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Cheerio Scotland!


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I am not sure of the accurate timeline here, but at the time of the Scotish referendum, Hadnt the EU referendum not become common knowledge and the scotish people voted knowing there was a distinct possibility they might be leaving the EU. ?


To be fair that was 1 of the big referendum pledges, only voting No will guarantee staying a member of EU, 2 years ago no one really expected this to happen,

Hell at 10pm last night even farage didn't expect it to happen


Not saying i agree but that fact she is head of the Scottish National Party, she sort of does need to push the ageda, just as farage would if this vore went the other way, did he not say early last nite "we may have lost the battle but we'll win the war".

her and salmond really do believe in wot there trying to do.


I think she still needs or atleast wants Holyrood to vote on this 1st, the tories have got quite a few seats and won't vote for for a referendum. No idea wot scottish labour think, there all over the place when it comes to independance. But i think with the greens snp may have a slim majority and greens tend to be pro indy

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There were to many unanswered questions prior to the yes / no referendum as to how an Independent Scotland would be able to raise enough capital to run a country successfully (imo).

These questions still remain unanswered. The vote then was to say no, thank goodness, how yesterdays vote will change things in Scotland in the coming months will be much debated, on PW and more importantly across the UK as a whole.

Leaving the UK and becoming a member of the EU was and is not a given for Scotland.

Interesting times ahead for all of the UK it is maybe what the whole political system needs is a good shake up.

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But thats wot independence parties do. They try to find ways to make there chosen country independent.

About 1.6 mill voted to stay last nite but 2 mill voted No less than 2 years ago, it is a strange thing.

But quite a few scots on tv news tonite said they voted no to stay in EU but said they would vote different this time. The No campign did claim to be only way to stay in EU at the time


U could argue that farage was no different, early on last night when he almost conceded defeat he said they would fight on till they won So if result was slightly different would Farage/ukip contimuong to fight on still show the same attatuide to democracy?



I don't agree with anything the snp does but these folk have been fighting for it there whole lifes,its all they know and they truely believe doing the right thing, just like farage has against EU for 43 yrs, or that other numpty for communism

Edited by scotslad
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My goodness there is some absolute wash spouted by some folks on here about how Scotland has to survive on the handouts of charitable old England.


That aside there wont be a referendum called anytime soon, but there will be lots of spin.


The SNP would lose, wee nippy knows that as does her strategists and PR people, but she'll make the right noises.


I know that might upset many of you Englander's, guess you best just suck it up.

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Scotland and Ireland realise they don't have self sustaining economies and they want to stay in the euro as a mechanism of getting hand outs.


All we need is a wobble in the oil price and thereafter any vote to detach from the rest of the UK will be terminal for the SNP

Very true, don't countries also have to put finance in as well as get it back. Neither country has a stand alone economy. I wonder if Big Fish and Little Fish have twigged it.

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My goodness there is some absolute wash spouted by some folks on here about how Scotland has to survive on the handouts of charitable old England.


That aside there wont be a referendum called anytime soon, but there will be lots of spin.


The SNP would lose, wee nippy knows that as does her strategists and PR people, but she'll make the right noises.


I know that might upset many of you Englander's, guess you best just suck it up.


I just feel a great deal of sympathy for all of you who have to put up with the fishy pair!

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If I lived in Scotland, and was asked to vote in another independence ref. I would vote exactly the same. At the minute.


Scotland is in an envious position, as is northern Ireland. We can tag along for ride that England is taking us on.


If it all goes belly up, we can leave at any point! If its a success we can stay.


Nows not the time to trigger anything. Let's bide our time and see how its goes.


Scotland would need to negotiate the terms of its EU membership if it left the UK, so they may as well wait. No rush. Don't think the SNP is playing clever if they call for a poll immediately.

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I may be wrong but i got the impression the way she was speaking that she hopes an independent scotland would just sit at the table where the uk once where when UK leaves, and it would cut a lot of red tape etc and we'd have the same sort of rebates etc in place.


Clever, shrewd operators the fish's/SNP usually are they do sometimes get blinkered or actually possibly believe their own BS and esp over EU an currency.

So god know's wot goes on in there heads.



But the above is the sensible approach, althou i would say its not really fair to England if we're only waiting to see them fail, i believe u either want it or u don't and thats it, better or worse u take ur chance. So mibee it is the right time to call a very quick referendum,i doubt things wil have changed but then that's it done and dusted wot ever happens

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I may be wrong but i got the impression the way she was speaking that she hopes an independent scotland would just sit at the table where the uk once where when UK leaves, and it would cut a lot of red tape etc and we'd have the same sort of rebates etc in place.


Clever, shrewd operators the fish's/SNP usually are they do sometimes get blinkered or actually possibly believe their own BS and esp over EU an currency.

