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Rachel and Nyomi FEE


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Been found guilty of murdering Liam, your Son and helpless child that you saw fit to torture then murder in the most horrible and cowardly way possible. I sincerely hope that you bitches rot in eternal hell for your crime and never feel the touch of human kindness for as long as your sorry souls last - would pay to see you both swing from a rope. Rant Over - but anger might take a lot longer.

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Heard the reports on the BBC radio about the injuries the toddler had...poor little sod was tortured to death!


Here's hoping a fellow inmate has access to a blowtorch & dental pliers


Off to Ladbrokes to put a bet on that the inquiry is a white-wash pass-the-(blame)-parcel shambles

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Just waiting to see if the correct sentence will be applied but not holding my breath.


I personally think that life meaning life would just about fit the crime but them working from 5am till 5pm breaking rocks 7 days a week would help too?


Waiting for the investigation into the total failure of officialdom, sounds like they may have been warned of this abuse?


Sadly too late for the little chap!

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What's the odds on


(A) Social services owning up to being completely incompetent ?

(B) The above being solely at fault for not acting ?

© The director of said SS resigning and forfeiting any bonuses accrued during the period ?

(D) The above director losing any pension

(E) The above person being charged and sentenced accordingly?

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What's the odds on


(A) Social services owning up to being completely incompetent ?

(B) The above being solely at fault for not acting ?

© The director of said SS resigning and forfeiting any bonuses accrued during the period ?

(D) The above director losing any pension

(E) The above person being charged and sentenced accordingly?

Why is it social services fault if some twisted person abused and killed their child ?


It's not as if some person down there knowingly let it go on, if they'd have known they'd have gone through the courts to get the poor child out of there.

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They will enter prison kept away from the others for the first few days then no doubt they will accidently be put in the wrong section. Such a shame.


As regards ss I've only listened to bits on the radio. But wasn't there something to do with them being told what was going on and nothing being done about it

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Why is it social services fault if some twisted person abused and killed their child ?


It's not as if some person down there knowingly let it go on, if they'd have known they'd have gone through the courts to get the poor child out of there.

See post 13, that's what I understood from what bits I heard. And let's be fair, it wouldn't be unusual would it ? :whistling:

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Heart-wrenchingly sad and brutally horrific. I just hope the surviving children somehow manage to come through this without being too messed up.



What's the odds on


(A) Social services owning up to being completely incompetent ?

(B) The above being solely at fault for not acting ?

© The director of said SS resigning and forfeiting any bonuses accrued during the period ?

(D) The above director losing any pension

(E) The above person being charged and sentenced accordingly?

Rod, the real world isn't as black and white as you believe it. Scapegoating the underpaid, stressed out and over stretched social services for what two extraordinarily callous, self centered and brutal people did is pointless and unnecessary. The blame lies squarely with the Fees.

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Heart-wrenchingly sad and brutally horrific. I just hope the surviving children somehow manage to come through this without being too messed up.




Rod, the real world isn't as black and white as you believe it. Scapegoating the underpaid, stressed out and over stretched social services for what two extraordinarily callous, self centered and brutal people did is pointless and unnecessary. The blame lies squarely with the Fees.

Bang on.
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Heart-wrenchingly sad and brutally horrific. I just hope the surviving children somehow manage to come through this without being too messed up.



Rod, the real world isn't as black and white as you believe it. Scapegoating the underpaid, stressed out and over stretched social services for what two extraordinarily callous, self centered and brutal people did is pointless and unnecessary. The blame lies squarely with the Fees.

Well aware of this, and really just having a pop at past mistakes they made. I sincerely hope ss were on the ball this time and acted on information they received. But unfortunately I think perhaps some incompetence will come out in the wash.

Perhaps it's just cases such as baby p that leave a bad taste, time will tell.


You are however absolutely correct in saying the fault lies with the perpetrators of this crime, and they should be removed permanently from any contact with the human race.

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They are both evil people I just hope that they get sent to different prisons apparently a friend of thers said that they joked about being sent to the same prison so that they could be put in the same cell and carry on with there lesbian relationship in jail that would not surprise at all the way that our legal system works



One has to wonder if the reason that the social services did not do more to protect the pore little lad was down to the fact that they were/are a Lesbian couple and they was worried about being said to be homophobic like with out brown friends in the north.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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See post 13, that's what I understood from what bits I heard. And let's be fair, it wouldn't be unusual would it ? :whistling:

I'm doing a degree in social work, it's not black and white.


As stated "social workers, POLICE OFFICERS AND DOCTORS" all missed this. Yet you only condemn the social services ?


Aside from that, you can not legislate against scum like this. It's a very sad fact that their are people in the world who do sick and horrible things.


I hope they get everything coming to them and more😡, reading that made me tear up 😢

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Since we had our boy, who is now 20 months old, I can't even read stories like this, but I get the gist from the thread. Hang the ******** high.

I was the same when my daughter was born. Once you are a parent you cannot understand what comes over people.


Sadly, sure as the sun rises in a morning it will happen again, Victoria Climbie, Baby P but to name a couple.

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The jury that heard the evidence found the case so disturbing that they have been excused from any such duties for 10 years. As for Social Services all I can say (and with personal experience of them) is what a total crock of **** you are - one of you, at least, has this child's blood on your hands and you should be charged with negligence at the very least.

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