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David Haines beheaded


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The problem is this country is run by spineless *******, if I S want to poke a bear with a stick then be prepared to have your ***** chewed off ,but after a few airstrikes the bodies of women and children will be paraided about by I S and we'll be called barbarians the worlds press will go on another bleeding hearts campain. kill them all, what mercey would they show you, they're not human, they kill then run and hide behind the womens skirts, but what will the British polititans do, **** all, the British muslims fighting for I S should be allowed back into the country , then hung in public for treason.

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That sounds fair to me...

The problem is this country is run by spineless *******, if I S want to poke a bear with a stick then be prepared to have your b***s chewed off ,but after a few airstrikes the bodies of women and children will be paraided about by I S and we'll be called barbarians the worlds press will go on another bleeding hearts campain. kill them all, what mercey would they show you, they're not human, they kill then run and hide behind the womens skirts, but what will the British polititans do, **** all, the British muslims fighting for I S should be allowed back into the country , then hung in public for treason.

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The problem is this country is run by spineless *******, if I S want to poke a bear with a stick then be prepared to have your b***s chewed off ,but after a few airstrikes the bodies of women and children will be paraided about by I S and we'll be called barbarians the worlds press will go on another bleeding hearts campain. kill them all, what mercey would they show you, they're not human, they kill then run and hide behind the womens skirts, but what will the British polititans do, **** all, the British muslims fighting for I S should be allowed back into the country , then hung in public for treason.

what he said

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So sad that somone doing charity work for free not fighting is taken by these cowards and murdered in cold blood. Agree with pistolgrip those 'britons' going to fight for their 'cause' should be given there just deserts. Thoughts and prayers with the haines family.

My feelings too.

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Which will take out innocent women and children.


This is a result of that muppet Blair blindly following US foreign policy which always assumes that a country wants the US version of democracy.


There is no simple answer but a covert process of identifying and removing the key members at the top of ISIS is a good start.


The analogy here is with Nazi Germany, rule of fear...

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Apparently he was a really nice genuine bloke who had been an aid worker since 1999 and who had strived all his life to help others.


ISIS are nothing more than psychopathic marauders. No religion, god or political philosophy supports what they are doing.


At least the likes of Saddam &.Co understood what it took to keep that region under control eh? Be careful what you wish for and well done Tony and George for what history will tell to be a rather poorly thought out and botched job in the Middle East. I'm so glad Tony is our special envoy out there now - it just shows you can **** anything up as a politician and come out smelling of rises and never having to face any consequence.

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Calls for more military force are understandable but in reality won't achieve anything.

Just look at the mindset of the people, they are a completely different animal to us, life is cheap, they have been killing each other for one reason or another forever and a day.

The only way to tackle the problem is to shut them out and close our borders, repatriate those already here who support terrorism in any way, refuse re entry to those mercenaries already over there, track down and repatriate those who have already come back.

It's an Arab world problem, let the Arabs sort it, Kuwait, Saudi, AE all have a hand in it somewhere. Where does the money for IS come from?

Any westerners who stay in the area for whatever reason are just being stupid, being there on an aid mission makes you a target, it doesn't mean the black dressed gent with a beard will look at you with fondness and let you carry on doling out aspirins, no he'll remove your head and film it for his own sick agenda.

Abandon the lot, let them kill each other, don't get involved.

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Calls for more military force are understandable but in reality won't achieve anything.

Just look at the mindset of the people, they are a completely different animal to us, life is cheap, they have been killing each other for one reason or another forever and a day.

The only way to tackle the problem is to shut them out and close our borders, repatriate those already here who support terrorism in any way, refuse re entry to those mercenaries already over there, track down and repatriate those who have already come back.

It's an Arab world problem, let the Arabs sort it, Kuwait, Saudi, AE all have a hand in it somewhere. Where does the money for IS come from?

Any westerners who stay in the area for whatever reason are just being stupid, being there on an aid mission makes you a target, it doesn't mean the black dressed gent with a beard will look at you with fondness and let you carry on doling out aspirins, no he'll remove your head and film it for his own sick agenda.

Abandon the lot, let them kill each other, don't get involved.

A lot of sense in what you say but one thing you have not mentioned - Oil. We need it and they have got it.

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To be honest about it there is not much that we can/could have done to stop it from happening as I see it he took a chance and lost he new what he was getting into I feel so sorry for his family but there is nothing much that we can do unless they put a big X on the ground to say we are here then we could drop some big bombs on them but they could ab anywhere.

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We don't buy oil from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, we buy it from OPEC where we are dealing with people who need our money as much as we need their oil. Without oil and our money the oil producers would still be herding goats, killing each other and living in tents.

If only things could be that simple if we did not buy the oil but we do and just as long as there is money to be made from doing so we always will.

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As stated before covert insertion , selected sniper action , remove the command echelon, divide and conquer. Then a process of hearts and minds showing how Muslims are treated in the western world not in the Islamic State.


History just repeats itself, Richard the Lionheart fought the Moors and we were the infidels. Things haven't changed since Biblical times.

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If only things could be that simple if we did not buy the oil but we do and just as long as there is money to be made from doing so we always will.

That's just my point, we need OPEC oil, they need our money. The rest of the Arab world and particularly the area affected by IS have nothing we need or want. Our involvement in that area ever since the Crusades has done nothing except cost money and lives, all wasted. Why should we interfere? If sunni and shia want to wipe each other out let them get on with it, if one tribe wants to kill another over a bad deal on a goat 500 years ago then fine. Us dropping bombs or missiles will do nothing except give the radicals more incentive to behead people or show videos of innocents with their guts hanging out.

It's hypocritical to be involved anyway, we haven't been so quick to get involved with the Ukraine or Basque problems have we?

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I don't claim to have the answer to the problem but I don't think ignoring it is the answer. Just supposing we ignore it and let them get on with it, IS take control of the region. They could then say 'look at this, it was easy, where to next?'. Radicals would have a safe harbour, somewhere to train and expand there control from. People who are teetering on the brink of radicalism could be convinced by this that the time was right for them to turn.

As I said I don't have the answers but doing nothing is certainly not the best course of action.

Just my opinion.

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