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single barrel for clays?


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I mainly shoot clays, tried Practical shotgun last month and noticed they have a baikal challenge with single shot shotguns.

Been looking at a space in my cabinet and with funds tight, it looks like a single barrel 12g would fit nicely.

Single barrel shotguns are mainly full choke whereas i am used to 1/2 choke in my semi and 1/4 -1/2 in my Over and Unders.


Anyone shot clays with a full choke single? I imagine you either miss or turn them to dust?



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Anyone shot clays with a full choke single? I imagine you either miss or turn them to dust?



Like all shotguns if you centre the pattern and put the lead on the target then it doesn't matter what choke or shot size you use it will do the job. What I have done to see where I am putting the lead is to get a BIG cardboard box and mark an aim point on it. Pace back 35 and without specifically aiming at the mark just throw the gun up into the shoulder and shoot it just like a snap shot at a bolting rabbit or a flushed pheasant. You can then see where the centre of the pattern is roughly relative to the mark and this will give you a rough idea of where to shoot that specific gun for best effect.
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Cheers guys,

The grounds I go to have single release as well as double and one place where you have an honesty system and pay per cartridge fired which is a good way of putting pressure on you to hit first time (I'm in Yorkshire).....

Only wished i lived closer to mick.

Is that monkton?

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But as most clays come in twos you may find it hard going reloading while the second one is in the air :) It's hard enough with a pump action ...


A friend and I used to do this with Greener GPs on the grouse butts at our local ground, where we would keep going at on-report birds until you missed one. By far the hardest bit was reloading fast enough whilst howling with laughter at the ridiculousness of it. The barrels quickly became far too hot to touch, to the extent that in shooting it we partially heat-reblued a tatty one that was largely in the white on the barrel and with a fair bit of rust he had picked up for a mate and which needed 'testing'.


The record stands at 34. Brilliant fun.

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A friend and I used to do this with Greener GPs on the grouse butts at our local ground, where we would keep going at on-report birds until you missed one. By far the hardest bit was reloading fast enough whilst howling with laughter at the ridiculousness of it. The barrels quickly became far too hot to touch, to the extent that in shooting it we partially heat-reblued a tatty one that was largely in the white on the barrel and with a fair bit of rust he had picked up for a mate and which needed 'testing'.


The record stands at 34. Brilliant fun.

This sounds like gloriously silly fun :D

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Hiya Norman, John at brandsburton opened a Aya yeoman to 1/4 and 1/2 for me, it cost £35 a barrel but he did say if it was a baikal it's £70 cos the steel is that hard it knackers the bit up! Also I've got a single shot baikal hushpower,if you fancy trying it I'll meet you at a ground

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Is that Humberside shooting ground with the massive Alsatian that sits in the golf buggy? - great ground.

Thanks for the offer but I am nightshift over xmas......

Was interested in possibility of buying a cheap (£30) single and trying it out. may have to save pennies and go for a pump because, well, why not....

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