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A turn up for the books.


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SNS (Simon) asked me to shoot in Staffordshire today. What a day we chose to go with heavy rain all morning and a keen biting wind. The pheasants had been soaked over night and really didn't want to fly though there were plenty of them.


The drive before lunch was to be a duck and goose drive. We were advised which was the best position and I volunteered to stay well clear of the action and I went to the far end of the line and stood in a pony paddock hoping that the others would get some shooting. The plan never worked out as it should and the only two skeins of geese to take off from the lake came towards me, as did the ducks. In ten hectic minutes I shot a double right and left at Canada geese, a right and left at mallard, two single mallard and a tufted duck for nine shots. Later in the afternoon I shot a male goldeneye.


I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time and I thank SNS for his kind invitation.



Edited by JDog
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I was fortunate enough to witness this fine shooting from the next peg. With a malfunctioning gun.


However, things did improve - I had a kingfisher fly by me with a fish in its beak. And I watched a most fantastic retrieve of the goldeneye from a fair old distance into the lake by a very talented dog.

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Wow! I didn't think Mr. Dog was into shooting 'fowl.

I haven't shot geese for years and today I would quite happily have let those who do not shoot as much as I do be in the right spot. 'The best laid plans of mice and men' and all that.

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Well done , JDog a great sporting day and well done for Simon for the invite. I've never shot game birds but did shoot a goose for a farmer once and was amazed how they bounce when they land. I wouldn't want one to hit me on the way down.


Not to steal your thread but a few have made observations re the HAT. Do the residents in Lincolnshire realise that the weather pattern will change due to certain areas not receiving rain under the hat??????? This can be reduced by you moving around the county?????

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