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.22lr for Fox?


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My new FLO said to me that west mercia`s POV is that fox is a condition of its own and not covered by the desription of pest, vermin or AOLQ.

He went on to tell me he had whitnessed a .22lr bounce off a foxs head at 30yards and not kill it only for the fox to run off.

He also said he would take anyones ticket from them if he found out they had been using .22lr on fox.

West mercia also wont put AOLQ on alot of licenses.


I took it with a pinch of salt but I wouldnt trust him not to try taking licenses from .22lr users who shot fox with them.





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The Home Office book says that it is generally not powerful enough, but can, in experienced hands and at close ranges, be suitable. It also states that it is up to the shooter to use the carrect calibre and ammo, at a suitable range, to obtain a humane kill.


See here : https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/363016/Guidance_on_Firearms_Licensing_Law_v10_-_Oct_2014.pdf


Page 108, section 13.25

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Well to my mind a fox is vermin, as vermin is defined as:


Wild animals which are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents:


The home office as far as I can see the Home Office have not issued guidance that Foxes are not to be considered vermin. I can understand not allowing a 22lr as a dedicated foxing rifle but for occasional close foxes it works well.

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Well to my mind a fox is vermin, as vermin is defined as:


Wild animals which are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents:


The home office as far as I can see the Home Office have not issued guidance that Foxes are not to be considered vermin. I can understand not allowing a 22lr as a dedicated foxing rifle but for occasional close foxes it works well.

+ 1 I have shot them many a time with an .22 lr in places where CF is just not practical , my . 22 WMR was conditioned for fox .

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To be fair in Lancs we had a total no to fox on .22LR for many years. These days its granted along side and inc. AOLQ. Its not a proper foxing gun and if I was limited to using a .22 LR or a 12 ga shotgun on the ,lamp then it will be the shotgun I shall pick up every time.

The .22LR is powerful enough to kill just about anything BUT the bullet needs good placement an a considered shot, out of an upstairs window at a fox lapping up cat food bait on a lawn fair enough but at night off hand in a muddy field- Nah, give me a shotgun and load of no.1 / BB anyday! better still a .22 cf

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I had a brief discussion about this with my feo at renewal time, i very strongly agree with his opinion that.22lr is more than capable of despatching a fox at short range, and that anyone that cant hit a fox in the brain at 30 or 40 yards really shouldnt be in charge of a firearm.

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My RF is on my ticket for vermin so is it legal to shoot foxes with it? Obviously at ranges of 50 metres or less. I ask as I have been offered some lamping but the shepherd wants foxes shot too. My feo verbally said it wasn't allowed but to be honest a lot of what he said wasn't accurate.

Have you any other calibre on your ticket ??? If so then they be more suitable in certain circumstances.

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I had a brief discussion about this with my feo at renewal time, i very strongly agree with his opinion that.22lr is more than capable of despatching a fox at short range, and that anyone that cant hit a fox in the brain at 30 or 40 yards really shouldnt be in charge of a firearm.


thing is fair enough till something goes wrong an anyone who doesn't except the fact it can shouldn't either IMO. A loose mount, flinch, twig in the way unseen etc.etc.etc. even slaughter men make mistakes in an abattoir.

Yep, I have made a few and I don't know any experienced guy who hasnt

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thing is fair enough till something goes wrong an anyone who doesn't except the fact it can shouldn't either IMO. A loose mount, flinch, twig in the way unseen etc.etc.etc. even slaughter men make mistakes in an abattoir.

Yep, I have made a few and I don't know any experienced guy who hasnt

well that can be said for any rifle at any range , like already said if you cant hit a fox at 30 - 50 yrds PACK UP you have no right to be shooting with a rifle in the first place . out to 40 - 50 yrds with a Hi-velocity bullet you have plenty of options where to place your shot ,

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thing is fair enough till something goes wrong an anyone who doesn't except the fact it can shouldn't either IMO. A loose mount, flinch, twig in the way unseen etc.etc.etc. even slaughter men make mistakes in an abattoir.

