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Have you ever shot something and someone else claims it?


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What do you do in that situation?

I once shot a beauty woodcock, folded it with the first barrel and it was a pretty good shot.

Also the first woodcock I'd ever shot!

The old guy on the next peg, fired a shot at the rapidly falling woodcock and shouted yeah!

Then started air punching.

I just kept quiet, one of the other lads asked wasn't that your bird?

If we both fired and it wasn't clear its fair enough but that wasn't the case.

Anyone any experience of this?

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I just simply say " well shot" and walk away, you KNOW if you have shot it or not. In fact if the gun in question is a younger shot, I simply just go and congratulate them, even if they question it, I insist it was their bird. When you have been shooting in excess of 50 years, it no longer matters what the other guns think, unless it is a safety issue, and I am VERY careful about that. I pride myself on always being invited back to any shoot that I have been on and hopefully that will remain so, for the few seasons I may have left. If your day revolves around being told what a good shot you are, perhaps you should consider competition clays.

Edited by Westley
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I just simply say " well shot" and walk away, you KNOW if you have shot it or not. In fact if the gun in question is a younger shot, I simply just go and congratulate them, even if they question it, I insist it was their bird. When you have been shooting in excess of 50 years, it no longer matters what the other guns think, unless it is a safety issue, and I am VERY careful about that. I pride myself on always being invited back to any shoot that I have been on and hopefully that will remain so, for the few seasons I may have left. If your day revolves around being told what a good shot you are, perhaps you should consider competition clays.


What an excellent reply.


If game shooting becomes a competition then give it up. You know that you shot the woodcock and that should be enough. The other guns had probably been trying to shoot one for years without success which is why he claimed your bird.

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I had someone claim a duck I knew I had killed on a shoot many years ago , the same bloke kept shooting at drops of water on his glasses :lol:

Like Westley I have also let someone think a bird I had killed was theirs , especially when I know it is more important to them than it is to me.

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I wouldn't let it bother you. Unless he's genuinely mistaken then it means he's a bit of a muppet. You know when the bird is yours, and as sure as chips are chips, he'll know it wasn't his.

I've never experienced another gun claiming to have shot a bird I've shot, and whenever there has been a simultaneous shot, in my experience the two guns will say 'your bird', as I have done many a time. It really doesn't matter.

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I just simply say " well shot" and walk away, you KNOW if you have shot it or not. In fact if the gun in question is a younger shot, I simply just go and congratulate them, even if they question it, I insist it was their bird. When you have been shooting in excess of 50 years, it no longer matters what the other guns think, unless it is a safety issue, and I am VERY careful about that. I pride myself on always being invited back to any shoot that I have been on and hopefully that will remain so, for the few seasons I may have left. If your day revolves around being told what a good shot you are, perhaps you should consider competition clays.


Perfect post.


I've seen birds fold simultaneously shot dead at the same time by two guns on different pegs as i'm sure you have. This also causes some good interesting banter . :)

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I shot a couple of partridge at the same time and old boy missed them both, he even picked them up at the end of the drive.

On the way back the keeper (who ws on the next peg and saw it all) just slapped me on the back and smiled.


I once shared a seriously high pheasant with a mate, it fell waaaaay back from where we were standing.

Neither of us were certain who shot it.

Fast forward a year and we were back at the same estate, the keeper asked who shot 'that high bird' last year, I paused, but my mate jumped in and proudly announced it was him.

The keeper then explained it hit his house a took a roof tile off, he was cursing whichever gun it was as he had get up there and fix it in the middle of winter!

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I once shared a seriously high pheasant with a mate, it fell waaaaay back from where we were standing.

Neither of us were certain who shot it.

Fast forward a year and we were back at the same estate, the keeper asked who shot 'that high bird' last year, I paused, but my mate jumped in and proudly announced it was him.

The keeper then explained it hit his house a took a roof tile off, he was cursing whichever gun it was as he had get up there and fix it in the middle of winter!

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I shot a couple of partridge at the same time and old boy missed them both, he even picked them up at the end of the drive.

On the way back the keeper (who ws on the next peg and saw it all) just slapped me on the back and smiled.


I once shared a seriously high pheasant with a mate, it fell waaaaay back from where we were standing.

Neither of us were certain who shot it.

Fast forward a year and we were back at the same estate, the keeper asked who shot 'that high bird' last year, I paused, but my mate jumped in and proudly announced it was him.

