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Spring rape report.


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The forecast was for rain all day, and so it proved. Either I was going to shoot the spring rape in the rain or I was not. Simples.


I watched for an hour, trying all the time to talk myself out of getting out of the car and getting myself and all of my kit wet through. I failed. The only concession was that I set up on a high and thick hedge to keep the driving rain off me. This was a compromise as it was not the optimum place.


Right from the start the birds took an aversion to the rotary so I took it down. As I got steadily wetter the bag grew steadily too and when I had finished after three hours of intermittent sport I picked 67 soggy pigeons.


The gun is cleaned and my kit is hung up to dry in the garage and I have my first drink of the evening, the smell of the roast chicken is percolating through to my office and all of a sudden the rain is long forgotten and all I can remember is a good afternoon's sport.



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A good bag, Dog. Well done. I'm sure you will have a drier day and a bigger bag there soon.

Fenboy and I got a good soaking yesterday shooting over mustard. We picked 31.

Sod's law, there hasn't been a drop of rain today.

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A nice bag JDog , almost getting wet for , if its any consolation Motty and myself got caught in a rather bad storm yesterday and both got soaked and muddied .


We also only had 31 very soggy pigeon for our efforts !

A nice bag JDog , almost getting wet for , if its any consolation Motty and myself got caught in a rather bad storm yesterday and both got soaked and muddied .


We also only had 31 very soggy pigeon for our efforts !


Looks like Motty beat me to it !

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Good bag considering the conditions JDog , that's what I have being doing wrong, packing up when seeing the first signs of rain, mind you over the years ive got that wet I started to grow skin between my toes.

I thought you Norfolk boys were born like that :lol:

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Nice one Dog I hope the farmer remembers that you sat out in the rain protecting his crop when it comes to harvest time and doesn't let all the fair weather shooters mess up a nice bit of stubble shooting for you. Out come the combines and "pigeon shooters" seem to crawl out from every orifice.

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Blimey, I take one look at the weather and close the curtains, if the sun isn't shining I don't like to venture out, mind you 30 years ago I would shoot through any kind of weather and often did, snow, hail , torrential rain or gale force winds, these days if I get cold or damp it takes three days to recover, stiff joints, runny nose, sore throat, complaining wife, No I will stick to those nice warm breezy days and leave the rest to you youngsters. :no::no:

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