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Just been told the stupidest thing

team tractor

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I shaved my bits when I got an electric shaver for Christmas. I was about 14. Never again don't anyone try it. !!!

I was walking round like I'd got crabs or something.

Use a razor dude ;) it don't burn lol

When I was at secondary school, there was a fad of spraying your bare hand/forearm with lynx deodarant spray and lighting it with a lighter. So stupid.

Didn't everyone do that :)
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Some strange people in Staffordshire :-) Glad I'm just over the border :-)

Yep, we used to hold shin kicking competitions wearing clogs to find out who was really hard?


Challenged Dougy for a round on Thursday, will he turn up? :hmm:

Edited by old man
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We used to have a competition at school whereby at the end of the lunch break we would go behind the school playing field and smoke some ciggies. The final act would be to draw in a couple of mouthfuls of smoke and then swallow it down. Immediately after lunch we would head to assembly and the game was to see how far through the assembly you could get before burping out a puff of smoke.


We were clearly a smart bunch of kids!

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We were in a nightclub in Brum many years ago and a guy in our company (no not me ! Honest guv!) had pulled......he hurriedly disappeared alone to his car to 'preen' then came back in and promptly disappeared again with the female object of his attention.....we found out later that nothing had happened, as when he went out to his car he liberally doused himself, including his old man with aftershave or somelike, and was in agony....some days later when his manhood ceased stinging it apparantly shed its skin like a snake!! Did we rib him?.........of course we did....for months! Lol!

True story!

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We were in a nightclub in Brum many years ago and a guy in our company (no not me ! Honest guv!) had pulled......he hurriedly disappeared alone to his car to 'preen' then came back in and promptly disappeared again with the female object of his attention.....we found out later that nothing had happened, as when he went out to his car he liberally doused himself, including his old man with aftershave or somelike, and was in agony....some days later when his manhood ceased stinging it apparantly shed its skin like a snake!! Did we rib him?.........of course we did....for months! Lol!

True story!

Mouth wash does the same. Lol

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Not as uncommon as you think the old bleach drinking to whiten your teeth! Sister is a dental hygienist and has had a few stupid enough to do this. I believe the teeth discolor to quite an impressive green sometimes after the bleaching lol ;-)

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weirdest/dumbest conversation i have ever had at work, this wasn't a joke she is that dim


Her: Have you ever heard of that Nostradamus fella?


Her: didn't he predict the end of the world thing?

Me:yes he did

Her : well,has it ever happened?


I had n response for about 6 seconds then just fits of stifled laughter

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When I was at secondary school, there was a fad of spraying your bare hand/forearm with lynx deodarant spray and lighting it with a lighter. So stupid.

My mate took it one step further and did it on his "old boy" he promptly burned off all his pubes and was in a bad way for a coup,e of weeks!!

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