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Electric cars to pay road tax from April 2025


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HHhhhahhahahahahhaaaaaa....:lol:..........taking WFP from us old pensioners.....then stinging them for road tax on their electric Skoda Fairydust.....oh bleedin dear.......you wait until the Autumn budget...Ragnorock Rachel will be taxing them mobility scooters and all........

Edited by ditchman
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Anyone who voted Labour and who has an actual job and earns their own money will soon be experiencing the error of their ways.

Don’t worry though - with all that extra government spending we’ll get a highly paid, highly efficient and highly motivated civil service and public sector and we’ll get lots more schools, leisure centres and hospitals etc all delivered with maximum value, on budget and in time. 

Or we’ll get more expensive government, quangos, ‘community’ projects, government white elephant projects and zero value for money 😆

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what did any of the idiots that bought 'em expect would happen when the testicle squeezers aren't getting any TAX from the fuel they don't burn and the road tax they aren't paying.


3 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Anyone who voted Labour and who has an actual job and earns their own money will soon be experiencing the error of their ways.

Don’t worry though - with all that extra government spending we’ll get a highly paid, highly efficient and highly motivated civil service and public sector and we’ll get lots more schools, leisure centres and hospitals etc all delivered with maximum value, on budget and in time. 

Or we’ll get more expensive government, quangos, ‘community’ projects, government white elephant projects and zero value for money 😆

you missed hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants literally by the boat load👍

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Good. These vehicles have all the benefits so far yet pay none of the costs. And being heavier than a conventional vehicle of the same make and model their heavier weight causes more road wear. The stretch of road leading to the Meynell's Gorse Park n'Ride in Leicester (used now only by Chinese made electric buses) is now since these electric buses came into service two ago one of the worst worn road surfaces inside the city boundary.

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