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How low can people get


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Lad on Shpock was selling an iphone 6(mint) £200 so bargain.Goes to collect and find out it is mint but locked.Not locked a network but locked.Mmmm why? he says he found it in a taxi.Ok then so its not yours to sell! did you not call the cab driver or think of taking it into Apple or even the police.What business is that of yours? Well you are trying to flog a phone to me thats apparently not yours!Door slams and he shouts the go away word.

What a scum bag,police dont seem to bothered either,got the impression i was wasting their time.Some poor sole has lost a very expensive phone probably loaded with photoes ect.Surly apple could easily find the owner or if the Sim was taken out im sure phoning the network provider and telling them the sim number would find the owner.They wouldnt disclose but im sure they could or would at least contact the owner to inform them that their property had been found.Been keeping an eye on Shpock and it been deleted & hasnt resurfaced yet.

Edited by Davyo
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Police should get of their rears and investigate what you told them is a crime. Not give the impression your wasting their time. They don't take the wasting time view when a motorist goes a few mile over the limit and give a penalty and fine.

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Police should get of their rears and investigate what you told them is a crime. Not give the impression your wasting their time. They don't take the wasting time view when a motorist goes a few mile over the limit and give a penalty and fine.

All i could give them Figgy was the address and the 1st name of the bloke.Said i would try and get further details off Shpock but they said dont bother.Dont even know if they intend ti pay him a vist.Wifes on FB mught ask her to put a post out see if anyone has lost an iphone in Hartlepool recently.
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Firstly £200 for a mint iPhone 6 when they are 2 or 3 x that...did bells not ring.


I have a long story about finding someones phone but all I will add is that if I saw another lying in the road I would walk on by and let some other poor sod find it.

Too be honest mate,the only suspition was when i clapped eyes on the scruffy looking bloke.Ive sold stuff myself cheap as chips (brand new Pulsar NA750 £1265,sold it a month later for £600).Plus there are loads of people out their selling upgrade mobiles for a quick buck as they keep their old one but sell the new phone so i didnt think anything dodgy.
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and why lie to police

It was meant tongue in cheek, I could add why do we pay for the police when you report someone selling a stolen phone and.they can't be bothered to put their donuts down and go round there? Would you be happy with that response if it was your iPhone or your daughters that you had reported and they weren't interested? Edited by Twistedsanity
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It was meant tongue in cheek, I could add why do we pay for the police when you report someone selling a stolen phone and.they can't be bothered to put their donuts down and go round there? Would you be happy with that response if it was your iPhone or your daughters that you had reported and they weren't interested?


I believe the Police are required by law to investigate all reports of a crime. Do you know they never followed, up or are you assuming they didn't?

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