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Normal For Norfolk


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found it :good: I go down down to Gayton every year for a shoot and find the countryside very interesting i.e. flat, but the locals are so friendly :good:

Whaddya mean flat? Knight's mountain is not that far away, not to mention the rollercoaster like ride that is further along the A149 that is known locally as Cat's Bottom. Then you have the escarpment of Snettisham, Heacham and Hunstanton on the sandstone rolls, driving off the main road (A149) on the back roads to Sedgeford, Ringstead, Docking, will reveal a multitude of elevations almost Yorkshire like in beauty, only with better beer!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Whaddya mean flat? Knight's mountain is not that far away, not to mention the rollercoaster like ride that is further along the A149 that is known locally as Cat's Bottom. Then you have the escarpment of Snettisham, Heacham and Hunstanton on the sandstone rolls, driving off the main road (A149) on the back roads to Sedgeford, Ringstead, Docking, will reveal a multitude of elevations almost Yorkshire like in beauty, only with better beer!




then you have Gas Hill in norwich..............the steepest road in Britain.......True

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I enjoyed the programme, and the bloke seems a genuinely nice guy, if a bit mad. Made me chuckle when the presenter asked "What happens to the pheasants after you shoot them?" (I.e. do they get eaten or whatever) And Desmond said, completely deadpan, "Well, I imagine they go to Heaven..."!

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It's my favourite hill in all the country, some say it's one in five, I think it's one in a million.

Many ,many years ago my father came down gas hill on a bike and couldn't stop . He went across river side road and hit bishop bridge and landed in the the river wensum . He never had a scratch on him .



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Many ,many years ago my father came down gas hill on a bike and couldn't stop . He went across river side road and hit bishop bridge and landed in the the river wensum . He never had a scratch on him .






christ on a stick.................time he got to the bottom he must have been doing 150mph at least !!...damn lucky he did jump the wensum....he could have ended up in the cathedral.... :lol::lol:

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By the way, when I first started this thread I am sure that the spelling of the title was correct. Perhaps a cruel moderator has altered it to show up my inadequacies in the spelling department.



thought it might be a referance to Norma Lamb.....the norwich Lib' MP

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Thank you Zapppp.


On the original topic, I tried to book a cottage on Desmond's Estate soon after the second program came out. Well what do you know, 'there has been a flurry of recent bookings and all of the cottages are taken'.


The only alternative was to take The West Wing at a cost of £3,000/week. I believe that there were five bedrooms in the West Wing which was a slight over capacity for Lady JDog and I and two dogs. When we get into the Norfolk wife swapping scene it may come in handy though.

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Thank you Zapppp.


On the original topic, I tried to book a cottage on Desmond's Estate soon after the second program came out. Well what do you know, 'there has been a flurry of recent bookings and all of the cottages are taken'.


The only alternative was to take The West Wing at a cost of £3,000/week. I believe that there were five bedrooms in the West Wing which was a slight over capacity for Lady JDog and I and two dogs. When we get into the Norfolk wife swapping scene it may come in handy though.

I would avoid that JDog , they generally swap their wives for donkey's / pony's etc.

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My Norfolk Angel....



As i looked into her eye...i noticed her brows met in the middle...how quaint i thought.....her sensuous open mouth was was coralled by flecks of dried spittle in each corner........


the ground moved (to be more precise it shook) for me as she sat on the grass beside me...her sweaty heaving bosom , as she leaned back.. gently escaped the confines of her stained tee shirt...


a gentle breeze lifted her skirt..and exposed a neandertal mound of pleasure....several flys buzzed angrily above it......i threw a smile twixt her calves .she reached forward and teasingly ran her sausage fingers thro' my flowing grey locks as i brushed the hair away from my face...and knew my luck was in,,





anyone do a swap with me .. :hmm:

Edited by ditchman
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My Norfolk Angel....



As i looked into her eye...i noticed her brows met in the middle...how quaint i thought.....her sensuous open mouth was was coralled by flecks of dried spittle in each corner........


the ground moved (to be more precise it shook) for me as she sat on the grass beside me...her sweaty heaving bosom , as she leaned back.. gently escaped the confines of her stained tee shirt...


a gentle breeze lifted her skirt..and exposed a neandertal mound of pleasure....several flys buzzed angrily above it......i threw a smile twixt her calves .she reached forward and teasingly ran her sausage fingers thro' my flowing grey locks as i brushed the hair away from my face...and knew my luck was in,,





anyone do a swap with me .. :hmm:

And there was me thinking you had led a sheltered life ditchman , as for swapping , I am seriously thinking of swapping mine , after 40 years of married life she now informed me to do a bit more shooting as she was saying six days a week isn't enough , I tell yer boi , sum womin don't know where there well orf.

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I blame my dad, he was infatuated by boating on the Norfolk broads, my first memories , I was about 8 years old , we took a boat out of Wroxham for a week and dad jammed it under Potter Heigham bridge on the way up to Hickling broad , After several years of hiring boats dad bought himself a boat on a trailer and from then on we were up here several times a year, fishing , sailing and generally getting in everyone else's way, He retired to Stalham and had his boat in Richardsons yard, so as a young man with kids of my own we spent a lot of time visiting Norfolk so we could get free holidays on dads boat and fish every chance we got,

Now I am retired and when we made the decision 'where did we want to spend out time' where else could it be, we chose to live on the beautiful Norfolk coast, and only 3 miles from our boat moored on the river very near Potter Heigham and the infamous low bridge.

I have miles of great fishing rivers and broads, as much pigeon shooting as I can cope with plus a fantastic wildfowling season right in the middle of the Norfolk marshes and thousands of pinkfoot geese, I was born in Wiltshire, lived all over the world, but give me Norfolk anytime, absolutely bl***y fantastic. :lol::lol::good:

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I only just got round to watching all the episodes after recording them,

what a wonderful programme and a brilliant chap. Some of his quotes are pure gold.


Loved it when they were talking about shooting pheasants and the camera man says "where do they go" (after they are shot - implying i.e into food chain etc...)


Desmond: "Heaven, I think"


and when he talks about shooting his first woodcock and he was 12 at the time and the cameraman asks him "how did you feel" his answer "13" haha, I literally couldn't stop laughing all the way through.

Think that they should do a roadshow with Desmond and his hilarious mate Willie around the UK doing stuff that isn't normal in Norfolk, that could be hilarious. Especially after that part of the episode when they are bird watching and walking along the beach and see a lady running and are both talking about her and Willie remarks "it's as thought she's running in just her Lingerie" and Desmond says "Astonishing" - had me in fits. Would love to see them doing a show where those two have to take on city like tasks.

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  • 1 month later...

Paid Desmond a visit yesterday - spent a little money as he looks as if he needs it - what a wonderful place to live. Had already eaten in Blakeney otherwise might have sampled the food but the strawberries were wonderful and we bought a few items in the shop. Parked near the shop and you can see the marsh where he had early season flighting just a couple of hundred paces away ......if only those numbers would come up. Didn't actually see Desmond but the lass serving in the shop was rather interesting. Looked as if she might have just had a roll in the strawberries!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We visited Wiveton yesterday and paid a visit to the restaurant.


The place was heaving with people scrambling in the strawberry patches, shuffling their feet in the queue for seating and others sneaking off out of bounds to get a closer look at the house.


Our hero was there organising his staff as usual and so were his son and daughter working in the restaurant. My impression was of a very busy and profitable place at the time of our visit in an otherwise quietish year.


The view across the marsh to the sea is spectacular. No wonder there is excellent duck shooting with that location.

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