Yep, I have made a few and I don't know any experienced guy who hasnt

Youre perfectly correct, things can and do go wrong but things can go wrong with any caliber of rifle,

None of us like to fluff a shot but from time to time something goes wrong, all that we can do as shooters is make sure that every shot is as perfect as it can be so that fluffed shots are kept to a absolute minimum.


Edited to add,

When using my.22lr at sub 50 yards, i would expect to put a five shot string through the same hole, if i couldnt do that then i wouldnt raise the gun to any living creature.

Edited by mel b3
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Youre perfectly correct, things can and do go wrong but things can go wrong with any caliber of rifle,

None of us like to fluff a shot but from time to time something goes wrong, all that we can do as shooters is make sure that every shot is as perfect as it can be so that fluffed shots are kept to a absolute minimum.

Edited to add,

When using my.22lr at sub 50 yards, i would expect to put a five shot string through the same hole, if i couldnt do that then i wouldnt raise the gun to any living creature.

5 shots Through the same hole I think I had better pack up.

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Mine says:



The shooting of vermin or, in the course of carrying activities in connection with the management of any estate. other wildlife;


OK not very well punctuated and put together but my interpretation is this has to include fox for .22LR


in the paragraph above I also have ".......other lawful quarry.

Edited by Whitebridges
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My new FLO said to me that west mercia`s POV is that fox is a condition of its own and not covered by the desription of pest, vermin or AOLQ.

He went on to tell me he had whitnessed a .22lr bounce off a foxs head at 30yards and not kill it only for the fox to run off.

He also said he would take anyones ticket from them if he found out they had been using .22lr on fox.

West mercia also wont put AOLQ on alot of licenses.


I took it with a pinch of salt but I wouldnt trust him not to try taking licenses from .22lr users who shot fox with them.





I reckon what he's saying is totall bol****s regarding bullets bouncing off skulls lol.


Plus how would an feo ever know you shot a fox with it unless it was broadcast here.

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I am getting 5p sized groups at 50 metres with my new Browning T-Bolt so I am confident in terms of accuracy. But I am West Mercia and from what I can tell going on the comments here it is legal but very much frowned upon by the police. So maybe I should avoid it? I do have a .243 down on my ticket but my FEO refused to let me have it for hunting due to 'lack of experience in the field with that calibre' so it is set as target only. I may phone BASC about that one! To be fair if he complained I shot a fox with .22lr I could tell him it was his fault given he wouldn't allow me to use a .243 but it is probably better to play it safe! I know .22lr will do the job as my Dad shot dozens of foxes when I was a boy without ever injuring one, always a clean kill and often heart/lung shots too.


Thanks for all the information :)

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Youre perfectly correct, things can and do go wrong but things can go wrong with any caliber of rifle,

None of us like to fluff a shot but from time to time something goes wrong, all that we can do as shooters is make sure that every shot is as perfect as it can be so that fluffed shots are kept to a absolute minimum.


Edited to add,

When using my.22lr at sub 50 yards, i would expect to put a five shot string through the same hole, if i couldnt do that then i wouldnt raise the gun to any living creature.

i guess you don't raise your gun to quarry too often then teehee



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I seen a programe i think it was on country file not sure where a bloke was shooting fox in london where he would set up in the bedroom window of the householder and bait up in the back garden with cat food he was a pest controler and he was granted the .22lr for this job as it was quiet and didnt disturb the neighbours what is the diffrence

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I saw that program too. He said he had is gun zeroed around 15yards, I'm sure at that range the 22lr would be fine for a fox! But agree it can't be one rule for one and a different rule for another. My own opinion is that although the 22 rimfire will do for a fox, I don't think they are up to the job. But that's just my opinion.

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My RF is on my ticket for vermin so is it legal to shoot foxes with it? Obviously at ranges of 50 metres or less. I ask as I have been offered some lamping but the shepherd wants foxes shot too. My feo verbally said it wasn't allowed but to be honest a lot of what he said wasn't accurate.

Having asked your feo,and been told no,I would tread carefully...magnum 12 gauge at those ranges probably your answer until your ticket changes..is the land cleared for .243?If so I would obtain a letter of consent for the land and re-approach your feo saying there is a fox issue,.

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