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Update from BASC re the Chief Executive

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Your going to be totally scuppered then when you go shopping, just about every large company in the UK (you could possibly go EU) has had corruption at some management level. Add football to that as well, suppose your going to stop watching that too.


BASC have dealt with the matter by dismissing the bloke, and add to that the "now" public humiliation that the pilfering plonker now has.

They will most probably be able to get a large sum of your funds back if they haven't already.

Have I missed something? Has one or more of those dismissed been accused of " pilfering"?

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I really do not know what to think of this whole debacle. There are always two sides to every story, and I have heard that yes this was all about bullying and how it was dealt with, but that it is now the 'bullies' who have very cleverly staged a coup d'etat and are now in charge. Very difficult who to believe, the report did seem to have stitch up written all over it!

Edited by scolopax
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I just wish this could all be over with and the truth , no matter how messy it may be could come out .

Personally all I can say is that as a long standing member and WAGBI / BASC volunteer I was very badly treated by one of the dismissed persons which has affected my volunteering and membership of BASC. I can only thank Tommy Mayne , Steve Bloomfield , possibly Alasdair Mitchell , Christopher Graffius and Peter Glenser for listening to my grievance and taking appropriate action, for those I will be eternally grateful .

Save to say would you really wish to be managed by a drunk , violent man?

Would you really wish to have a Manager who actually never did very much at all but is now seeking compensation for unfair dismissal.

Remember it only takes one bad apple to start the rot and sadly we seem to have had a few.

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I really do not know what to think of this whole debacle. There are always two sides to every story, and I have heard that yes this was all about bullying and how it was dealt with, but that it is now the 'bullies' who have very cleverly staged a coup d'etat and are now in charge. Very difficult who to believe, the report did seem to have stitch up written all over it!

Trouble is which report was stitched up ? the first one Alan Jarrett is reported as altering by the second one ? All the facts are in the second independent report attached to the Basc website all done by a legal company so you would like to think it is accurate .And i think i am right in saying the second one wasnt tampered with before it was published .

Surely what was going on is very clear and hopefully is now sorted.

Salopians last post makes things even clearer to me anyway.

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I`m even more confused now. I met Richard Ali on a number of occassions and found him to be a thoroughly decent man with a wide ranging experience of business management at the highest level.


It is alleged that he was like a new broom at BASC H.Q. and was going through the staff who were not performing like a dose of salts.


One staff member was allegedly running a sporting agency whilst another was engaging in gun repairs and, well, sadly, the list goes on.


There is definately something awry at `t Mill but It may take a little longer yet to clarify exactly who were the good guys and who the bad.


My ill informed advice which is entirely my own opinion,would be not to take too entrenched a position just yet about who needs to be hung drawn and quartererd. That,with the passage of time, could all change.

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Let nobody kid themselves there's far to much wrong doing gone on at BASC HQ, it's not just Richard Ali you'll find, this goes back long before his appointment, they need a address these problems accurately with some honesty and transparency and not make out they have sorted it, they simply haven't.

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Let nobody kid themselves there's far to much wrong doing gone on at BASC HQ, it's not just Richard Ali you'll find, this goes back long before his appointment, they need a address these problems accurately with some honesty and transparency and not make out they have sorted it, they simply haven't.

That is a big statement. Anything to back that up or is it just speculative opinion?

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That is a big statement. Anything to back that up or is it just speculative opinion?

Speculative opinion is my bet with nothing to back it up but go on then ? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Still waiting.

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My impression is, and of course thats all it is, is the there were obviously problems at BASC and they no doubt revolved around bullying and how it was dealt with. But I also get the impression that Richard Ali was most probably a decent guy and not the problem, but that others who felt somehow threatened by him maneuvered the whole situtuation so that not only the 'bad eggs' were removed but that the focus came onto Richard Ali himself so that he also lost his job. A win win for them. Lots of reading between the lines by myself but thats my best guess.

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My impression is, and of course thats all it is, is the there were obviously problems at BASC and they no doubt revolved around bullying and how it was dealt with. But I also get the impression that Richard Ali was most probably a decent guy and not the problem, but that others who felt somehow threatened by him maneuvered the whole situtuation so that not only the 'bad eggs' were removed but that the focus came onto Richard Ali himself so that he also lost his job. A win win for them. Lots of reading between the lines by myself but thats my best guess.

I have no direct experience with the Mill, apart from the odd call as a member, however one former employee of BASC has told me pretty much the same as what you have been able to speculatively deduce yourself.


I should point out that the former BASC employee had no involvement in the current situation.


I sincerely hope you are both wrong for the sake of our sport but I fear we have a long way to go before the truth finally comes out.

