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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Might be worth mentioning that ,although the death rate so far in Italy is worrying at 2,500, during the 2016/2017 winter period just under 25,000 died of normal Flu. Ibuprofen can dampen the immune system ,ditchman, but may have other negative side effects - I'm a Transplant patient and cannot take it whereas Paracetamol has saved me a whole heap of woes over the years - it was my main painkiller during recovery from surgery.
  2. Diluted Bleach or cleaners with at least 70% Alcohol seem to be the best - Anti Bac wipes or sprays MAY be totally ineffective unless the packaging states that they kill Bacteria AND viruses. When I worked at a Primary School we used to clean all high usage areas with a cleaning/Antibac spray then wipe over with diluted Milton which was left for at least 5 minutes before drying with a paper towel.
  3. I think it depends on the value of the gun, with the exception of Air Powered Guns.
  4. Correct DUNKS - company traded under several names over the years. Collected this gun this very morning - really nice chap who tells me he bought it from a collector, it's in superb condition and has obviously been restored by someone that knows what they are doing - tight as a tight thing under water, blueing virtually as new and the woodwork is all but "as new" - cannot wait to get out and point it at a few Pigeons before she goes into semi retirement with my other English SxS's.
  5. Impossible to tell if it's a ferret or Polecat as many domestic Ferrets have the same appearance - no doubt cross breeding over the years - if it is a Polecat then you would be wise not to put down any type of trap that may catch/harm it as they are a protected species.Hope it is a Wild Polecat, I have never been fortunate enough to see one.
  6. A human femur - laying in the middle of the path on the way to the village shops - still had "bits" on it. Turned out the local Churchyard had some work done to help level it for fetes etc and the bone had been left under a hedge - I'm guessing some animal dragged it out.
  7. bruno22rf


    A decent stocker should be able to make the stock look good - ask around your local Gunsmiths and get the best price , cash often helps keep costs down.
  8. Spoke with the seller this morning - picking the gun up on tuesday.
  9. Subscribed months ago - loved the motorbike ones.
  10. S****horpe!! More pleasant than where? The Devils Fudge Hole? Visited back in January and still smell of Fags and Onions - jesus wept the charity shops have bars on the windows. While we were there ,there was a Street Food event taking place - every single outlet was selling Hot Dogs with Onions apart from a German Style stand who was selling, guess what, Frankfurters and Onions.
  11. bruno22rf


    Unless you particularly want an SR or it is dirt cheap, I would go for the standard TX or the TXHC. The SR runs on nylon bearings within the stock that allow the action to move rearwards on firing - over complicated for any gains that you might experience and not really a step forward when you consider just how good the standard gun is.
  12. 1881 - 1934 I think guns marked "George Bate Gunmaker LTD" were from 1934 till 1960 and eventually became Bate and Cross ( Gunmaker) in 2001 at Colmore Circus Brum.
  13. It's not a difficult choice really - best price and next/same day delivery whilst sat in the living room with a Coffee or 20 minute drive only to sit in a traffic jam, face a limited choice of over priced tat only to return to your Car and find a £70 fine because one of your wheels in on the line rather than between them - that's after being charged a kings ransom to park in the first place if you are lucky enough to find a bay. Most town markets now smell of cigarettes and frying Onions to add to your misery.
  14. Fantastic little Gems - there is little on the market that can match these at the price.
  15. It may be the area he lives in - if there are problems with gangs, drugs and burglaries etc I think the Police show a little more caution.
  16. Try Freshpet food from Tesco - not yet found a Dog that doesn't devour the stuff - expensive but not hugely for a JR.
  17. Cheese and Onion Crisps with Worcester sauce, Marmite Sandwiches with Prawn Cocktail crisps crunched inside or Tuna and Cheese Sandwich with Salad Cream. Aldi also do a Chilli and Garlic Tuna that is stunning with salad and Spring Onions in a Sandwich with a hint of Sweet Chilli Sauce.
  18. My Range Rover battery is easily accessible - but it's so heavy that you really need to stand on the engine to get above it to lift it out. Headlights and service parts are all a doddle - can do a complete Oil/Filter change in 5 mins using a pump to suck out the old Oil.
  19. As above - you would not believe how wet things get in a metal shed - mine is insulated underneath with plastic sheeting coming 6-8 inches up the inside wall, the walls themselves are covered with Polystyrene tiles and still my mower and motorbike get soaked with condensation, only cure to date is to run a Greenhouse heater throughout the colder months.
  20. That's a great idea David BASC - you could then refer them to your guidance - that will teach them.
  21. The free version clear 99% of adverts - some get through but if you come off the site then re enter Adblock normally gets them the second time.
  22. When did you buy the gun DT and from where may I ask i.e dealer or private.
  23. Pretty sure that Tyson was the most devastating Boxer the world has ever seen - to state that Fury could beat him is pure folly.
  24. Might be worth mentioning to some of our more "mature" members that quite a few Air Purifiers are capable of killing Flu viruses in the home - about £80 gets you a machine that will treat a room up to 75 sqm.
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