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Britain facing new eastern Europe immigration surge

Laird Lugton

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Until our own unemployed are prepared to do the same jobs as Bulgarians and Romanians then they'll keep arriving here. I know of a college where 7 of the 25 cleaners are Lithuanian, they kept advertising the jobs and nobody wanted them so workers travelled across Europe to do the jobs.


People keep moaning about foreign workers, but the same people like their cheap restaurants, hotels, lap-dancing clubs, labourers, mini-cabs and all the other work that unemployed Brits don't want to do.

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i think Cameron kinda skirts around the issue of telling europe to ****** off quite often! this human rights **** aboout letting criminals vote is another issue where you can see he is standing up to the euro softies but i doubt he has the nuts to actually go the full distance with it and tell them to kick us out if they don't like it!

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hmmm maybe we should all move to poland or bulgaria? whats the gun laws like over there? ;)


I went to Poland on holiday with my girlfriend who's polish, mostly its all open fields large wooded areas saw plenty of deer and large stags its like the deer stalkers wet dream! I've had an invite from one polish lad I used to work with who stalks there to go stalking with him for a day for free and use his .30 Springfield what a plan to do next year fingers crossed :)

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Until our own unemployed are prepared to do the same jobs as Bulgarians and Romanians then they'll keep arriving here. I know of a college where 7 of the 25 cleaners are Lithuanian, they kept advertising the jobs and nobody wanted them so workers travelled across Europe to do the jobs.


People keep moaning about foreign workers, but the same people like their cheap restaurants, hotels, lap-dancing clubs, labourers, mini-cabs and all the other work that unemployed Brits don't want to do.


Spot on.


Plenty of room here. After all the U.K is so massive. What's another 29 million matter?


Yeah, all 29 mill are on there way..... "the sky is falling on my head!"

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Agree we need to get out of the failing eu, thank got we kept the pound at least.


The polish are coming here, working every hour they can, living as cheaply as they can and sending the rest home draining our economy. Iv done an eviction with 10 in a 3 bedroom house. It needs to stop or we are going to crash. Plus with labour opening the door to other immigration and not having a clue how many they let in....


If they are here, working, paying tax, and spending the money inside our economy, and small businesses etc fine, but those scrimping, committing crime, and sending every penny home should be stopped.

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Spot on.




Yeah, all 29 mill are on there way..... "the sky is falling on my head!"


dont need 29 million? just a few more of this wonderful example of howf multiculturalism benefits society HA HA should be reason enough to shut the doors





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Until our own unemployed are prepared to do the same jobs as Bulgarians and Romanians then they'll keep arriving here. I know of a college where 7 of the 25 cleaners are Lithuanian, they kept advertising the jobs and nobody wanted them so workers travelled across Europe to do the jobs.


People keep moaning about foreign workers, but the same people like their cheap restaurants, hotels, lap-dancing clubs, labourers, mini-cabs and all the other work that unemployed Brits don't want to do.


Very true. If you go into Peterborough very early in the morning you will see hundreds of them waiting to be picked up by coach and taken to the many vegetable packing plants in the fens and also to work on the fields-like picking brussel sprouts for example.Once upon a time students would do the land work,but not no more so Poles etc do it instead and same goes with the packing plants.


So on christmas day when you're tucking into your tasty sprouts-just think about who might picked it in near freezing or boggy conditions.

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Really? you REALLY know that for an accurate fact? 'cos I think it's not true at all.


Yes its true according to the radio this past week, they even gave numbers 25,000 kids in Poland I can remember but I can't recall any of the others. The really annoying thing is that there is no guarantee that the parents of those kids are even still in the country.

Edited by Vince Green
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I employ Romanians, simply because the natives just won't do the work.

The ones I have met are intelligent, honest and hard working. Generally I would say I trust them a lot more than most of the natives that do turn up.

If you can find a decent job in Romania you can expect to earn around £200/month if you are lucky, things in the shops cost pretty much the same as here.

If they are able to come I really don't blame them. If anything I blame the workshy wastrels we have bred ourselves. If they would get out of bed and not just stand watching with their hands in their pockets there wouldn't be any jobs for the others to come to.


Yes, they are entitled to child benefit for their kids back home. I don't agree with that bit but it is true.

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I employ Romanians, simply because the natives just won't do the work.

The ones I have met are intelligent, honest and hard working. Generally I would say I trust them a lot more than most of the natives that do turn up.

If you can find a decent job in Romania you can expect to earn around £200/month if you are lucky, things in the shops cost pretty much the same as here.

If they are able to come I really don't blame them. If anything I blame the workshy wastrels we have bred ourselves. If they would get out of bed and not just stand watching with their hands in their pockets there wouldn't be any jobs for the others to come to.


Yes, they are entitled to child benefit for their kids back home. I don't agree with that bit but it is true.


which equates to I can pay them washers and they will appreciate it :hmm: immigration is good for one thing and that is to drive wages down.


still things may change when this ruling starts to filter through to the UK



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Its a shame so many people come to this country and none EVER leave. We will be living in coal mines soon, no one ever emigrates or god forbid returns from whence they came. Brits never emigrate. Fact.

Oh bum, maybe they do. Zenophobes unite!

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