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Another childs life taken

Fisherman Mike

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Sadly another child has had its life ended by a Dog attack.

When are people going to realise that Dogs and unsupervised children just don’t mix especially those which are potentially stronger and more powerful than their owners and cannot be restrained.

We will now have the inquest, more postulating and rhetoric, sympathy and remorse but nothing seems to get done about it.

Surely its time for a serious and radical root and branch overhaul of dog ownership regulations in this country.

In my opinion all dogs should be licenced and micro chipped at Birth.

Indiscriminate breeding should be banned and applications made through an appropriate authority to do so. This would stop breeding just for financial gain.

Owners should apply to have a dog, be vetted and their reasons for wanting a dog should be considered as well as their personal circumstances, age of any children they may have and the environment they live in.

The rehoming centres are crammed full of dogs abandoned by people who shouldn’t have had access to them in the first instance, many have been indiscriminately bred and many are of the same breed variety.

All dogs whatever their size should be muzzled in public places and finally it’s time to stop this cross breeding which has become fashionable it’s a ridiculous state of affairs currently..

I was looking for a dog recently in the national adds and had to troll through a endless list of dogs of the breeds..... cockapoos, springadoodles, labadoodles, jackapoodles, springadors, cavawhippet, yorkarussel, patterdoodle, weimerspringer, colliedoodle, etc etc etc….what are these stupid people doing….."I know lets cross our staffy with a spaniel call it a springastaffy and sell the pups for £600 quid “ ......WHY ?????

I don't believe any of the above measures would deter or prevent serious and conscientious owners from getting a dog and looking after it properly.

We owe it to that poor girl and others of her like before her to do something about it. Such a waste....

And please no " but my 8 stone Rottweiler loves our three toddlers and wouldn't hurt a fly even if they beat it over the head with a rolling pin " type of replies..

rant over

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Mike 100 % agree but would add change the law which prevents prosecution of an owner if a dog attacks someone on private property.


Guy up here went into a garden to save his cat being torn to pieces by a staffy/mastiff cross type. Got savaged himself, leg and arm bites.


Owner took to court.....got told to keep it on a lead and cautioned. !!! What if it had been a child???

Very sad Mike. Doesn't a new system need to be aimed at the chavtastics? 99% of problem solved?

Yup......when the dog has a bigger brain than the owner, problem.

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It's a very sad story and my sympathies go to the family, but who in their right mind has a rescue dog whose background and treatment you cannot be sure of, of such a powerful breed and after only a few months is happy to leave it with a small child?


My two dogs, a border terrier and a cocker are soft as anything and are both brilliant with children, would I leave them unattended with small children? No, of course I wouldn't. A dog can only ask children to back off with aggression or try to escape the situation, otherwise terribly incidents like this may occur sadly.

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Description of a dog. An animal with the inteligence of a 2 year old child carrying a loaded .357 magnum pistol between its jaws.


I own two dogs. Labrador and an English Springer.


Original post by Fisherman Mike is, as he states, a rant. You could try and bring in the same legislation as used for Firearms to prevent further deaths as a dog is more dangerous at short range imo. However, we all know that will not happen because my little 'Tricky Woo', Fido, Tyson etc. wouldn't hurt a fly and we will not vote for you it you take away my right to own my little (deadly) pet.


My sympathies to the family of the poor girl. But nothing will change until a corgi savages baby Prince George.

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Sadly another child has had its life ended by a Dog attack.

When are people going to realise that Dogs and unsupervised children just don’t mix especially those which are potentially stronger and more powerful than their owners and cannot be restrained.

We will now have the inquest, more postulating and rhetoric, sympathy and remorse but nothing seems to get done about it.

Surely its time for a serious and radical root and branch overhaul of dog ownership regulations in this country.

In my opinion all dogs should be licenced and micro chipped at Birth.

Indiscriminate breeding should be banned and applications made through an appropriate authority to do so. This would stop breeding just for financial gain.

Owners should apply to have a dog, be vetted and their reasons for wanting a dog should be considered as well as their personal circumstances, age of any children they may have and the environment they live in.

The rehoming centres are crammed full of dogs abandoned by people who shouldn’t have had access to them in the first instance, many have been indiscriminately bred and many are of the same breed variety.

All dogs whatever their size should be muzzled in public places and finally it’s time to stop this cross breeding which has become fashionable it’s a ridiculous state of affairs currently..

I was looking for a dog recently in the national adds and had to troll through a endless list of dogs of the breeds..... cockapoos, springadoodles, labadoodles, jackapoodles, springadors, cavawhippet, yorkarussel, patterdoodle, weimerspringer, colliedoodle, etc etc etc….what are these stupid people doing….."I know lets cross our staffy with a spaniel call it a springastaffy and sell the pups for £600 quid “ ......WHY ?????

