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Turkish barbers (and the likes)


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I’m pretty certain I’m not alone wondering how all these new shops opening everywhere manage to succeed (without customers!!) where previous barbers failed (with customers)  


When I say Turkish Barbers you know that term covers the whole new spectrum

Be it,

Vape Shops

Nail Bars

Anerican Candy

Car Washes


Tanning Booths

Late Night Off License

etc etc etc….

The general consensus is it’s all a front for money laundering.. Yes??

Well, this evening my partner was on mumsnet and showed me a post on the subject. Most, like me assumed it was drug/money laundering - which it partly is. What made me sit bolt upright was a comment from a poster who actively monitored their dealings as their job and said it’s mainly to present a legit business in the UK and so apply for work permits for friends and family back home!!!!!!!!!

This never crossed my mind. How on earth has this loop hole not been shut down??


maybe you all knew this ?? 
I feel so betrayed by my own country

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I went to one near my house as they never seemed to shut and was open for hair cuts on a Sunday at 20:30. 

The guy looked shocked to have a customer and said they are no longer cutting hair, and will be coming a takeaway or something soon. 

The shop is large, so the other side is American candy and vapes. And I have never seen a customer in yet. Plus you can buy vape in every supermarkets and off license. 

I was thinking laundering but what you say about migration seems to make sense. 

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Our electrician at work was married to a Turkish woman and they both lived in Turkey for 5 year's before coming back to the uk and learnt the lanuage out there , He went to a Turkish barbers a couple of months ago and no-one in the barber's could speak Turkish , Albanian maybe??????.

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5 hours ago, Andy H said:


Our electrician at work was married to a Turkish woman and they both lived in Turkey for 5 year's before coming back to the uk and learnt the lanuage out there , He went to a Turkish barbers a couple of months ago and no-one in the barber's could speak Turkish , Albanian maybe??????.

Around these parts , the Turkish barbers are generally kurdish.

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46 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

Make all new shops card payment only for 3 years - sorted.

That would kill off a lot of potential small businesses, and not to mention another step towards a nanny state. It’s akin to burning your house down to make sure you kill the fly that’s been annoying you all day. No reason why honest people should suffer too.

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12 hours ago, Doormat said:

I’m pretty certain I’m not alone wondering how all these new shops opening everywhere manage to succeed (without customers!!) where previous barbers failed (with customers)  


When I say Turkish Barbers you know that term covers the whole new spectrum

Be it,

Vape Shops

Nail Bars

Anerican Candy

Car Washes


Tanning Booths

Late Night Off License

etc etc etc….

The general consensus is it’s all a front for money laundering.. Yes??

Well, this evening my partner was on mumsnet and showed me a post on the subject. Most, like me assumed it was drug/money laundering - which it partly is. What made me sit bolt upright was a comment from a poster who actively monitored their dealings as their job and said it’s mainly to present a legit business in the UK and so apply for work permits for friends and family back home!!!!!!!!!

This never crossed my mind. How on earth has this loop hole not been shut down??


maybe you all knew this ?? 
I feel so betrayed by my own country

That's what I was told too

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5 hours ago, Genghis said:

That would kill off a lot of potential small businesses, and not to mention another step towards a nanny state. It’s akin to burning your house down to make sure you kill the fly that’s been annoying you all day. No reason why honest people should suffer too.

That fly is worth a few millions in unpaid tax.

just add together hair dressers, barbers, chip shops and practically all the takeaways that prefer cash and you then have millions are unpaid tax due to not declaring the true earnings, I have to pay my full tax potential, why shouldn’t they.

i think it should be illegal to say cash only. 

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1 hour ago, steve1066 said:

That fly is worth a few millions in unpaid tax.

just add together hair dressers, barbers, chip shops and practically all the takeaways that prefer cash and you then have millions are unpaid tax due to not declaring the true earnings, I have to pay my full tax potential, why shouldn’t they.

i think it should be illegal to say cash only. 

I get where you are coming from and have no doubt it happens.

But if they are laundering money, that is not how it works.

They are paying Tax on money from crime, so it can be shown as an income source.

They would be declaring much more than the place takes.

Edited by Newbie to this
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48 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

I get where you are coming from and have no doubt it happens.

Ybut if they are laundering money, that is not how it works.

They are paying Tax on money from crime, so it can be shown as an income source.

