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Should we bring back hanging?

Asa Bear

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i would like to the know the feelings toward the culprit of the no hanging voters, if one of their loved ones were brutally murdered.


As has been previously stated... emotion MUST be kept out of justice... that is exactly when mistakes are made as everything is seen through tearful eyes and red mist!


If a bent copper has framed someone for a crime they haven't committed or the media have already found someone guilty for a crime they haven't committed... when seen through the victims loved ones eyes... they would be believed without question with no objectivity!

Edited by Vipa
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As has been previously stated... emotion MUST be kept out of justice... that is exactly when mistakes are made as everything is seen through tearful eyes and red mist!


If a bent copper has framed someone for a crime they haven't committed or the media have already found someone guilty for a crime they haven't committed... when seen through the victims loved ones eyes... they would be believed without question with no objectivity!


Emotion does not have to be kept out of justice - it just must not influence it and in truth it cant because justice is about guilt or innocence, facts and truth. The most oft quoted reason for a judicial system is

societal revenge which doesnt exist without emotion - there 's a load of old poo being aired on here - sorry chaps I cant cope with this stuff - I'm out.

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Emotion does not have to be kept out of justice - it just must not influence it and in truth it cant because justice is about guilt or innocence, facts and truth. The most oft quoted reason for a judicial system is

societal revenge which doesnt exist without emotion - there 's a load of old poo being aired on here - sorry chaps I cant cope with this stuff - I'm out.


Justice =/= revenge

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There is another point which nobody has mentioned. Juries would not have the moral strength to find anybody guilty if they knew the person would be executed. So murderers would walk free even though everybody, including the jury, believed them to be guilty.


People just wouldn't do it, not today

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Certain Prisoners cost too much money to keep, ie the like of Huntley. I worked in the jail he was on remand in. He was costing on average £150,000 a year to bang up. Now what the hell is that all about!! Besides the fact of how many police officers would that pay for etc what about those poor little girls????


When it comes to cases like him and that idiot Bronson sorry shot em and send there family a invoice for the round!!!! Hahaha Ok perhaps a bit harsh at least lethal injection. Not worth keeping em alive and prison is way to easy.

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There is another point which nobody has mentioned. Juries would not have the moral strength to find anybody guilty if they knew the person would be executed. So murderers would walk free even though everybody, including the jury, believed them to be guilty.


People just wouldn't do it, not today


You have a point Vince... I was on jury servive many years ago... ended up being nominated as foreman (at 19!! crazy!) it was obvious the guy did it, 11 of us reached that conclusion 30 mins after being in the jury room... there was one guy who flatly refused to vote guilty because he 'didn't want to be responsible for sending someone to prison!' took some convincing to change his mind!

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Love some of the unthinking answers here, "an eye for an eye!" one screams, yeah ok, he raped a boy are you willing to rape him?


I take it you mean me as I used the phrase, though the exclamation mark was yours not mine. I don't scream. Your biblical pedantry is hugely tedious. Its a figure of speech, lifted from an old book, which has entered the lexicon. I am untroubled by retributive sentencing, that is all. I don't care about scriptural context, my thinking does not revolve around arcane religious dogma. You are confusing my world with yours.

This topic has reached a startling conclusion: some favour capital punishment, some do not, and for broadly similar reasons in both cases. Its that interesting. But if its going to turn into another pompous God-botherer platform, I'm off, I've lost interest.

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if the crimes can be proven 100% BEHOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT WITH A CAST IRON PROOF OF GUILT , then well maybe , but there again theres the other side of the coin , you have got to take into consideration the cases of timothy evans , derek bently , mahood matan , and quite a few others from the 1900 / 1966 period , who paid the ultimate price , and were later proved totally innocent of the crimes they were convicted and executed for


the 1948 timothy evans/rillington place mudrers in particular , two killers living under the same roof , operating without one anothers knowledge , well that was the findings of the goverment inquiry in 1953 , ( an inquiry carried out one month before christies execution ) what a load of b*****s , john reginald haliday christie had a long record for sexual assault on women , read the case notes its all there


because he was a special constable durring the war ( he did kill when he was a special by the way ) but because of his wartime service he was considered an upstanding person durring evans trial , yet three years after evans execution , christie was found to have killed eight women , and hid their bodies in various places in the house and garden , he did confess to killing evans wife just before he hanged , but he denied killing the little girl , though it was later accepted that he killed her as well ,


jesus christ it took years for the goverment to admit it hanged wrong man in that case , even longer for bently and matan , fifty plus years in these cases . sorry we got it wrong , seems to be the hardest word with politicians and the legal profession .


then what about the likes of the birmingham six , if i remember rightly the trial judge remarked durring his passing sentence on them that he would have sent them to the gallows if hanging was still legal , fabricated eveidence put those people behind bars for twenty seven years ,


so personally i just dont know i,m still 60/40 against the death penatly for the above reasons , BUT I MUST SAY THAT my faith in the legal system is being tried at the moment , by all of the out of touch politicans and judges and so called legal eagles , we have running the show thats called the british justice system .

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Ask yourself: Do you trust the police with your life. If the answer is no then you don't want the death penalty brought back.


I totally agree with this. I have no moral issue with the death penalty but when I see what happened to Colin Stagg and Barry George I have no faith in the police or our legal system not to stitch some poor bloke up. Probably some weird bloke who goes out shooting animals for fun.


I also note that we aren't all talking about a life for a life. Some people here are talking about killing murderers, kiddy fiddlers, rapists and anything else that disgusts us. Where's the line?

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I have often thought that as we probably will never get the death sentence back why not give people the option of life imprisonment or give them a gun with one bullet so they can commit suicide or it could be a pill of some kind it gives them a way out and saves us having to feed and look after them for the next 25 years.

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Ask yourself: Do you trust the police with your life. If the answer is no then you don't want the death penalty brought back.


i have always been pro death penalty but this post really hit home and has changed my mind.

i have always believed that child molesters/murderers , or people that murder for profit/fun , should be put to death , it can be said that it is not a deterant (and i would agree) but it would certainly stop them from becoming a repeat offender!.

if murderers/paedophiles arent be executed i believe that they should be securely locked away and never ever see the light of day again.(you give up your human rights when you commit such horrendous crimes against another person).


im a supporter of the police and it has been my great pleasure to know several police officers that were damned fine people and very good friends , but , i have also personally known several police officers that were liars , thieves , and , cheats , and would happily use their position of authority and trust to , steal , threaten, and , abuse , members of the public or others that "got in their way ".

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Once upon a time i would have said yes... but these days i would have to say no.... I would like to see prison life a little harder though.... a single 6ft 6" x 4ft cell..


I agree with that. And I think that some of their spare time should be spent working. If prisoners are going to waste our money then the least they could do is save a little elsewhere. Make a huge horizontal wheel with handles and a generator attached and make a group of them push it round for 8 hours a day on shifts - the prison could sell the power to the electric company to offset their losses and it certainly wouldn't pass the day any quicker for the lads doing it. On a large scale (a couple of hundred men) that sort of man power could produce a lot of electricity for nothing more than the upkeep of the machine and a few more calories per day

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