I don't believe any of the above measures would deter or prevent serious and conscientious owners from getting a dog and looking after it properly.

We owe it to that poor girl and others of her like before her to do something about it. Such a waste....

And please no " but my 8 stone Rottweiler loves our three toddlers and wouldn't hurt a fly even if they beat it over the head with a rolling pin " type of replies..

rant over



I echo your comments absolutely, what a waste of a life, hopefully this may be used as chance make some changes to a poorly regulated system.

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A tragic loss of life.


A knee-jerk blanket approach to every dog owner, based on the actions a small number of irresponsible owners who ought to be subject to severe sanction rather than imposing unnecessary controls on the vast majority?


Is it any wonder firearms legislation in this country has developed as it has?

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As someone who was brought up always having small dogs around perhaps I am not the best one to comment on this as the way that I see it if you have children and want to have dogs would it not make sense to have little dogs.


OK little dogs can give you a nasty bite but even a child would stand a chance of fending off a JR type dog whereas some of the larger breeds could well overpower a grown man if he was not armed with a knife or something hard to beat it with just my thoughts for what they are worth.

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All the your proposals seem like a good idea they wouldnt actually stop this sort of thing happening. The family could and probably have passed all the questions that the rehoming shelter ask and could be a good loving home for the dog. The main thing is educating people whether they buy or rehome a dog and the first lesson would be how not put your child in a position this could happen.

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All the your proposals seem like a good idea they wouldnt actually stop this sort of thing happening. The family could and probably have passed all the questions that the rehoming shelter ask and could be a good loving home for the dog. The main thing is educating people whether they buy or rehome a dog and the first lesson would be how not put your child in a position this could happen.


A good idea but ..... Some of these people have nothing between the ears. Should be put down with the dogs

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THIS kind of sententious twaddle is WHY we are in such a mess in this country....knee jerk and unconsidered reaction, lack of any understanding of dogs and NO idea of the real "risk"


1) we have become so overinformed (the real rate of dog attacks(per 100000 population) including fatal ones is only slightly higher TODAY than it was 50 years ago, which can be attributed to greater population density.) Its just more reported. so now we hear on NATIONAL news of an attack 300miles away, whereas 50 years ago you probably would not have heard about on in the next town.


2) we have become irrationally risk averse,


3 EVERYONE is suddenly "everymans champion" in the campaigning stakes


4) more and more folks seem to think that more regulation (and cost) is the solution to everything.....which is why in the next few years we will, if we are NOT VERY careful either not have guns at all...or will be paying an arm, two legs and a kidney to get the permit.


NOW BEFORE anyone accuses me of lacking in feeling about this ...you are wrong, it is terribly terribly sad, heaven only knows what the parents are going through, BUT THIS DOES NOT justify more intervention and regulation....everything we do is regulated out of sight, priced out and spoiled for the majority, on the rabid howlings of a minority at the stupidity of yet another minority.


Sadly another child has had its life ended by a Dog attack.

When are people going to realise that Dogs and unsupervised children just don’t mix especially those which are potentially stronger and more powerful than their owners and cannot be restrained.

Agreed, BUT...why subject ME to the consequential "collective punishment"?

We will now have the inquest, more postulating and rhetoric, sympathy and remorse but nothing seems to get done about it.

How about locking the responsible person/s up for negligence... i.e punish the real wrong doer's

Surely its time for a serious and radical root and branch overhaul of dog ownership regulations in this country.

No, Its about time existing laws were properly enforced

In my opinion all dogs should be licenced and micro chipped at Birth.

certainly microchipped..licensing is merely an excuse for creating a cash cow for the govt.

Indiscriminate breeding should be banned and applications made through an appropriate authority to do so. This would stop breeding just for financial gain.

And who would you suggest as the "appropriate authority" the kennel club perhaps......dont make me laugh...THAT organisation has been the ruin of many breeds...and STILL wont accept its done wrong.

Owners should apply to have a dog, be vetted and their reasons for wanting a dog should be considered as well as their personal circumstances, age of any children they may have and the environment they live in.

BULLS**t... all that would do is put dog ownership out of the reach of a majority of good owners

The rehoming centres are crammed full of dogs abandoned by people who shouldn’t have had access to them in the first instance, many have been indiscriminately bred and many are of the same breed variety.

Agreed, The answer is to use existing laws to control this problem and to insist that ONLY bonafide breeders should sell pups.

All dogs whatever their size should be muzzled in public places and finally it’s time to stop this cross breeding which has become fashionable it’s a ridiculous state of affairs currently..

Muzzling is fine...but not always "reasonably" practical...depending on size and breed.

