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is this the worse pain ever..?


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Tooth ache..

went to the dentist last week with mild tooth ache..she yanked the big back tooth from the top set....off again today, but something must be wrong...talk about sharp pains .. :sad1:

i have been rubbing clove oil..& ora jel..into the gums..nothing but pain......... I hate dentist's at the best of times

Edited by jasper3
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had a kidney stone SOP ... yes painful..but they gave me a shot of morphine..so toothache is winning..


cheers figgy..i was manning up :lol: just letting the wife know..this is more painful than childbirth... and if a woman had to bear this awful pain..they would simply roll over like a sheep


cheers evo..a man who understands...


I wish that was the reason Wym.... :yes:


anyway..off to face those needles again at 11.35... :blush::oops:

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I had some fairly major dental work done last week. Had a broken tooth removed and two implants put in (I already had a missing tooth). I made it clear to the dentist that any pain was reciprocal. He hurts me, I hurt him. To his credit it didn't hurt at all during the procedure, and apart from a slight ache that evening has settled down well. Go back in three weeks for the moulds to be taken and the caps fitted a week after that. The cost - £1,200 (in India). Would have cost a lot, lot more in the UK.



Back to the OT. Toothache is debilatating. I am not sure how you scientifically measure pain but bad toothache must be up there towards the top. Hope you get it fixed.




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Ill raise you 3 desiccated lumbar discs, 2 "slipped" discs , osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis with a large dose of sciatica thrown in for good measure. Morphine doesn't even touch the sides



Don't go near a vet, they may give you one of their long term injections!

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The very first dentist I went to at 21 (don't count school butcher) was Indian - first one I have ever seen - I still have the gold fillings and cap's he put in - Subsequent dentists have remarked at what a good job he did.


Mine was last thursday but they rang and cancelled it - now in May - she isn't quite the stunner I had at last dentist but she is cheaper - Wife had a scrape and polish and went straight back to her old dentist even though it's 30 miles away. - I will give her a chance.



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bike accident = tibia and fibula compound fracture that means both shin bone and the one behind it snapped and poked out of my leg resulting in metal rods and pins for life and 4 months in cast with 6 months of work plus was def for two days had broken toes 30 staples and stitches bruised all over and that was at 30mph some tit decided to pull out on me .. i now drive a big metal car :yes::yes:

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although comes a close second, Lego still beats it.

Absolutely, worse than a punji stake trap, a few years ago I jumped the last couple of stairs going to answer the door and landed full weight on a 2x2 blue brick.....


I seriously nearly ******* died from the pain, it was that bad I couldn't even scream, I was off work for a week and had months of physio for soft tissue damage on the ball of my foot.

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Ill raise you 3 desiccated lumbar discs, 2 "slipped" discs , osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis with a large dose of sciatica thrown in for good measure. Morphine doesn't even touch the sides

Oh it will at the right dose, I assure you, but you'd not be much use for anything!

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