So god know's wot goes on in there heads.



But the above is the sensible approach, althou i would say its not really fair to England if we're only waiting to see them fail, i believe u either want it or u don't and thats it, better or worse u take ur chance. So mibee it is the right time to call a very quick referendum,i doubt things wil have changed but then that's it done and dusted wot ever happens

The EU is finished. Why would the EU want Scotland to join or let Scotland become part of the EU, when the second highest payer into the EU the United Kindoms has left. There is already to many of the smaller countries taking more out then they are putting in.


The other night on one of the Scottish programs on the referendum for the EU debate a former SNP an oldish guy can't think of his name but he said something along the lines of the SNP had no legal rights to call for a neither UK leave referendum, be cause they had not wrote this into thinks when the took office. I can nit remember how he worded it in legal term.

Edited by johnphilip
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My goodness there is some absolute wash spouted by some folks on here about how Scotland has to survive on the handouts of charitable old England.


That aside there wont be a referendum called anytime soon, but there will be lots of spin.


The SNP would lose, wee nippy knows that as does her strategists and PR people, but she'll make the right noises.


I know that might upset many of you Englander's, guess you best just suck it up.

I don't think it upsets many Englanders at all really. Be a shame to see you go, and if you do I hope it wouldn't affect the coming and going of folk across the borders, but it wouldn't really trouble us. I think life would carry on pretty much as normal for the average person, we'd still talk, folk would still pop up or down to and from, most folk wouldn't notice much change during normal everyday life.

However, I don't know what would happen when the cheques stopped going form England to Scotland and the eu wanted theirs? Could Scotland be self supporting at the moment, and could they subsidise the poorer eu Countries as they would be expected to? Could they cope with uncontrolled immigration, because we wouldn't be taking them here?

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let them leave ,we could then march all the migrants we got here up north ,close our boarders ,job done .

Now is not the time to attack each other, for all the wrongs on both sides we're a little island and should support each other regardless of what Scotland decides to do, as a Welshman who moved to Scotland a few years ago I can appreciate both sides of the argument and understand the passion on both sides, Scotland is linked to the UK through 100s of years of shared history and common goals and we should support each other, the EU wasn't
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Mechanically, it would be an interesting one.


I think under the current treaties, it takes 15 years to join the EU, so a vote to leave the UK means that they will spend quite some time on their own, outside of the EU.

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Rodp, to answer your question could Scotland survive if it went independent right now, even with low oil price?


The answer is yes, of course we could, however not with the current budget unless tax increased substantially.


So yes we could survive with less public expenditure.


Of course so many believe they would get something for nothing so it might come as a bit of a duller

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Rodp, to answer your question could Scotland survive if it went independent right now, even with low oil price?


The answer is yes, of course we could, however not with the current budget unless tax increased substantially.


So yes we could survive with less public expenditure.


Of course so many believe they would get something for nothing so it might come as a bit of a duller



One thing to bear in mind though , I deal with a Scottish company (Glasgow) with probably a hundred staff, and when the last referendum was looming they had already located premises just south of the border. Everything was in place to up sticks and move if Scotland went independent, within days.

The MD reckoned there were quite a few companies he dealt with that were thinking / actioning the same plan. Would this affect Scotland's planned finances? Did they know so many were thinking the same?

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Rodp, to answer your question could Scotland survive if it went independent right now, even with low oil price?

The answer is yes, of course we could, however not with the current budget unless tax increased substantially.

So yes we could survive with less public expenditure.

Of course so many believe they would get something for nothing so it might come as a bit of a duller

Survival is one thing...........prosper is another! how much does "tax increased substantially" work out at?........Financial suicide comes to mind! And for what?.......To try to get one over on the auld enemy?

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One thing to bear in mind though , I deal with a Scottish company (Glasgow) with probably a hundred staff, and when the last referendum was looming they had already located premises just south of the border. Everything was in place to up sticks and move if Scotland went independent, within days.

The MD reckoned there were quite a few companies he dealt with that were thinking / actioning the same plan. Would this affect Scotland's planned finances? Did they know so many were thinking the same?

Lets hope its not the same with the UK and the EU then?

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Survival is one thing...........prosper is another! how much does "tax increased substantially" work out at?........Financial suicide comes to mind! And for what?.......To try to get one over on the auld enemy?

Cant see the tax rise being sustainable.

Is it the auld enemy or is it the same as UK and EU. They want democratic control rather than being run by a government they did not elect?

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Lets hope its not the same with the UK and the EU then?

Well no-one's upped sticks yet :lol: Nor will they unless it was already planned no matter whether in the eu or out. Let's see how many go shall we. I like the way Tata steel said they may go :hmm: Seeing as though they're bankrupt and closed anyway :lol: :lol:

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