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Sturgeon rebuffed at Brussels today


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It's posts like yours and the **** you people talk the sooner there is a 2nd indy ref the better can't believe the bile you people south of the border spew.Nicolas sturgeon is probably the best politician going.got more balls than most. Vince Green scotland is a beautiful but empty country you are a fool



Well u won't need to worry ur little self's south of the border much longer



The only thing ugly pootang is the bile you preech



More balls than ur football team.lol.that's only my opinion.



Just like scotland did when the part timers dumped you out the euros,


philip_70 you appear to be a bit of a fool.

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Whatever Scotland decides to do or not do, I don't think we should attack each other, on a personal note, I hope Scotland choose to remain and am sure if they did choose to go it alone could make it work (although I don't think they'd be better off for it), I do feel it'd deffinatley be a devastating loss for the rest of the uk. My personal feeling of Nicola sturgeon is she can't be trusted, she used the brexit vote to suit her own personal agenda, going on TV a couple of days before the referendum telling all Scott's anyone wanting independence should vote remain, then going on TV the day after the result and saying "this is the last thing I wanted", after helping to manufacture it, I also don't understand why anyone would want independence from the uk but want to remain in the EU, but like I said, if the majority of Scotland wants independence i don't believe anyone should stand in their way.

I am with you on this. I rate NS as one of the better politicians. She is sticking with the mandate that she received from Scotland what more can you ask? She is also a very adept and able speaker and negotiator working hard for her country. We could do with some like that south of the border.

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I am with you on this. I rate NS as one of the better politicians. She is sticking with the mandate that she received from Scotland what more can you ask? She is also a very adept and able speaker and negotiator working hard for her country. We could do with some like that south of the border.


There's actually an argument for making her the leader of the opposition.

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Not wishing to further the argument but I would suggest that as a relative newcomer you read back some of the similar topic from before you joined - I think you will find the same amount of "bile" if not more is generated from north of the border.

Before I retired I worked over most of the UK and the worst "racism" I encountered was in Glasgow.

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Bit of a shaky, stupid thread which has degenerated into a bit of a farce.

It the Scots want independence and membership of the EU, so what, let them go ahead, it won't stop my annual trip to the beautiful Spey Valley.

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Bit of a shaky, stupid thread which has degenerated into a bit of a farce.

It the Scots want independence and membership of the EU, so what, let them go ahead, it won't stop my annual trip to the beautiful Spey Valley.

I think the premise that the SNP want independence from the rest of the UK but still expect us to fund them is the sticking point, other than that I can see absolutely no problem with it myself.

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The only thing ugly pootang is the bile you preech


And what bile might that be?


It might serve you well to read back on old posts re the 2014 referendum to see my views on Scotland and its place in the UK. By all means take your time, then come back and tell me what bile I have 'preeched'.

Oh, and have your apology ready. :whistling:

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Philip_70, like i said, breathe... Also what has the englamd football team got to do with anything, your spouting off saying southerners are ugly bile spouting, yet you're getting pretty personal.


I dont necessarily agree with NS but my previous post was in jest but you decided to get defensive..

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Philip_70, like i said, breathe... Also what has the englamd football team got to do with anything, your spouting off saying southerners are ugly bile spouting, yet you're getting pretty personal.


I dont necessarily agree with NS but my previous post was in jest but you decided to get defensive..

I know I will probably get accused of being antagonistic or whatever but there are a lot more exactly like him in Scotland. Lots of anger and resentment bubbling away. That's what the SNP are tapping into

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I know I will probably get accused of being antagonistic or whatever but there are a lot more exactly like him in Scotland. Lots of anger and resentment bubbling away. That's what the SNP are tapping into

Why is that though i have never understood this, see it on the news jocks going off on one but never seen it up there to be honest, they are tetchey in the south west though but the further up you go the better they get. Right at the top end of Scotland they are awesome.

Why is that though i have never understood this, see it on the news jocks going off on one but never seen it up there to be honest, they are tetchey in the south west though but the further up you go the better they get. Right at the top end of Scotland they are awesome.

Edited by TONY R
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Philip_70 - you seem to have anger issues. I honestly think you need medical help.


I have visited Scotland on many occasions, on business and have many Scottish friends. Thankfully, none of them were as aggressive as you. They were also a whole lot more erudite and intelligent.

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Spain and France would both veto Scotland joining the EU.


Sturgeon is a mental fantasist and should be put down like the mad dog she is!


Its hypocritical to say that the UK should be independent of the EU and then slam Scotland for wanting their independence.

I am Welsh and am proud to say I am Welsh, but also proud to be a British Citizen. I love the friendly banter between the nations

but was proud as punch to see recently when the Russian ultra's tried it on in France that Wales AND England stood together

to give them a seeing to :P


Good luck to them should they so wish! I genuinely think they will need it.

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Pootang ur opinion counts for nothing in scotland my friend thank god.


That's not much of an apology is it?


I take it you didn't bother reading back over my old posts regarding Scotland and its place in the union?

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Bit of a shaky, stupid thread which has degenerated into a bit of a farce.

It the Scots want independence and membership of the EU, so what, let them go ahead, it won't stop my annual trip to the beautiful Spey Valley.

Is that the same beautiful spey valley where a SNP politician said he would built houses.

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