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Paddy Galore!

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You got sick of eating a wagon wheel as a kid before you finished it, now you can nearly fit a full one in your mouth.


We are being done by the sweety manufacturers, if we use 20% less chocolate but ripple it up

More they won't notice but our profit margins will be a lot better. Give us our proper sized sweets back you Scrooges.




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And how about Mc'vities Chocolate fingers, you can get Cadburys but not Mc'vities there just not the same!! And another thing what happened to the shiny coating on Lemon puff biscuits, and even the lemony taste, Where'd that go!!

I'm a qualified biscuit muncher with 60 years experience under my belt. (has to be under my belt as I can't find one big enough to go round it) :yes:

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