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Will there be any repercussions for this gamekeeper?


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So a gamekeeper has shot the Rhea that escaped a few weeks ago. I have no idea what advice the police were giving out to locals as I dont know if they are dangerous in anyway? However its been reported that a gamekeeper has shot it dead, question is will he have done anything wrong in doing so?


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The report that I heard on the radio claims that the gamekeeper shot the rhea as he was concerned that it may cause a car crash! Without being in possession of the full facts then can't comment too strongly, however if the report on the radio is at all accurate the reason given sounds very specious.


I fear that the opportunity to shoot something a bit more exotic than the norm has led to a justification from the GK based on the premise of 'public safety' without that being genuine.

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as I see it some people seem to think that they have the rite to shoot everything is there not enough pests for them to shoot without shooting someones pet slag me off if you want but when I wanted to shoot seagulls the other day it was no you cannot do that but if he could get near to shoot it why not do the proper thing and get someone to dart it and then they could have got it while it slept..

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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And who's going to pay for the dart, the tranquiliser and vet/qualified user? Do u think by the time u got a specialist in it would still be standing in the same area. Do u know the range of a dart gun?

Think i would have butchered it or dug a hole


When i was in OZ i was warned about emu's when driving, the roo's aren't so bad if u have a decent bar on the front otherwise they make a mess of ur motor, the emu's with there high centre of gravity tend to fly in throu the windscreen and will then kick out with some pretty long claws on the feet. can do some damage, I used to hate seeing them at side of road.


Right deep red meat thou. Always thought it looked nice to eat althou none of the locals ate them, we just fed them to the dogs

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as I see it some people seem to think that they have the rite to shoot everything is there not enough pests for them to shoot without shooting someones pet slag me off if you want but when I wanted to shoot seagulls the other day it was no you cannot do that but if he could get near to shoot it why not do the proper thing and get someone to dart it and then they could have got it while it slept..

+1 i wondered why not trap it or somthin along those lines.
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as I see it some people seem to think that they have the rite to shoot everything is there not enough pests for them to shoot without shooting someones pet slag me off if you want but when I wanted to shoot seagulls the other day it was no you cannot do that but if he could get near to shoot it why not do the proper thing and get someone to dart it and then they could have got it while it slept..



+1 i wondered why not trap it or somthin along those lines.



Yea guess he should have just told it to stand still why he phones the relevant company/person to dart it, I'm sure if he asked nicely it would have stayed there for the hours/days it would have taken them to come out.

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The owner had abondoned it and knew she couldn't catch it, it was a serious car accident waiting to happen so I'd lay money on the police suggesting someone shoot it. I can't see anyone setting out to shoot one just because they hadn't shot one before.

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The owner had abondoned it and knew she couldn't catch it, it was a serious car accident waiting to happen so I'd lay money on the police suggesting someone shoot it. I can't see anyone setting out to shoot one just because they hadn't shot one before.


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As far as I'm concerned, the public have been warned it is dangerous, its an alien species so he has done no wrong. Id like to see the papers stand up in court and accuse him of doing anything other than act in the public interest AS LONG AS HE DIDNT BREECH HIS FAC CONDITIONS since he has reacted to their implied sensationalism of the danger.



Its a NON indigenous species, it is dangerous and it has now been stopped, the guy deserves a medal not derision!


If he had left it and those clawed feet injured/killed someone, or the thing caused an RTA etc., everyone would have said why didn't he shoot it when he had a chance!

Edited by Dekers
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