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Opinel Appreciation

Salop Matt

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Last night I was on call for work so couldn’t drink and TV was pants so I got all my knives out and sharpened them! (EKA No:8, 2 x Opinel, None descript big folder I’ve never used)


I couldn’t help but reminis about the Opinel, I remember as a scout having a Swiss army knife and i loved it and its what all the others had apart from 1 lad who had a Opinel.....And for some reason I always wanted an opinel once I had seen this other lads, definite jealousy there even though it was a fifth of the cost of mine and only had a single blade. The single blade Opinel always seemed to do everything we did with the Swiss’s and was always so much sharper.

Anyway my Opinel is now back to shaving sharp and cleaned up with a little wire wool! But it got me thinking, loads of folk must have one or two but with so many sizes to choose from etc which do you have and why out of curiosity?





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I got my boys one of these each for Christmas.


They have been pestering me for a penknife for a while and I thought these would be safer without the point. They were being used under supervision when my 6 year old went through his finger. A trip to A&E and some superglue and it was all fixed?

Both kids have a lot of respect for the knives now they have seen what happens when it goes wrong.



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My first Opinel was given to me when I first started beating at the age of eight. 39 years later and it is still going storng, still keep a pefect edge and is my number one blade when out shooting. I now have three as I keep forgetting to pack them..... one in the gun bag - one n the fishing box and another in a leather belt pouch which I carry when out walking.


Have not found a better knife yet... just dont cut food with them and the blade taints the food.

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I had a no7 when I was 10, which my son uses now. The wood has shrunk a little, and I found that it can open in your pocket if you are not careful. I put some masking tape in the slot to help hold it in. My no8 has its own leather belt pouch and is a jolly useful tool.


The latest Opinels now have a little snib cut out of the bottom of the rotating collar so that they can be locked shut as well as locked open. My sons each have a lovely no 7 in this new design.

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hi chaps

looking for a good sharpener,what do you all use to sharpen your pocket/hunting knives


I use a gerber diamond pocket sharpener, only cost about £3 but half a dozen pulls through the course side and the same with the fine side and the opinel is shaving sharp. I'd recommend it for use with the opinel :good:

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