As to the cross breeding...UTTER RUBBISH, many "pure breeds" are now ruined beyond recovery, thanks to the "show rules" of certain organisations, and cross breeds are often superior animals. Hybrid vigour gives them better health, longer lives and less "troubles"

we have a terrer mix (mum was Jack x border and dad was lakeland) brilliant and best described as a "wee broon dog" excellent ratter and self appointed guardian of the food tower

I was looking for a dog recently in the national adds and had to troll through a endless list of dogs of the breeds..... cockapoos, springadoodles, labadoodles, jackapoodles, springadors, cavawhippet, yorkarussel, patterdoodle, weimerspringer, colliedoodle, etc etc etc….what are these stupid people doing….."I know lets cross our staffy with a spaniel call it a springastaffy and sell the pups for £600 quid “ ......WHY ?????

because they can, besides...YOU SHOULD expect to pay 600 quid for a dog...its them as pays 20 quid round the back of the pub for one thats the biggest problem.

one of our others is a "pugalier".... the cross has slightly extended the pug face so not having the breathing problems associate with the stupid "show standard" pug, the disposition of both the soft pug and the softy cavalier and best of all the head is much broader than the cavalier...so less likelyhood of the sudden rage syndrome associated with the microcephalous head of the (again) show cavalier.

I don't believe any of the above measures would deter or prevent serious and conscientious owners from getting a dog and looking after it properly.

Of course not....it wouldnt cost a penny...... would it, it wouldnt be intrusive ...would it.. "lets just "vet" theses people...we have ANOTHER excuse to invade their home and lives, and tell them how to live"

We owe it to that poor girl and others of her like before her to do something about it. Such a waste....

NO...NO....NO...you are not appointed or mandated to "do anything"...on anybodies behalf...for any reason whatsoever. To think otherwise is the height of arrogance, the pinnacle of "busybodying" and you are employing the tactic of the tub thumping religious lunatic. creating hysterical reaction, proposing wholey innapropriate solutions and dare I say it "enjoying" your slice of "vicarious victimhood"

And please no " but my 8 stone Rottweiler loves our three toddlers and wouldn't hurt a fly even if they beat it over the head with a rolling pin " type of replies..

stupid and hysterical in its tone as that is.....many probably are like this....BUT any of them...one day...may well take exception...I agree, and it is down to the parents/owners/handlers to ensure that the worst doesnt happen....

SO USE EXISTING LAW to severely punish the negligent...NOT INVENT new ones as collective punishment upon the vast majority of good responsible owners in some sort of crazy vicarious bloodletting.

The fact that existing law is NOT used says more about our society than ANY number of dog attacks.

NOW dont get me started on the REAL child killer we should all be attacking....car drivers

rant over



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My late Father had a lovely ESS bitch which was great with kids and adults alike, great temperament and never damaged anything.


A couple of neighbours kids came round with the neighbour one afternoon and were playing with the dog in the back garden. All of a sudden one of the little scroats came rushing in crying because the dog had snapped at them. Later it turned out that one of them had stuck a pencil right into the dogs ear, so her response wasn't perhaps so surprising?


Leaving little kids alone with any dog let alone a rescue of unknown temperament is just stupid, nobody can predict what might happen and the law of sod makes it a sure thing that it will go Pete Tong at some point.

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THIS kind of sententious twaddle is WHY we are in such a mess in this country....knee jerk and unconsidered reaction, lack of any understanding of dogs and NO idea of the real "risk"


1) we have become so overinformed (the real rate of dog attacks(per 100000 population) including fatal ones is only slightly higher TODAY than it was 50 years ago, which can be attributed to greater population density.) Its just more reported. so now we hear on NATIONAL news of an attack 300miles away, whereas 50 years ago you probably would not have heard about on in the next town.


Well you certainly rose to the fly but I'm afraid your missing the point Vic.... isn't tackling child fatality due to dog attack a bigger priority than safeguarding the non legislative comforts which millions of dog owners currently enjoy... My rant wasn't entirely unconsidered and in fact I have had over 15 Dogs through my hands since childhood all safely raised, trained and cared for... so I think I do have a little bit of an understanding where these things are concerned.....


One thing I am confident about though is that it wont be long before the next child fatality, and that nothing tangible will ever be done to prevent it.


Thanks for your input nonetheless.

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I can understand your sentiment but do we really want or need more interference from government agencies and the so called 'nanny state'? I know it hasn't been mentioned yet but some moron is going to utter the 'if it saves one life it will be worth it' bunkum, usually uttered by some gun anti, as if that justifies the legislation. If that rubbish was applied to all risks this forum wouldn't exist as there would be no legal firearms owners.

