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I run a driven pheasant shoot I have a BASC game keeper insurance. Bad start to shoot Lack of numbers due to weather conditions and nature feed .Members money all spent on birds feed rent , few guns asking for money back how do I stand with all money spent on shoot .And would BASC insurance help in any way . Very worried any help please.


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It depends on what you sold the guns IMHO. Was it a certain number of days shooting with no guarantee of the bag? Or was it a certain number of days shooting with "a minimum bag of eighty" (or whatever)? If the former then let them have that number of days shooting. If the latter then I don't know. It may be that a guaranteed number is enforceable under the contract.

I'd seek advice as the contract is quite clear that the number of birds shot has been offered and the guns have paid the money so making the acceptance of the offer and creating a contract. In which case the guns could demand that you fulfil the contract even if it means you having to buy them a day at a venue that can fulfill the bag agreed.

I'd be asking how many birds were put down and was any bag size agreed. If say you've put but a thousand birds down and agree six days of one hundred and fifty birds each you have been imprudent. As IMHO to provide that amount of shooting you'd have needed to have put down two and a half thousand birds. On the basis that only 40% of what are put down end up in the bag.

So that's my take. Did you promise a certain number of days with no bag guarantee? In which case run those days and you've fulfilled the contract. Or did you promise a certain number of days each day with a guaranteed bag? And if this last were the number of birds you put down realistic or not? There's the issue to start the discussion.

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1 hour ago, BUCKSHOT1 said:

I run a driven pheasant shoot I have a BASC game keeper insurance. Bad start to shoot Lack of numbers due to weather conditions and nature feed .Members money all spent on birds feed rent , few guns asking for money back how do I stand with all money spent on shoot .And would BASC insurance help in any way . Very worried any help please.


WE found the same on our shoot, putting down birds in recent years has been throwing good money after bad.

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Any new workers on the estate ? we had a new shepherd last season his wife was taken her kids and four dogs thru our best drive first thing in the morning before we started our  day . Only found out when I rocked up early to broadcast some feed in the drive in the hope that it would keep the birds busy. Turned out we took very few birds from this drive all the season . 


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On 21/10/2024 at 16:22, BUCKSHOT1 said:

I run a driven pheasant shoot I have a BASC game keeper insurance. Bad start to shoot Lack of numbers due to weather conditions and nature feed .Members money all spent on birds feed rent , few guns asking for money back how do I stand with all money spent on shoot .And would BASC insurance help in any way . Very worried any help please.


3 days and no reply to the people who have tried to help you.

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On 23/10/2024 at 14:49, BUCKSHOT1 said:

No it is a syndicate shoot first time for 20 years having a bad start .

I have been in a syndicate for over 30 years and the costs are what it costs to run the shoot, no profit.  We have had good years and bad years, just par for the course and nobody has ever asked for their money back in a poor year!!  Since the winters have become mild over the last few years the costs are unfeasible as the birds can't be held by feeders as they have in the past, returns that were 40% have been as bad as 10% and the additional cost of Wheat and Poults compounds things.  

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