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Off to Bristol on Tuesday!

Lord Geordie

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Standard car insurance makes clear that any drivng for "hire or reward" is not covered under a standard policy.


How does that stack up against the use of services such as Blah Blah?


I have never heard of Blah Blah until this thread.

Strictly speaking he didn't do it for hire or reward, he simply split the costs of the fuel between a group of people,


He didn't make a profit, just covered expenses, had he had more passengers or charged them more then he could have been accused of "reward"


You are allowed to share fuel costs with "friends".....and by the time they got back they would have been friends



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Strictly speaking he didn't do it for hire or reward, he simply split the costs of the fuel between a group of people,


He didn't make a profit, just covered expenses, had he had more passengers or charged them more then he could have been accused of "reward"


You are allowed to share fuel costs with "friends".....and by the time they got back they would have been friends



Oh absolutely it was friends sharing the fuel bill :)
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Standard car insurance makes clear that any drivng for "hire or reward" is not covered under a standard policy.


How does that stack up against the use of services such as Blah Blah?


I have never heard of Blah Blah until this thread.

Put simply, to drive for reward os to profit from the drive! Bla bla drivers get a free upgrade on their insurance through one of the big insurers AND free breakdown cover! The passengers are SUPPOSED to pay a portion of the bill! But it said £30 per person each way this would have led to me being in big profit, he ce my offer of a £30 return! Plus running them around down there!

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Well done Simon,a nice bit of Karma coming your way.

That's what I was thinking, I bought a hot sandwich and coffee for a homeless chap in the town. And dropped the best part of £8 in change in a charity box! Then got a shock when I picked the car up and saw the price for the parking :lol: The drive home was horrendous! A1 AND A19 both closed. For home about 1am

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I don't think anyone who makes such a gesture could be labelled a ****** !

You have well documented your financial struggles on here so just swallow your pride for once and appreciate that someone a little more flush than yourself has done you a good turn :good:

Oh and I am not Simon !

I used the word bug with ger added! Not any profanity, used in a confused context! As I say, I was quite perplexed! Actually I was initially mortified!


I arrived at the store with my gunbag in hand, and introduced myself to the young lady begin the counter!


She said she would get the gun, the said, "oh! We need to refund you for it!"


At that point I nearly collapsed :lol' I thought they had either sold it to someone else, or were going to tell me it was listed at the wrong price :no:


I was going to say, do you realise I have just travelled from Newcastle to collect this! After confirming on a previous day I would be coming! Don't you think you could have emailed to tell me your error? :lol:


But when Dan came over, He explained. And at first I didn"t know how to feel! Major shock initially, but then a little mix of being annoyed, and ashamed!


It took a while to sink in, and mull it over. But I would like to thank Simon for his very kind gesture!


I try to do things for others whenever possible! Even though I dont have a lot, in regard to money! I still try to sort others out!


I actually find that in helping others, I feel a greater sense value for money, than if I were to spend it on myself. Besides! Often, the cup of coffee and the chat are worth more than the small amount paid for what ever it is!


Rest assured! This rifle is a keeper! I intend to buy a magazine, service the rifle, lower it to 7-8 fpe and use it close quarters, ideal for inside barns etc. Eventually I will get it all reblued too, as its got patches of rust starting on the chamber, and the barrel is brown. Perfectly good! Just need a light rub with fine wool and oil.


Now if you chaps will excuse me, I am off to do a fill test, and check the trigger block for any damage :D

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Put simply, to drive for reward os to profit from the drive! Bla bla drivers get a free upgrade on their insurance through one of the big insurers AND free breakdown cover! The passengers are SUPPOSED to pay a portion of the bill! But it said £30 per person each way this would have led to me being in big profit, he ce my offer of a £30 return! Plus running them around down there!

Answers the question perfectly, thanks :)

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