I don't think until the courts come down hard on owners, and I mean HARD, we will see any change. Legislation only applies to the law abiding so I fail to see how legislation could or would prevent another such incident. Owners need to be aware that serious repercussions will ensue if they are not in full control of their pets 24/7. All it takes is a muzzle...it's hardly rocket science.

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Well you certainly rose to the fly but I'm afraid your missing the point Vic.... isn't tackling child fatality due to dog attack a bigger priority than safeguarding the non legislative comforts which millions of dog owners currently enjoy... My rant wasn't entirely unconsidered and in fact I have had over 15 Dogs through my hands since childhood all safely raised, trained and cared for... so I think I do have a little bit of an understanding where these things are concerned.....


One thing I am confident about though is that it wont be long before the next child fatality, and that nothing tangible will ever be done to prevent it.


Thanks for your input nonetheless.

Do you know the meaning of "proportionate" in its "legal/political" sense??

And if you are that bothered about child fatalities.....start campaigning for car licence holders to have the same stringent requirements we as shooters have...(for instance...you do realise that you can be suffering from severe mental illness...and STILL hold your driving licence?????)

moreover...the above shows you have an emotional involvement in some way, you must learn to detatch from that in order to further serious debate on these kinds of subjects, and argue cold hard facts....and the cold hard facts do NOT support the implementation what you suggest...

Indeed your arguments are similar to the hysterical and spurious arguments that got handguns banned in the aftermath of Dunblane

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sad for the families,

but lets be honest more laws and rules just not needed just common sense, i have a little jack rusel and as stupid and small as it is i dont trust it round my 4 year old when youre not looking a dog / cat will go for the kill given the chance i dont care how friendly an animal or person is they are all capable

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Sadly another child has had its life ended by a Dog attack.

When are people going to realise that Dogs and unsupervised children just don’t mix especially those which are potentially stronger and more powerful than their owners and cannot be restrained.

We will now have the inquest, more postulating and rhetoric, sympathy and remorse but nothing seems to get done about it.

Surely its time for a serious and radical root and branch overhaul of dog ownership regulations in this country.

In my opinion all dogs should be licenced and micro chipped at Birth.

Indiscriminate breeding should be banned and applications made through an appropriate authority to do so. This would stop breeding just for financial gain.

Owners should apply to have a dog, be vetted and their reasons for wanting a dog should be considered as well as their personal circumstances, age of any children they may have and the environment they live in.

The rehoming centres are crammed full of dogs abandoned by people who shouldn’t have had access to them in the first instance, many have been indiscriminately bred and many are of the same breed variety.

All dogs whatever their size should be muzzled in public places and finally it’s time to stop this cross breeding which has become fashionable it’s a ridiculous state of affairs currently..

I was looking for a dog recently in the national adds and had to troll through a endless list of dogs of the breeds..... cockapoos, springadoodles, labadoodles, jackapoodles, springadors, cavawhippet, yorkarussel, patterdoodle, weimerspringer, colliedoodle, etc etc etc….what are these stupid people doing….."I know lets cross our staffy with a spaniel call it a springastaffy and sell the pups for £600 quid “ ......WHY ?????

I don't believe any of the above measures would deter or prevent serious and conscientious owners from getting a dog and looking after it properly.

We owe it to that poor girl and others of her like before her to do something about it. Such a waste....

And please no " but my 8 stone Rottweiler loves our three toddlers and wouldn't hurt a fly even if they beat it over the head with a rolling pin " type of replies..

rant over


I do not see why you want to punish me as a responsible dog owner for the actions of others,there is already a plethora of legislation in place to deal with irresponsible dog owners which is rarely used.

You do not need new legislation,you need the proper use and enforcement of the legislation already in place.

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As said,no need for knee jerk reactions as we more than any group know they are not thought out and implemented correctly.

I don't know the background of this death,but the trouble is the majority of folk involved in these incidents are of the Jeremy Kyle ilk,and educating them is a nigh on impossible task,and the law is met by a shrug of the shoulders.Things like muzzling all dogs in public would be a joke imo and totally over the top.

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Owners and perspective owners need to take more responsibilty in terms of if a dog is suitable in their home enviroment. If the kids are likley to wind up,poke, annoy pet of course it will react not all will snap or bite but it will eventually get fed up so i dont think dogs are suitable. Not saying thats what happened. Also not sure on what rehoming rescue criteria is if any for this place.


End of the day a young girl has lost her life when it could have been prevented, her family will have to deal with that for the rest of their lives.

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Wel said victorismy hero

Its reactions like these that lead to the punishment of law abiding people

I agree with the OP that there are many stupid people who have dogs!

There are also some very bad and dangerous drivers on the road who despite all the legistation put in there way manage to get a driving license!

Should we ban all drivers form the road?how many lives would this save?

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