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Only Pet hate of mine


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It seems most of the offending cyclists are members of a club which seems to give them 'higher than car status'.


A mate of mine who is heavily into his motocross and cycling recently cycled to Pembrokeshire. Yet he has an undying hatred for members of a local cycling club who cycles several bikes abreast. (this hatred is actively displayed on a regular basis through carefully chosen hand signals and use of the English language through the open window of a car)


I remember a few years ago when my Dad was driving through some high walled country lanes and a pack of cyclists were coming towards him 4/5 abreast. No attempt was made by them to drop into anything resembling single file and they just kept on coming at him, indicating that he should be going into reverse so they could pass as a unit rather than singly. It's amazing the chaos that was created when he did not whack the car into reverse and a pile up occurred. :(


FM :hmm:

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A82 Loch Lomond they go on the road when there is a perfectly good cyclepath that goes along with the road, sometimes I think I would like to get some eggs and see if the can race me as i go by.


As someone mentioned before business men in the flash cars tailgating you and overtake when there is a gap in the opposing traffic.

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Cyclists on the roads, oh dear god, don't get me going!!


Second to that is caravaners, who dont seem to know where they are going, so they do 30 mph!!


Third to that, is old people driving, the speed limit is ******* 60 not 25! just stay at home or get a ruddy taxi!!

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You've done it now!!


They'll be joining the forum just to find out where you live :good:


That was poo stirring of the highest order! :wub:

Bikers and cyclists usually consider each other to be aliens. Check out any of the forums.

If you really want to get yourself hanged, suggest that motorbikes and cycles share bus lanes and those daft green zones at traffic lights!

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I was told a few months back that now if you hit a cyclist in your car you are automatically in the wrong until proven otherwise.


Any truth in it?


unfortunately yes, same as if a kid runs in front of you :good:


my pet hate is people walking into the bar and just asking for a pint, not specifying what, and then looking at you like youve grown 3 heads when you ask them what exactly theyre looking :wub:

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They really grip my **** too .............. :wub: They are always out on the sunday I go clay shooting, on the back roads, riding 2 or 3 abreast :good:

You must use the same back roads that I do!


Cyclists, pah!


Even worse, their marine equivalent, yachties. No, you're not Nelson, Drake and Knox-Johnson rolled into one, you're a selfish little man who knows the square root of nothing about matters nautical.


Oh, and the person with an apparently faulty semi-auto at the shoot the other week who was waving it wildly around pointing it at everybody's knees, let's just hope that it wasn't loaded!

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For me its also got to be the cycle races, esp when its done on fast (60mph) country roads that are well known for the amount of accidents on them. They wear no helmet and cycle all over the road. Personally they should be stopped completly from using the road or have to pay an annual fee like road tax !



The other one being is when the 17 year olds gather on the local retail pack in there "Cars" and: litter, intimidate, race,wheelspin,skid, rev there cars and play "there tunes" . It drives me potty.

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My pet hate---------- Idiots that use a shooting forum to winge about everyone and everything.


If you were all as near perfect as I am then you MIGHT (Yes just Might) have a right to complain and winge about others of a lesser intelligence!!!!!!! :( :P:lol::):good::good::good::wub:



If the **** doesn't hit the fan now it never will, tin hat at the ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He, he, he, he!

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We get the cyclists as well, country lanes riding in packs two or three abreast you can't get past and if you meet them coming the other way they still think you should stop. Couple that with where I work and the ******** riding flat out on the pavements and accross zebra crossings I ******* hate the lot of em. They rank right up there with townies who walk their dogs in the country and pick up their truffles in plastic bags and hang it from the nearest tree :wub:

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Guest gloker

Cyclists. Grrr. I am a paramedic and recently went to a cyclist that had faceplanted during a 'time trial' on the a63 ! The a63 for those who dont know it is the extension of the m62 that runs into hull. A fast dangerous road at the best of times. These cycle races effectively turn the road into a single carriageway while they are fannying about in lycra up and down it. They didnt even stop the race while we were attending to one of their own. They were overtaking the emergency vehicles into lane 2 and it was so blood* dangerous! They were a bunch of arrogant ***** too!

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And another thing! The Great South Run where the whole of Portsmouth's road system is closed for 6 hours so that a bunch of "look at me's" can jog around town for 10km then go home wrapped in silver paper. Apparently it doesn't matter that some of us have to get to/from work or that all traffic to/from the Isle of Wight ferry is severly inconvenienced. As for the marshalls, don't get me going...................

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cyclists are bad enough but up here we have a nice stretch of dual carriage way about a mile long where the local "travellers" "train" their horses and traps


you get 2 traps alongside each other and normally a transit type van sitting behind them across the 2 lanes preventing anyone overtaking.....whilst doing 20ish mph.....


that gets my goat!!!! :wub:



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I have a few nice dents in the back of my van thanks to a group of cyclists, i overtook a group, got held up by a 2nd group, one of them fell off in front of me so i braked rather sharpish, the cyclists behind me unfortunately didn't stop in time and all piled into the van and each other! :wub::good::good: Absolute carnage, i laughed so hard i almost peed myself. local plod thought it rather amusing too...

My pet hate? dry liners, the rough ones anyway.

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Everyone loves a good old moan, not least me. The thing is, those knobby cyclists that ride all over the place like they own the road do give the decent cyclists (too few in my opinion) a bad name. The thing is, the arrogant ones just don't realise how vunerable they are. The 2 or 3 abreast thing is typical. I came across a pair riding side by side down a country lane. Now , my options were to try and squeeze past and possible have the one on the outside bump off the side of my van or give them a quick couple of hoots on the horn so they knew I was behind them and wanted to get past. Being a thoroughly decent bloke and general upstanding citizen I opted for the latter. The one on the outside prompty turned and gave me 2 fingers :wub: w-t-f was that about? So I was then forced to chose the former along with throwing what was left of my ham salad sandwich at him as I passed (needless to say I made sure there was no ham left inside before launcing it out of the passenger side window).


I also bumped a bloke off his bike back in February I think it was. I was waiting to turn right out of a side road during rush hour, approx 5.30 pm so it was already dark). Car from the right stops to let me out. I pull forward to see the line from the left. Bloke from the left stops and lets me out. I pull forward and before I know it this muppet on pushbike is bouncing off my drivers side wing. No lights on his bike and riding down the middle of the road in the dark. ****. The guy from the right who let me out saw what happened and gave me his details in case this muppet wanted to make a claim. Thoroughly decent chap. Anyway, I did have a very strong feeling of satisfaction. The cyclist wasn't hurt, just bit shaken up with a buckled wheel and luckily no damage to my van. He even admitted it was his fault. Serves him right. I think more cyclist should follow his lead, especially those lycra wearing dorks with the yellow tops.


And, like Harnser, too many pet hates to list here.

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I was struggling to think of things that really bother me until I read this. I'm usually quite placid but that does really annoy me. That and talking through whatever they're chewing.


Funnily enough my mrs was never taught not to talk with her mouth full. The number of rows we've had after I've said "shut up, swallow that, then I might just listen to you"! Supposedly I'm rude to her but it makes my blood boil! Considering she comes from a family that try pretty hard to be middle class and I'm a working class kid through and through it's a strange one because it's a pretty basic etiquette thing! Her mum does it too and it drives me nuts!


Yea, I use that line a bit aswell.....

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