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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Just take it back to your dealer and ask them to chrono it - why mess about? There is also a possibility that your friends S400 has crept over the limit - they have a habit of doing it.
  2. Best advice really, chris, is to suggest that you drive one - mine is pretty old and slow by modern standards but the comfort and drive are like nothing else, don't expect it to be economical on fuel though - if you see 20+/gallon then you are winning but it doesn't actually seem to bother me - strange, these really are Marmite vehicles.
  3. Find a small local specialist for servicing and avoid main dealers like the plague - speak to any RR owner you meet for info on the best ones. Get them to do a couple of small jobs then pay cash () for any work carried out in the future. Supply any parts needed yourself - Opie Oils is good for most service parts but you can buy the vast majority of bits far cheaper yourself if you search around ( a service sheet for my car shows that the previous owner was charged £25 per Spark Plug by a main dealer - Ebay price is £49 for all 8), other main dealer charges are criminal - I had to pay £600 for an XYZ switch only to read on the Full Fat RR forum that there's a chap rebuilds them for £60! These are champagne cars but if you shop around and use a little savvy then they are no worse than any other car - but a whole lot better driving experience.
  4. Odd you should mention that the dealer did not even bother to show you the gun - I experienced exactly the same reaction while my application was going thru - soon as it was granted and in my hands dealers were a whole lot more helpful.
  5. bruno22rf

    Plum Tree

    One of the woods that I shoot is called "plum wood" ( for obvious reasons) and some years the trees are bare yet another the branches hang to the ground under the weight of the fruit - once the fruit drops it's actually unpleasant to walk on the fruit rotting on the floor - trees were planted in 1917 by a local soldier returning home after receiving shrapnel wounds in France - visiting this wood always saddens me because while recovering from his wounds he was sent a white feather by the local ladies who did not bother to do their homework, he later returned to the front and was killed in action in Belgium .
  6. As it's from a dealer he must include a warranty - I would suggest 3 months parts and labour at the very least although I'm pretty sure that you have the same consumer rights as if the item was new. I would look for a used TX200 if I were in your shoes.
  7. Knowing that you have a ,potentially serious, problem and accepting it is of your own doing is a huge step - you are still in control so you can take some comfort in that. Alcohol is usually an avenue we go down to escape problems that we cannot, or will not, accept or address so you should take a good honest look at your life and decide what needs to be corrected alongside reducing your reliance on Alcohol - find an escape from situations where drinking has become habitual. Speak to your Doctor or, better still , go to an anonymous meeting so no records are being kept.
  8. I rebuilt a 350lc many years ago, from the ground up, full nut and bolt jobby - it got stolen and I later found another bike parked up with a few bit's that I knew beyond all doubt came from the one I had worked on - Police were not interested as I could not prove they were my bits.
  9. Yep - try as many as you can then buy an Annie - stunning Rifles, look for a 1517 with pretty wood around the £500 second hand - make sure you fire the beast first over 100 yards in case the barrel is toast although unlikely it's still wise to be cautious.
  10. Try the Lukulas/Rocco from Bitiba - my Dogs love it and it's 70% fresh meat.
  11. This must be fate - I have recently been contacted by a Mr Umgono who has found a fortune in unclaimed prize money in a Nigerian bank account - all he wants is a cash payment of £2k to release these funds to me - send me the £2k and I will split the £11million 50:50 with you when it hits my account - you cannot lose.
  12. 16, maybe 20 shots before a visit to your tank? Still cannot compete with a £50 CZ .22lr.
  13. Get calls like that all the time - it's usually my local Firearms Dept.
  14. I think that to sell it you would need to remove all the flavour, alter it so that it no longer resembles any Animal in any shape or form, place it on a Polystyrene tray with Microwave instructions and add a meaningless slogan - try "contains up to 100% Active Plenitudes" - 98% of the 3 people we asked prefered it to riding a Bike.
  15. I'm OK then - the Pigeons are causing serious damage to MY crops and the Doves that have previously forced their way under my gutters and defecated to such an extent once inside that our Bathroom ceiling turned black with mould under the nest.
  16. 7:56 and I can see 3 from my window - once it warms up there will be more.
  17. Might be an idea to screw a 1/8bsp quick fill adaptor on the rifle.
  18. Why can you not highlight the relevant bits PPP? My mention of my FEO did not imply much other than she is aware of my shooting and seems in no hurry to remove my tickets - quite the opposite in fact. I have no doubt that there is something somewhere that I am side stepping but I take the view that going round trying to please everybody is a waste of my time - I believe that the more you allow others to tell you what to do then the more they will try and do just that. As for playing into the Anti's hands - where are these guys? Here in Bucks I have been shooting for 43 years and never been questioned about my actions - the only person so far to attempt to question my effects on the long term viability of Shooting is yourself.
  19. I have 3 well stocked Gun shops within 1/2 an hour of me but I will only use one - not that his prices are any better than the others and has actually carries less stock but purely down to the personality of the owner and his treatment of customers as if everybody is a personal friend.
  20. Corrugated roof panels are normally nailed/bolted thru the high/top section of corrugation to prevent leaks - check that you have not got a build up of moss that is forcing the water to build up and gain access thru the holes.
  21. I don't use anything - cannot remember ever having been bitten, I must taste awful .
  22. I bought one a few months back and Ramsbottom were the cheapest and (via Ebay) it arrived in 24 hours!!
  23. I'm on my way Winston72 - just the 14 gallons of fuel to consider.
  24. I tend to use the local eastern Europeans as well and find that, about mid week, they will wash, wax and polish the Range Rover for £20 cash - bargain.
  25. PPP - interested to know what law I'm breaking - pests can be shot on my property so that's exactly what happens - as my FEO is fully aware of my actions and still sees fit to allow me a Firearms, Shotgun and Explosives licence them I'm guessing she is at a loss as well? I have an extremely good relationship with the local police to such an extent that most operators know me by my voice alone and I am in contact at least 50 times over the winter months so I'm also interested how I am a threat to shooting?
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