Edited by Big Al
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A disciplinary procedure is not supposed to be about an employer getting rid of employees, getting even or gaining retribution, it is about fairness and bringing about a change in an employees alleged unacceptable behaviour, I understand Mr Ali was allegedly dismissed on grounds of gross misconduct, if the employer cannot persuade an industrial tribunal the employees conduct amounted to gross misconduct they are stuffed! Worse........if the tribuneral decide Mr Ali's conduct didn't amount to gross misconduct, and he wasn't given reasonable opportunity to correct any alleged unacceptable behavior..............it will cost BASC (us) a lot of money!!

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Can we law-abiding members of BASC take it for granted that Plod has visited Mr Curtis to -1) remove his firearms/guns and -2) revoke his certificates ??


If Not....Why Not?!

If Mr Mitchell's allegation that Mr Curtis' behaviour was not out of character is valid and as the latter is a retired senior police officer, it would be possible to believe that such conduct was acceptable to the police force in which he served. Consequently, the answer could well be, no.

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  • 1 month later...

A very interesting article in a magazine called I Shoot, April edition, pages 6&7 written by the Editor Peter Carr.

It explains that Richard Ali has been dismissed but worryingly it also says that Ms. Owen, Mr. Curtis & Mr. Ashton have now all commenced Employment Tribunal proceedings against BASC.


Does anyone know what happened with the Chester Court case involving Richard Curtis?

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Just recieved the latest copy of Basc mag and there is an advert for chief executive job at 100k plus car. Never realised members are paying that sort of salary , and as I live in North Bucks which never gets any events in our area I think I will drop out. We are at the very edge of three regions so are forgotten for everything so only really in for insurance but after being a member for many years now believe it is a waste of cash

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I live in Stretton just outside Burton On Trent, and same as you have had nothing in my back garden either, and so what.


I don't get it, some of you folk I would guess pay £500 + a year on car insurance, and that's ALL you get, car insurance !!! BASC @@@@ for just over £1 a week you get as much advice as you want, an insurance that cover you for certain aspects of your hobby.


But still not happy, fine then just walkaway quietly and stop winging like a spoilt child that cant have what they want.

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I live in Stretton just outside Burton On Trent, and same as you have had nothing in my back garden either, and so what.


I don't get it, some of you folk I would guess pay £500 + a year on car insurance, and that's ALL you get, car insurance !!! BASC @@@@ for just over £1 a week you get as much advice as you want, an insurance that cover you for certain aspects of your hobby.


But still not happy, fine then just walkaway quietly and stop winging like a spoilt child that cant have what they want.

You mean people are moaning and commenting about a topic on a Forum??? Whatever next???

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Yes they moan , which is normal, but who will answer my question?

Has Mr. Curtis slipped away penniless or are we (the membership) still giving him welfare . Do we REALLY have to endure even more expense for compensation claims from the other employees on 'gardening leave' .

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I thought John Thornley gave a very honest and straight forward appraisal of what has gone on and what is planned for the future in the BASC Mag which just dropped through my door. I also see the new President is Lord Deere, ex Chief Constable, countryman at heart, no nonsense and certainly kicked the West Midlands Police back into shape, after years of appalling mismanagement. Hope he pokes his finger in the pie. I also know Thornley another ex cop, so I believe the windows will be opened and some clean air will flow at Marford Mill. There is no organisation without it's faults and I am and still will be a member.


If you are a member and not happy or need an answer, then write a letter ...yes on paper.... electric stuff has a habit of going missing and demand a reply.

I did just that back in the early 90s when I saw Swift acting like he had been crowned King and refusing to present a prize to a winner at a Game Fair. Yes, things changed as a result. It is YOUR organisation then do something about it.

Edited by Walker570
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  • 2 weeks later...

Stephen Curtis’s claim against BASC has been dismissed by the employment tribunal. Mr. Curtis has a right of appeal.


The judgment is in the public domain and will be published at https://www.gov.uk/employment-tribunal-decisions in the next few days – there is a backlog - and will be found under case number 1600681/2016.

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Thank you for the update .

No doubt he will appeal ?

Perhaps someone could also check his skin texture and its makeup, we could do with a more suitable Road covering than tarmacadam.

I had lunch today with a Senior Met Officer (retired) he once met Mr. Curtis at a Country Fair .

Mr. Curtis introduced himself as a retired Police Officer , the reply ? "I won't hold that against you for the moment."

Let us hope that we have heard the last from Mr. Curtis and his friends.

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Guest cookoff013

It is now time for those with an interest to apply for the Chief Executive job.


BASC has the job advert running in the press now. £100,000.00 + car + benefits. Surely that should attract someone of the right caliber.


with that kind of money and incentives, they might even get someone who is interested in shooting and conservation, and could be associated with britain !

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