described accurately can that situation be resolved?

I guess because it was a riot in part of Leeds (fact). It was not an Asian riot or a Muslim riot. There may well have been Asians involved or Muslims involved but they were not rioting because that's what Asians and Muslims do. 

Anyways enough for me. 

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8 minutes ago, oowee said:

🤣 it would be true. 

Negative grouping by race is a slur. 

It the general assumption and therefore negative association by race or origin that is the issue. Why is one Muslim a scrote and another a model citizen? You would not say Muslims are scrotes or suggest that rioters are typically Muslim or from the sub continent. 

I guess because it was a riot in part of Leeds (fact). It was not an Asian riot or a Muslim riot. There may well have been Asians involved or Muslims involved but they were not rioting because that's what Asians and Muslims do. 

Anyways enough for me. 

I haven't seen anyone blaming a race and the very obvious issue this country faces with mass illegal immigration is being made far more complicated than it needs to be.

I really wish the mainstream party's would apply some common sense and be honest with some of this stuff, as if they did, it would halt the other issue this country has got which is a rapidly rising extreme right. 

Take a look at the EU and the lurch to fringe politics. 

3 minutes ago, Agriv8 said:

This is the local update no sign of any racial groups. In fact one report of Asians try to ask rioter to leave and putting fires out !


Like I keep saying, I've not seen anyone attribute this to race. 

They've got to be having a laugh with that article "an isolated family incident" it looked like a full blown riot to me. 

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In fact, the only people I'm seeing talk about race are the woke lot, who keep bringing it up. We're never going to have a cohesive society when people make everything about the colour of peoples skin or some other equally unimportant protected characteristics. 

I literally cringe when I hear the media lording up about having the first black this, or first female that. That's almost as bad as saying someones achieved something great despite being (insert protected characteristic of choice here). 

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6 hours ago, oowee said:

As Rewulf says if it was a riot by a load of white blokes with short hair we would be talking about a riot and the low life scrotes associated with it. Why is there a need to mention race when we are talking about scrotes? Surely more a reflection of poverty, education and being disenfranchised. It could equally happen somewhere else tomorrow with another group of people facing the same disenfranchised issues.

Why has it got anything to do with race? 

Hoping Scrotes is not some racial group 🤣

Are you trying to get this thread closed?

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6 hours ago, oowee said:

Are you suggesting that those rioters have just arrived in the UK? Are you suggesting that as people of Asian origin (no idea) they are more likely to riot or that they are rioting because they are of Asian decent? 

What? Are yo suggesting that those of Asian origin will have an inbuilt hatred of our values? What religion are we, the last i heard we are largely agnostic or Jedi. ? Less tolerant? What nonsense. 

@Rewulf I don't doubt the grooming gangs were whatever percentage from Pakistani origin. They were a grooming gang. We would say that Saville and Glitter were pedo's. We would not say they were English, christian pedos and expect the same from other English Christians. 

I was thinking of the middle eastern inbred hatred of anyone who doesn't believe in their religion. They have brought that hatred to the UK. Trumps running mate got it about right when he referred to the UK as Muslims not far off having a nuke.

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55 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

I was thinking of the middle eastern inbred hatred of anyone who doesn't believe in their religion. They have brought that hatred to the UK. Trumps running mate got it about right when he referred to the UK as Muslims not far off having a nuke.

Out of order of him in my opinion, nothing wrong with a Muslim being involved in the UKs nuclear deterrent. 

Not all Muslims are islamists. 

I get weary of the back and fourth between Left and Right. I really wish they could sit down together, have an honest conversation, with the left admitting the genuine issues around illegal migration and the issues it brings without the political correctness and the right would stop whipping up hysteria. If both sides would disown the extremists, they might actually achieve something instead of whipping up anger and resentment. 

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