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We Never Expected That

pigeon controller

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Now my posts tend to be very repetitive in the way we go about our pigeon decoying. In the week I posted about pigeons on the Oaks., normally we would not shoot spring barley as when it is stubble the birds are on other foods. So Friday saw us heading out at 11.00 on our normal route, now this route intersects most of the flightlines out of the city and allows us to pick up on the stronger one and follow it to the food source.So we found a strong line heading out to a been stubble field we shot some weeks ago . It has now been ploughed and the beans exposed , it had about fifty birds on it but they were very spooky and lifted as soon as we drove into the gateway. Now this field we were prevented from shooting becase of the game shoot a few weeks ago so we went to see the Farmer to obtain permission, he was very busy in the yard filling feed bags with grain so I offered to keep filling while DB spoke to him and we tried to contact the keeper . Twenty minutes later after various phone calls no success so he said carry on " if he won't answer his phone what does he expect" . We drove back to the field to set up , not a bird in sight, Rowlocks. Do We or Dont We??? . We set up and waited we used the magnet and ten thawed birds on cradles to elevate them off the plough. The first returning birds gave us a wide birth so we scrapped the magnet and put two angels out . It was now 14.00 and the birds returned well and we shot till 16.30 when it stopped and the geese were flying into the pool behind us . We picked up one hundred and twentytwo pigeons which was a great result for the amount of birds we had seen about on the field.


Saturday saw us heading out at the same time 11.00 and we went in a wider arc looking for a flightline to follow. We had five fields of spring barley stubble that we had shot last week to look at but we knew that it can be shot by others in the week . The only line we could find went to the spring barley but when we drove onto the field it had about twenty birds down and the flight line was going to the Oaks on another field and also down to a thick collection of Oaks in the distance which is bisected by a railway line in the form of a deep cutting. We watched it for thirty minutes as a dribble of birds came down the line and went to various trees,fields and the cutting. We decided to set up on the stubble as the time was getting on and we new that the feeding spell tends to stop at approx 16.00 and it was now 12.30 . We set up with twelve fresh birds from the day before all on cradles and as we shot birds put them out until we had about fifty displayed. We then had a strange thing happen we could hear from the railway a rapid tapping noise very slowly coming up the track . When this went into the cutting the trees just exploded with birds and as they were Oaks we can only assume that the birds were on the acorns and the normal trains did not disturb them. The pair of us could not load fast enough and towards the the end of the what was about an hour of intense shooting it was painful to hold the barrels they were so hot . The vibrating train went passed us and the birds settled down to regular feeding patterns. We packed up at 16.30 and picked up three hundred and three pigeons and one crow. What a result if the vibrating train had not gone through the cutting we possibly would have had half that number. Jammy or what but that pigeon shooting !!!!!









Edited by pigeon controller
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You are definitely going to need a big chiller for the garage if you go on like this. :)

Luckily the game dealer collected Saturday night , I just had to lay them out in the garage.

I get fed up with your posts too but only out of jealousy.

If you want an argument change the subject ??????? Edited by pigeon controller
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