They would be declaring much more than the place takes.

Apologies Newbie, got my wires crossed.

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1 hour ago, Dave-G said:

My understanding is a new legal immigrant claiming 'they' propose to start a business gets a substantial grant to set it up, and of course its not got to make a profit which means they and their families be also getting low income benefits.

our lunatic council was paying the rent for first wave of migrant shops here their prob still paying  it now! 

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I think it’s fair to say (but will be definitely challenged) that the only true tax paying citizens in the UK are those on PAYE.


The rest are fiddling everything they can. 

Regardless of race or culture.

Thats the truth


if everyone paid what they owed, there would be much more money to tackle these and other issues. But as we all know, money is simply dopamine. The more they have, the more they want….simple!!

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19 minutes ago, Doormat said:

I think it’s fair to say (but will be definitely challenged) that the only true tax paying citizens in the UK are those on PAYE.


The rest are fiddling everything they can. 

Regardless of race or culture.

Thats the truth


if everyone paid what they owed, there would be much more money to tackle these and other issues. But as we all know, money is simply dopamine. The more they have, the more they want….simple!!

Have you ever been self-employed?

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11 hours ago, Doormat said:


That your prejudice is not from personal experience, just an opinion based on nothing!

9 hours ago, 100milesaway said:

  I would make everyone self employed and by that I mean everyone ,there would be no skiving off, and people would understand how to work harder and eventually gain a sense of pride in their own endeavors. 

From Auntie. 


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14 hours ago, Doormat said:

I think it’s fair to say (but will be definitely challenged) that the only true tax paying citizens in the UK are those on PAYE.


The rest are fiddling everything they can. 

Regardless of race or culture.

Thats the truth


if everyone paid what they owed, there would be much more money to tackle these and other issues. But as we all know, money is simply dopamine. The more they have, the more they want….simple!!

Most likely true and starting at the top?

10 hours ago, 100milesaway said:

  I would make everyone self employed and by that I mean everyone ,there would be no skiving off, and people would understand how to work harder and eventually gain a sense of pride in their own endeavors. 

From Auntie. 

And please tell how that could be made to work?

Sitting under a hedge and just can't see that at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, old man said:

Most likely true and starting at the top?

And please tell how that could be made to work?

Sitting under a hedge and just can't see that at the moment.

With a strong leadership. As an example the NHS. Is a bloated company with pathetic leadership, it needs to be governed  by a stronger person who understands that staff are abusing their positions from the top down and if that doesn't  work he needs to shafted and someone else takes the position on.This position also should be a self employed one. I have spent my life being self employed from 16 years old it soon comes home   when you realise that  a day or to off means that  you can't  do that as you get nothing for skiving,  no holiday pay, no sick pay. If you work you earn. The NHS is being dragged down by waste in all areas.Nurses who now don't nurse lots of them have no compassion  and are grossly overweight It is a recipe  for disaster. More men need putting into these positions as women are in the main unreliable . My first job was self employed , I worked at a garage doing everything,  on the pumps,mending tyres,valve grinding, one day I  broke my ankle but still managed to get to work on 2 buses and had to walk 2 miles wearing a plaster cast..I enjoyed my work and my next self employed adventure saw me as a promotion girl, one week I was a Johnson baby taking photographs  of chemist's  windows and awarding  prizes  accordingly.  Next week I was Promoting Players ciggies at events.next month I was a chicken OXO girl driving around in a chicken OXO transit detector van and I managed to give lots of free chicken  vouchers to the local pensioners. I had lots of jobs as a brolly dolly, which I loved as I got to see loads of motorbike  racing at Donnington and Oulton Park etc. I eventually specialised in travel trade promotions.Then having saved up enough money I dabbled In property restoration. I then bought an old solicitors office on my local high street  and opened up a specialist travel agency,which ending up turning over a million pounds a year with only 2 staff, working on commission only. I never employed anyone under 40.

I have added this bit  on for Newbie.

From Auntie 





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18 hours ago, Dave-G said:

My understanding is a new legal immigrant claiming 'they' propose to start a business gets a substantial grant to set it up, and of course its not got to make a profit which means they and their families be also getting low income benefits.

My new business 25 years ago got no assistance  from anyone. Nor did I get any money whilst setting it up.

From Auntie 

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