The keeper then explained it hit his house a took a roof tile off, he was cursing whichever gun it was as he had get up there and fix it in the middle of winter!


Isn't this what it's all about? Pulling the trigger is secondary to the chinwag.

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When i am sharing a pigeon hide with my son he is always claiming the birds, between you and me, he is mostly right. :lol:

Mottys like that , he put a post on earlier in the season where he said he shot 240 odd , but I am pretty sure he only had three of them while I shot the rest :lol::lol:

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A bit of a confession, years ago a friend talked me into going on a paid inland goose decoying session in Lancashire, not my cup of tea but at the time I had not shot that many geese and it was a day out. Four of us went and met the guide and his pal, who both turned out to be shooting as well, then a big 4x4 turned up at the rendezvous with two more guns, bouncers who had come straight from work!


The guide soon turned out to be a bit of a wide boy with I suspect only a couple of fields to shoot over and no geese came anywhere near, except for one single Pink which flew along the ditch we were hiding in, it passed over me first and I left it for my friend who had not shot a goose in years despite an annual trip to the Solway, anyway he hit it but it carried on into a hail of lead shot from the other six guns, even so it still planed out to crash 100 yards away. One of the bouncers was out the ditch in a flash and for a big fella he could shift a bit, he had the goose gathered in quick time. and claimed it as his, funnily enough no one argued with him :-)

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i have been on many shoots where ...fortunatly i know all the old boys and lads......the day usually revolves around much hilarity...and thieving poaching people whose parents were not married....often claiming wrongly someone elses birds.......washed down with copious amounts of pink champers....irish coffee and hot sausage rolls.........


......shooting with unknowners...always possibly a problem..................as alll the others have more or less said........smile and walk away



its not about killing stuff on an industrial scale....its being with people who want to be there, and making sure everybody else is enjoying themselves as much as you......that means the beaters and the dog men/women

Edited by ditchman
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Been shooting driven game for too many years and occasionally I have been pegged against such an individual. Like earlier posts if it's a young chap encourage him and insist it was his bird. If he's just a greedy numbers man trying to brake a record I make sure I drop a few of his birds that usually does the trick!

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I just simply say " well shot" and walk away, you KNOW if you have shot it or not. In fact if the gun in question is a younger shot, I simply just go and congratulate them, even if they question it, I insist it was their bird. When you have been shooting in excess of 50 years, it no longer matters what the other guns think, unless it is a safety issue, and I am VERY careful about that. I pride myself on always being invited back to any shoot that I have been on and hopefully that will remain so, for the few seasons I may have left. If your day revolves around being told what a good shot you are, perhaps you should consider competition clays.

Spot on. Generally you do know whether you took it and so does the other bloke. Occasionally two shots have been simultaneously fired and you’re not sure but even then you've got a fair idea.

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Lots of very good advice here.


I did kill a left and right once, as did my best friend on the next peg, he did not see mine, I did not see his, turns out we both fired at exactly the same millisecond at exactly the same to birds in a flush. Plenty of scope for banter !!, but had it been a young lad and some one I did not know well then congratulate and walk away.


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On a driven day I was pegged next to a good friend who is a good shot, behind him was a back gun. I saw my friend fold up 4 very good pheasants only to have the back gun shoot at them as they were falling towards him and he was getting very excited about how well he was shooting. Every time my friend missed unsurprisingly so did the gun behind.


On a different shoot there were not many birds on a drive and a fantastic high cock bird came straight for me and I dropped it with the first barrel, no more birds came over me and I was very pleased with the one bird I did have. The picker up and gun on my right both came over and said good shot, the gun on the left came over to us and thanked the picker up for finding the best bird he had ever shot. We all just smiled and moved off.

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I guess most of us who have shot for years have had someone else claim a bird we have or thought we have shot.There have been several times when a mate and I have shot at the same bird in a flock in the same second, only one bang was heard , the bird fell and we were both surprised when we both ejected an empty cartridge from our guns. There is uaually one bird in a flock that is more killable than the others, being closer , the right angle or just an easy shot compared with the others in the flock. I can remember one mate returning a goose we had both shot at , he had been using no 3 shot , I had been shooting BB. The next day my mate had plucked it and only found BB pellets.


I have also had other claimed birds they never even shot and on three occasions stolen geese before I could retrieve them myself ( ie I left the dead birds on the mud as there were others in the air and sending the dog at once would have spoiled oncomming chances.

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